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Archaeology and Anthropology

#NotInMyName Muslims Against Islamic State

Young Muslims in the UK have taken to using the hashtag #NotInMyName to speak out against the action...

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Fine Art

The Right to Protest Free Speech

The Barbican has spoken out against protestors who forced the cancellation of ‘Exhibit B’...

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English Literature

Poetry, Memory and Recitation

In the run-up to National Poetry Day on the 2nd of October, Cambridge University are running a proje...

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Oxbridge Applications Access Bulletin

Following a chance of hands for the business in late 2013, Oxbridge Applications has been given the ...

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Diagnosing Parkinson’s from your smartphone

The British Science Festival recently unveiled a pilot smartphone app that is said to measure sympto...

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Law and the power of coming forward

A new law that criminalises behavior that causes ‘serious alarm or distress’ has resulte...

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Man vs lava the power of human engineering

Hawaii’s Big Island has declared a state of emergency following lava flow threatening its resi...

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Archaeology and Anthropology

Economic Development Threatens the Extinction of Languages

In The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism, Daniel Bell argued that ‘Economic growth has become ...

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Britain’s Cities of the Future

Housing is one of the biggest issues in Britain today, and politicians, geographers, economists, pla...

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The State of Child Guardians

The recent story of Ashya King – a five-year old diagnosed with medulloblastoma (a type of bra...

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Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

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