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Interview Support

Natural Sciences and Biochemistry Interviews: A Chemistry Puzzle

In this month’s blog posting, I thought I would pose a question that I (and many other Oxbridg...

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Admissions Test Support

Top 6 Pointers for the Physics Aptitude Test (PAT)

  The Physics Aptitude Test (PAT) is fast approaching.  Before you sit the test next week, her...

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Parliament and how it creates new laws

In my last blog but one, we looked at how laws are created from the point of view of judges. In this...

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Top Six ways to impress in an Economics or Politics interview

Over the course of this year, this blog has explored the best way to prepare for an interview at Oxb...

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The Definition of Evolution. A Real Interview Question.

In one sentence, define evolution. The above is  a very real example of an question that an Oxbridg...

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Application Advice

Your Oxbridge Application: Keeping It Simple

Arts Blog, not usually one to play down its own very considerable achievements, has a confession to ...

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The West Lothian Question

In the months preceding the Scottish referendum, much has been made of “The West Lothian Question�...

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Scotland and the legal basis on devolution

Scotland might have voted no but it seems that the debate on the UK constitution is just beginning. ...

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Interview Support

Science blog: Can you end a patients life?

As a young doctor in the making, you have many years of training and education before you. Many medi...

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Applying to Oxbridge

Top 5 Tips on Handling Oxbridge Interview Nerves

Arts Blog, fine example of an upstanding young citizen that it is, has been compared to many things ...

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Interview Support

What is a good science interview?

In the whole of the University application process, I think that the interview is the most exciting ...

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August: Making the law part 1

You will have heard the phrase “common law” before, especially when politicians or lawyers journ...

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Our Oxbridge-graduate consultants are available between 9.00 am – 5.00 pm from Monday to Friday, with additional evening availability when requested.

Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

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