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Curious Cambridge Questions

“How would you poison someone without the police finding out?” This is just one example of a que...

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Biological Sciences

SeaWorld and the Killer Whale

The critically acclaimed movie of 2013 “Blackfish” sought to highlight the real conditions behin...

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The Zombie Apocalypse

Halloween is nigh and, appropriately, the world has been overrun with Zombies. We’re safe in the U...

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Australians Petition For ?Dollarydo?

An Australian citizen has started a petition to change the name of Australian currency to ‘dollary...

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The 15th Anniversary of Putin’s Rule

One of the most controversial, powerful and influential figures on the planet, Vladimir Putin marks ...

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Paris Goes Car Free

Under mayor Anne Hidalgo, Paris has seen its first car-free day in the city centre, as well as a low...

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Archaeology and Anthropology

Scottish Independence – The Debate Continues

You may have thought that the issue of Scottish Independence was done and dusted. After all, the Sco...

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Antivenom Supplies Running Low

Some 100,000 people from around the world die from poisonous snake bites every year, 30,000 of them ...

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Wikipedia’s Western World View

Researchers at Oxford University have just published a paper that offers a piercing insight into the...

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Archaeology and Anthropology

Borrow A Babushka

Russia has recently begun a scheme to hire grandmothers for free to support families and pensioners ...

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‘Slacktivism’ Is Activism

While activism in the forms of using social media platforms or doing viral challenges has been criti...

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The Threat Of The Stock Market

In the post-2008 crash era, the potential for market crashes to wreak havoc is well known. Economics...

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Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

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