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Natural Sciences (B)

Moon rocks and resurrecting extinct species

Director of Research in Evolution and Cancer at the University of Cambridge, Dr D...

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Biological Sciences

How plants can tell time – even without a brain

Recent research by scientists from the University of Cambridge suggests that, sim...

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Biological Sciences

Vegetarian crocodiles?

Recent research suggests that some species of crocodiles which were alive 200 mil...

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Sorry Melpomene, He’s Just Not That Into You…

We all want a bit of L-O-V-E, from homo sapiens, through to dolphins and of course the various sub-...

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Biological Sciences

Pregnant Forever And Why Your Baby Never Really Leaves You

The maternal bond between mother and child is like no other. Incredibly, research is now suggesting...

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Biomedical Sciences

Skip the fast food and start fasting

Fasting has a long history and is central to many of the world’s religions: Yom Kippur is a fast d...

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Biological Sciences

No such thing as a Triple Threat Turkey

In the human world, we often find examples of where people can exhibit multiple talents; in the spor...

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Biological Sciences

Animal Grief: Merely Crocodile Tears?

Do animals grieve? The question is a contentious one among scientists. In the era of the internet, t...

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Biological Sciences

“Survival of the Sluggish”? New Research on Energy and Extinction

Recent research has shown that species that use the most energy day to day are actually more likely...

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Biological Sciences

Unintelligent Design? Cancer, Cataracts, and Irreducible Complexity

Intelligent design, often used as an argument for the existence of God, posits that the natural worl...

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Biological Sciences

Man’s New Best Friend? The Evolutionary Domestication of the Fox

The process of turning wild wolves into loyal and friendly domestic dogs began well over 10,000 year...

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Biological Sciences

Hijacking Genes: An Evolution Revolution?

New research is questioning our understanding of how genetic information is passed on. We tend to th...

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