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 When you’re interested in a combination of subjects, it can be particularly difficult to narrow it down and make your choice, especially given the range of options at Oxbridge. Students are spoilt for choice between PPE, E&M, HSPS, Economics, and Land economy and often find it difficult to work out what would best suit them. 

A person fitting the last puzzle piece.Each faculty will have a prospectus with details of the course and a first year reading list. Ensure you look into each before deciding- you don’t want to be stuck doing a course that you thought you liked in principle but don’t in reality. Some faculties even have first year lecture notes online so it is a good idea to look at these and see what you might most enjoy. Subjects are also very different at university level than they are at A Level. Economics, for example, is incredibly mathematical, so make sure you’re aware of this and want to do a high level of maths before committing yourself to the course.

Different courses at Oxbridge will have options in your second and third year. Look beyond the first year and see what you might like to do. Some students like a greater degree of flexibility and it is important to know what you’ll be able to study in your second and third year – by which time it will be really hard to change courses.

Some students are very aware of what they want to do after University – if you are, you probably can work out very easily what subject suits you and your career aspirations. If not, don’t panic! Any course from any good university will open doors for you and a degree from Oxbridge will really help.

Good ideaThe main tips for choosing a course are as follows:

1.  Make sure you like what the course entails – check out the core modules and options.
2.  Speak to current students to get the real information –ask for the good, the bad and the ugly! It can be scary and a little intimidating but it is better to know what you’re getting into in advance rather than finding out the hard way once you’re there.
3.  Contact the faculty to get further information about options in your second and third year as well as to get suggested reading lists.
4. Think about why you’re choosing a course. For example, if you’re interested in politics, you may find the course itself isn’t to your liking but you can always sign up to the politics society or debating society.
5. Speak to your school about what they think you might be suited to – they will have a good idea of what sort of course you might like and will have experience of helping other students to apply.

Good luck with choosing! 

All views and ideas represented in this blog post are exclusive to Resham, and do not represent those of any other third party.


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