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Chameleons and photonic crystals

Using photonic crystals, chemists recently developed a flexible smart skin which reacts ...

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‘Growing’ tooth enamel

A recent study which was conducted by researchers from Zheijiang University in Ch...

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Materials Science

Shapeshifting boats

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Amsterdam Institute for Advance...

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3D printing a human heart

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have recently developed a new 3D biopri...

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Materials Science

Rate of growth of 2D materials sped up by fluorine

Recent research has found that by spatially confining fluorine, feeding gases cou...

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Materials Science

High Note Hysteria: The Science On Being Given The Chills

Whether it’s Whitney Houston or Phantom of the Opera, when the high note hit...

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Diamonds Aren’t Forever But Carmeltazite Could Be

In the dusty and hot depths of northern Israel, something remarkable was recently discovered in the ...

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Holy mechanised flight, Batman!

Inspired by nature, (and one has to assume, the shame of constantly being upstaged by Morgan Freeman...

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A Case For The Ig Nobel Prizes

Following the recent announcement of Nobel Prize winners, its mocking counterpart the Ig Nobel Prize...

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First Ever Solar Plane Flies Around The World

Solar Impulse 2 has made history after becoming the first solar-powered aeroplane to complete a roun...

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Two Million New Stars Are On Their Way

A gas cloud heading towards the Milky Way at a speed of 700,000 miles per hour has the potential to ...

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Hobbies Make Great Scientists

New research has discovered that the more accomplished a scientist is, the more likely they are to h...

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Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

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