Map Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

Your Guide to Oxbridge Interviews

Oxford and Cambridge interviews are perhaps the most notorious part of the application process, and therefore the part that often stresses applicants out more than any other aspect of applying. Interviews require you to sit down (previously in person but now over an online platform) with tutors on your chosen course or at your chosen college and show to them that you’re going to succeed on the given course and will measure up to what they want from their students. This, of course, can be nerve-wracking, but ultimately it’s a chance for you to show off the skills that don’t come across in a written application; a chance to sell yourself in the best way possible.

Considering how tricky the interview and the lead up to it can be, we’ve put together this guide to each and every aspect of the interview process, bringing together our most popular resources to help you understand what the interview’s all about and prepare for it.




Our Private Consultations provide in-depth evaluation, strategy and next steps to achieve results. Suitable for those aged 14 upwards.

Why do Oxford and Cambridge Interview?

Understanding the nature of the interviews and remaining calm in the face of their, perhaps, unpredictability, is an important stage in becoming properly prepared for them. The first step in preparing for interviews and figuring out what tutors want from you is to understanding why the university is using them in the first place.

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Online Oxbridge Interviews: How do they happen and how do I prepare?

This is a guide of our top tips and points to be aware of when preparing for an online Oxford interview to make sure that you’re familiar with the interview procedure, allowing you to show admissions tutors your full potential!

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Top Tips for Oxbridge Interviews

You may already have attended some interview preparation events or worked on your interview skills with friends, school teachers, family, or even perhaps with us at Oxbridge Applications with an interview preparation package. However, there are some things that we want to signpost as being key to a successful interview: 7 things you can do before the interview, and 7 things you can bear in mind during the interview itself.

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3 Things you Should Avoid in your Oxbridge Interview

One mistake in your interview won’t dramatically damage your chances of being offered a place on your chosen course. However, there are certain things that you should try to avoid – things that might damage the rapport you’ve built up or distract your interviewer from the things that you are saying. This resource highlights three common interview behaviours to try and avoid.

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What does it Mean if I’m Allocated to Another College?

About 1 in 5 successful applicants to Oxford and Cambridge end up at a college they didn’t apply to. There are four different points in the application process where you can be reallocated to a different college. Read on to find out when, why, and what it could possibly mean…

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What Happens After my Oxbridge Interview?

For the last few months – if not longer – you’ve had Oxbridge on your mind. You’ve been reading up on your subject, crafting your personal statement, picking your college, gearing yourself up to answer tricky interview questions, frantically scanning the broadsheets for ‘current affairs’ and, hopefully, finding some useful information on our website and our blog. But now that you’ve had your interview, what happens next?

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Mock Interview Package

Our Mock Interview Package helps you to prepare for these through four one-hour, subject-specific, formal mock interviews with four different Oxbridge-graduate interviewers, with constructive, detailed feedback.

Mock Interview Package x4

The interviews for Oxford and Cambridge are, arguably, the most important part of your application. The package gives candidates four subject-specific mock interviews, designed to recreate the real interview environment, and help candidates gain confidence in the process of how to get into Oxford or Cambridge.

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Our Oxbridge-graduate consultants are available between 9.00 am – 5.00 pm from Monday to Friday, with additional evening availability when requested.

Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

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