Map Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

The festive season is upon us, bringing joy, festivities, and a well-deserved break from the rigours of academic life. For applicants to top UK universities, especially Oxford and Cambridge, who have successfully completed their applications and interviews, finding the right balance between enjoying the winter break and reflecting on the application journey or focusing on academics ahead of next year’s exams is crucial. Let's explore strategies to make the most of this holiday season without compromising your well-earned sense of accomplishment.



Our Oxbridge Private Consultations provide in-depth evaluation, strategy and next steps to achieve results for your university application. Suitable for those aged 14 upwards.

Embrace the Festive Spirit

Whether or not you celebrate Christmas, the winter break is a time for celebration, relaxation, and spending quality moments with family and friends. Embrace the spirit, recharge your energy, and take a well-deserved break from the intensity of the application process. Reflect on the dedication you've put into crafting your application and, if you have done, sitting interviews, and enjoy the holiday season with a sense of accomplishment.

Reflect and Recharge

Take this time to reflect on the journey you've undertaken during the application process. Celebrate the hard work you've put into crafting the perfect personal statement, preparing for admissions tests,  navigating interviews. Use the break to recharge your mind and spirit, ready for the next steps in your academic journey.

Stay Informed Virtually

Although you've completed your interviews, many universities offer online resources, virtual campus tours, and information sessions for applicants or, when the time comes, offer holders. Staying informed about your prospective universities can provide valuable insights into the academic and social aspects of university life, fostering a deeper connection to your future alma mater. Furthermore, as and when offers come through, having as good an idea of each university as possible will help you when it comes to narrowing down your firm and insurance course choices.

Seek Guidance from Mentors 

Consider reaching out to teachers, mentors, or university application consultants during the break. Share your success and discuss your plans for the future. Their insights can be invaluable as you transition from the application phase to potentially receiving offers and making decisions about your academic path. Use all the information you can, plus the time away from school over the winter break, to construct the best strategy possible for the next stage of decision-making.

Undertake Steady Revision and Keep Up with Your Studies

Finding the right balance is about enjoying the Christmas break without losing sight of your academic ambitions. Take breaks, enjoy any festive traditions you keep, and appreciate the time spent with loved ones, but also be sure to stay on top of your academic studies ahead of exams next year. We recommend undertaking a little bit of revision, homework, or self study each day, rather than leaving it all to cram at the last minute in the new year! Perhaps wake up an hour earlier to have some quiet time for revision before family activities begin for the day? Maybe revise in the car or on the train as you visit family and friends? Whatever your winter break schedule is, we recommend using dead time or building in an hour or two every day to keep your studies ticking over. This is especially the case if your school has mock exams in the new year; you want to be as prepared as possible to make the most of the experience!

As the Christmas break approaches, embrace the opportunity to unwind, recharge, and celebrate your accomplishments during the application process. Simultaneously, maintain a reflective approach as you transition from the intensity of applications to the anticipation of potential offers. Furthermore, by building a little bit of time a day into our routine for revision or self-study, you can keep on top of your courses and be ready to hit the ground running academically once school comes back around. By finding the right balance, you can make the most of this festive season while looking forward to the exciting next steps in your academic future. Cheers to a harmonious and well-deserved break!


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Our Oxbridge-graduate consultants are available between 9.00 am – 5.00 pm from Monday to Friday, with additional evening availability when requested.

Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

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