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The link between mathematics and kirigami

In a recent study, researchers at Harvard University set out to understand the ma...

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Computer Science

Shop, then it drops: Amazon’s New Delivery Drones

Amazon recently unveiled the latest version of their delivery drone at a conferen...

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Computational Creativity: The App Making Music

Maya Ackerman, a computer scientist at Santa Clara University in California, has ...

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A ‘pi’ Five For Google For Smashing the ‘π’ World Record

If you’re not applying for Maths, it may have passed you by that the 14th Marc...

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Computer Science

Riemann resolved: Atiyah claims proof of hypothesis.

The British-Lebanese mathematician Sir Michael Atiyah spoke at the Heidelberg Laureate Forum on 24th...

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The Prime of Life: Mathematics’ Most Mysterious Numbers

How many primes can you name? In March this year mathematician Robert Langlands won the Abel Prize ...

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Biological Sciences

It’s all Dolph-fun and games

It has long been understood that dolphins are intelligent, social creatures, and that they have thei...

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Computer Science

Could you beat a computer?

The AlphaGo artificial intelligence program has defeated Ke Jie, the human champion of the game Go, ...

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Pay Decreases For American Women

The US have slipped as a progressive nation for women – moving from 23rd place to 45th place this ...

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Biological Sciences

Why Are Heavier Baseball Players Better Hitters?

After performance enhancing drugs were almost eradicated from baseball in the early 2000s, far fewer...

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Oxford Looks To The Future Of Energy

Many people would like to live more sustainable lives whilst also reducing their energy bills. Now r...

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Computer Science

Network Of Thrones

Two mathematicians have mapped out the relationships of characters in popular book and TV series Gam...

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Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

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