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LIGO: A Nobel Cause

The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) is perhaps the most sensitive measuri...

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Computer Science

Blade Runner Reality: Can Computers Debate?

 With the recent release of the sequel to Blade Runner, starring Harrison Ford and Ryan Gosling, th...

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Biological Sciences

Can Tsunamis Provide Homes?

Tsunamis are usually machines of destruction, sweeping in to devastate entire regions and ecosystems...

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Social Media in China: Progression or Regression?

Anticipating the Communist Party meeting in October, China’s government has disrupted WhatsApp.  ...

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Fake News: It’s ‘Huge’!

We’ve all heard of fake news, and now it is at the centre of research at the Oxford Internet Insti...

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An ‘Uber’ Mistake: Hipster Sexism

You would be forgiven for thinking that archaic stereotypes of women being in the kitchen were a thi...

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Archaeology and Anthropology

Nawa oh! Tackling Censorship Through Language

The BBC has recently announced plans to attempt to begin to fill the ‘independent media void’ in...

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The Sand Ban

Sand is becoming the centre of an urgent debate concerning environmental damage to riverbeds across ...

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Natural Sciences (B)

Tea = MC Squared

Isaac Newton is famous for some of the greatest scientific discoveries in the history of mankind: th...

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The Ring-road to Saturn

On September 14th, the Cassini Huygens satellite will finally run out of fuel after 13 years taking...

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The UK Gin-dustry

Recently, Sainsbury’s have introduced a controversial gin-flavoured yoghurt, and announced plans t...

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Pink for Boys, Blue for Girls

Regardless of whether couples want to find out during the pregnancy or keep it a secret until the bi...

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Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

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