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Sleep and Time Zones

Spanish MPs have called for the state broadcaster RTVE, to ensure children’s programmes are schedu...

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What Is ‘Populism’?

The past twelve months has seen many unexpected developments in politics. Brexit and Trump, along wi...

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Commuting Prison Sentences, Secrecy and Democracy

In one of his final acts, Obama has commuted the sentence of Wikileaks source Chelsea Manning. Manni...

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Atheism On The Rise In The UK

New analysis shows that the number of people identifying as having no religion rose sharply between ...

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The Murky Legality Of UK Drone Strikes

British frontline personnel and those involved in taking the decision to launch drone strikes overse...

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The Politics Of Dog-Whistling

In the lead up to the 2016 mayoral election, Politics students would have been aware of the controve...

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30th Anniversary of Chernobyl

Ukrainians are today gathering to mark the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl tragedy, which remains ...

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Ben & Jerry Arrested

Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield (of Ben & Jerry’s fame) have been arrested – somethin...

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Natural Sciences (B)

The Endangered White Rhino

The white rhino are renowned for their size and their square upper lip; they also have two horns whi...

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Biological Sciences

SeaWorld and the Killer Whale

The critically acclaimed movie of 2013 “Blackfish” sought to highlight the real conditions behin...

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Crowdfunding Under Pressure

Indiegogo, a popular crowdfunding platform, has come under criticism for carrying a campaign to rais...

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Computer Science

Dreaming of a White Christmas?

Over the weekend the western coast of Mexico was battered by Hurricane Patricia, the strongest landf...

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Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

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