Map Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ
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Interview Support

James Uffindell’s top 5 tips for interview

As it’s interview season, our company founder, James Uffindell, has given us his top 5 tips to...

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Interview Support

How to tackle the unforeseen at interview

Interviews can be a daunting experience for students: entering an unfamiliar environment, with exper...

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Just for fun

Oxbridge on TV

This week, we’ve got a light-hearted blog post for you! Oxbridge has been featured several tim...

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Application Advice

Last minute tips: UCAS applications

This week one of our consultants, Laura, offered some advice on the Huffington Post on picking your...

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Admissions Test Support

Lateral thinking & critical analysis for your interview

Lateral thinking and critical analysis skills are vital in your application to Oxford or Cambridge. ...

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Application Advice

Accessing Oxbridge

Going to Oxbridge is always a daunting task – particularly with all of the hurdles which the unive...

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Applying to Oxbridge

The image of Oxbridge

There seem to be biannual spikes of interest in Oxbridge: one in September, when journalists start t...

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Admissions Test Support

How to become a lateral thinker

As we all know, the application process for Oxbridge is very competitive and as such there will be p...

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Work Experience

Making your gap year count

Gap years are commonplace these days as people choose to defer their university entrance for a numbe...

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Application Advice

How to perfect your written work

Essay writing at university level is something which the majority of students get used to very quick...

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Our Favourite English Things!

As Oxbridge Applications goes international we started thinking about all the reasons someone might ...

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Application Advice

How to get the most out of open days

A great way to scope out a potential university is by going to an open day. Whether you’re going t...

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Oxbridge Applications Logo

Our Oxbridge-graduate consultants are available between 9.00 am – 5.00 pm from Monday to Friday, with additional evening availability when requested.

Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

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