Map Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

The new school year is just around the corner, you’re stocking up on new stationery and gearing yourself up to get stuck in to your new A2 courses. It’s exciting to see friends again, gossip about your summer holidays and start planning your timetables. However, be careful not to get distracted from your Oxbridge goals. These next few months are the last chance you have to prove yourself to admissions tutors and secure yourself an offer!

Now that you have your results, you have a clearer idea of what you want to study and where, and can start thinking about the work required between now and the Oxbridge application deadline on the 15th October. By now, we hope you also have a good first draft of your personal statement and have a clear idea of your university, college and course choices. If you’re still having trouble with these decisions, book in for a Private Consultation with one of our experts who can guide you through the decision making process.

These next few months are your last chance to prove yourselves worthy of a place at Oxbridge. It’s important to keep up the hard work with your studies, (after all, you’ll need the grades to secure a place) but there are other obstacles to overcome. The work to be done may seem daunting so we have a variety of support systems in place to help make sure you put in the best application possible.

Personal Statement

The Personal Statement is a vital part of the UCAS form and is the admissions tutors’ first chance to get a flavour for your character. Be sure to spend some quality time composing and looking over your statement, ensuring it highlights your abilities as a student and your passion for your subject.

Admissions Test

Many of you will have an admissions test coming up, which are a key way in which admissions tutors sift through candidates. These are purposely challenging exams, designed to help identify the top candidates for their academic aptitude. Our Admissions Test Seminars are a fantastic opportunity to prepare yourself for these exams, with expert consultants walking you through the necessary preparations to succeed. You’ll also sit a practice paper on the day, which will be marked and sent to you with comments within ten days of attending the seminar. Book online or get in touch at 0207 499 2394 for more information.


Another big challenge coming up is, of course, the interview. A quintessentially Oxbridge tradition, the interview allows admissions tutors to grill you on your chosen subject and assess your aptitude to study at their university. Myth and folklore surrounding the interview process mean these are the biggest worry for many candidates. As a result, we are holding seven separate Interview Preparation Days at various locations around the country. Attending one of these events will give you a chance to hone your interview and communications skills. As well as taking part in seminars, you will experience mock interviews in your subject, followed by oral and written feedback, allowing you to practice your all-important interview technique and give you the confidence to excel on the day.

Another excellent event to consider is our Interview and Admissions Test Preparation Weekend. This intensive, residential weekend is a fantastic opportunity to get in-depth support for both your admissions test and Interview preparation. With a subject-specific mentor guiding you for the whole weekend, you’ll come away fully prepared to tackle the challenges ahead.

A Levels

Finally, your A Level results will ultimately determine if you get a place as offers are more often than not conditional. By getting this far, you’ve already proven you’re capable of academic excellence so keep up the hard work and do your best to prepare yourself for university.

You have one last push before your school-life will be over. Make sure you don’t leave yourself with any regrets!


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Our Oxbridge-graduate consultants are available between 9.00 am – 5.00 pm from Monday to Friday, with additional evening availability when requested.

Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

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