News & press
December 9, 2013
If I remember correctly (and I may not – it’s been a long time since Arts Blog did its Oxbri...
November 19, 2013
To vote or not to vote Recently, Russell Brand appeared on Newsnight to discuss his political view...
November 14, 2013
Antibiotic resistance is a pressing issue in medicine today and a darling topic in medical and scien...
October 28, 2013
The hustle and bustle of ‘interaction’ Reviews of Punchdrunk’s most recent production The Drow...
October 21, 2013
At the Labour party Conference last year, Ed Miliband revealed his plan to freeze gas and electricit...
October 9, 2013
Feeling fluey? It’s that time of year when many of us consider popping into our local GP or...
October 7, 2013
We’ve heard that most inventions are accidents – Eureka! moments when a great thought see...
October 2, 2013
As the weapons inspectors begin their review of Syria’s stockpiles of chemical weapons, I w...
September 11, 2013
(Author’s note: For medical applicants, consider the ethical side of the below blog. Obesit...
September 10, 2013
The beginning Discussing the history of Syria, and how the country has evolved would be an in...
September 6, 2013
Hello again! You are probably reading this blog as you start your new school year – if you�...
August 21, 2013
When was the last time you were shocked? Like many words, ‘tragedy’ and ‘scandal&...
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