Map Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

Our events manager Lucinda tells us about the ins and outs of international applications to Oxbridge. Competition for places amongst overseas students applying to Oxford and Cambridge is on the rise. With so many different qualifications from around the world, the interview is becoming more and more important as a deciding factor. This can be a daunting prospect for students in the UK, so with the additional logistics of travel and time difference, on top of internet preparation, our international Interview Preparation Days are essential for any budding international Oxbridge applicant. With all this in mind, applicants need to be able to answer the following questions:

  • What are the admissions tutors really looking for me to demonstrate at interview?
  • What kind of questions will they ask at interview? Do I need to get the question right?
  • What if I don’t understand the question?

Oxbridge Applications are heading worldwide this autumn to help students improve the skills they need to answer these questions. We’re hosting some pretty rigorous mock interview days to put you through your paces and encourage you to think laterally about your chosen subject. Questions like ‘why is the sky blue?’, ‘how would you design an experiment to prove to me that rats can see colour?’ and ‘is all literature political?’ can seem daunting if they come unexpectedly. However, with the right lateral thinking and analytical skills, you will be able to apply yourself to tough questions like these, and give yourself the best chance at your Oxbridge interview. Our Interview Preparation Days are taking place in Hong Kong (Saturday 20th October), Singapore (21st October), Dubai ( Saturday13th October 2012). On the day, you will get lots of session and resources, which will help cultivate the skills you need to succeed. These include:

  • A course research report
  • An interactive interview skills workshop
  • A subject tutorial in the Oxbridge style with a “tackling questions” tutorial booklet
  • A half-hour mock interview with verbal and written feedback
  • A chance to chat to lots of Oxbridge graduates and have all your questions answered.

Let us introduce you to the fantastic consultants and tutors we are bringing with you:

  • Lucinda Fraser: Lucinda says ‘I will be managing these international Preparation Days, making sure that you get as much out of them as possible. I’ll be on hand at each event to answer any questions or worries you may have and provide help and advice about all things Oxbridge. I’m really excited about getting to meet all the international students and help them with their Oxbridge applications!’
  • Gwyn Day: Gwyn is our communications expert, and he will be working with students on: confidence building; building rapport with interviewers, visualisation and communication skills; lateral responses to interview questions, relaxation techniques.
  • Tutors: we have a set of talented and friendly tutors, who will discuss the big subject questions with students and challenge you to think through issues. Elliott is in his final year of his medical degree at Magdalen College, Oxford, and hopes to go on to a career in neurosurgery and neurology; he will be taking students in medical and biological sciences. Maryam read Engineering Science at Christ Church, Oxford, and is currently a PhD student at the University of Oxford Institute of Biomedical Engineering; she will be taking students in science subjects. Emily-Jane gained a BA Hons in English and Drama with Education Studies from Homerton College, Cambridge, and since graduating she regularly designs for off-West End shows and works as a private tutor and researcher; she will be taking students in arts and humanities subjects. Ingrid read Economics at St John’s College, Cambridge,  subsequently completed a Masters in Finance at Imperial College London, and is now working on her internet start-up after spending a year in investment banking in London. She will be taking students in economics related subjects. Keep your eyes peeled for details of our new tutors soon!

Sound exciting? We think so! You can book now through our website, email [email protected] or call +44 (0)20 7499 2394. We look forward to seeing you there very soon and wish you all the best with your application so far!

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Our Oxbridge-graduate consultants are available between 9.00 am – 5.00 pm from Monday to Friday, with additional evening availability when requested.

Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

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