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Computer Science

Could you beat a computer?

The AlphaGo artificial intelligence program has defeated Ke Jie, the human champion of the game Go, ...

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The Village of Rainbows

The Indonesian village of Kampung Pelangi in Randusari is enjoying a surge in tourism, following a c...

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One small step for mouse-kind.

A Japanese team of researchers have enabled healthy baby mice to be born on the International Space ...

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It’s all in the name

When Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow named their baby girl Apple in 2004 there was a media storm ce...

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Assisted suicide: Killing me softly

Increasingly in today’s Western society, people want complete control of how they live their lives...

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Biomedical Sciences


A new trend has arisen within health and fitness that focuses around taking a DNA test. This is mean...

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Bitten where it hurts!

On a list of places to be bitten by a red back spider, no doubt that genitals would come right at th...

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The Real Fantastic Mr. Fox

Lyudmila Trut has a name that sounds like that of a Roald Dahl character, and rightly so, because sh...

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Biomedical Sciences

Don’t Shower!!

When a colleague says that they haven’t showered today, do you turn up your nose at the thought of...

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Russia? Nul Points!

The Eurovision song contest: A singing competition whose sole purpose is to judge which country has ...

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Women, DON’T burn your bras!

Breast cancer has had a particularly strong media presence in the UK over the past few years, after ...

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Wives Wanted!

The Faroe Islands are a windswept archipelago in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean, midway betw...

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Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

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