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Chameleons and photonic crystals

Using photonic crystals, chemists recently developed a flexible smart skin which reacts ...

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‘Growing’ tooth enamel

A recent study which was conducted by researchers from Zheijiang University in Ch...

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Water microdroplets spontaneously produce hydrogen peroxide

Researchers at Stanford University have recently found that microscopic droplets ...

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The countryside – a place of fresh air?

Renewed concerns have been raised surrounding farming’s potentially harmful effects to...

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Biomedical Sciences

Four Pharmaceutical Companies and Competition Law

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has issued a statement of objections ...

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Carbon Capture: for Better or Worse?

A company called Carbon Engineering has developed the technology for removing carbon dio...

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Diamonds Aren’t Forever But Carmeltazite Could Be

In the dusty and hot depths of northern Israel, something remarkable was recently discovered in the ...

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A Voyage to Venus: Why NASA are taking this seriously!

It is conceptually possible for a human to go on a space walk around the upper atmosphere with nothi...

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One for the price of two: the future of mobile displays

Handheld devices have developed at a rapid pace since the noughties inception of the smartphone move...

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Prisoners no longer do porridge

The 1970s  British sitcom ‘Porridge’ is now available to watch on Netflix, but the BBC...

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Zero Emissions: Are We Driving For Success?

To prevent the devastating climate change forecast in the next century we must make transport greene...

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Biological Sciences

Can Tsunamis Provide Homes?

Tsunamis are usually machines of destruction, sweeping in to devastate entire regions and ecosystems...

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Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

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