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Oxbridge Interview Preparation

The interviews for Oxford and Cambridge are, arguably, the most important part of your application. Each year we conduct more than 3000 mock interviews for students, and we are also the trusted interview provision year-on-year for many partner schools including Wellington College, Marlborough College, St Marys Ascot School, Charterhouse School, and Rugby School.

Since 1999, we have provided expert guidance and support for students across the world at every stage of their application to Oxford, Cambridge, and other top UK universities who increasingly use interviews in their application process.

Our Oxbridge Mock Interview Package helps you to prepare for these through full-length, subject-specific mock interviews with different Oxbridge-educated interviewers, with constructive, detailed feedback after each. Each session is 45 minutes, with approximately 30 minutes spent on the interview and 15 minutes on feedback. Written assessment and recommendations are sent following each session.

Each interviewer has gone through the process themselves, and has been trained by Oxbridge Applications, along with guidance from our network of former Oxbridge admissions tutors and interviews, to simulate the experience as closely as possible.

Our Oxbridge Interview Preparation Packages


The package gives candidates six subject-specific mock interviews, designed to recreate the real interview environment, and help candidates gain confidence in the process of how to get into Oxford or Cambridge. Our expert, highly-trained tutors will conduct formal interviews, followed by feeding back development points to improve your interview technique.

Booking Info

Book online or call +(0) 207499 2394 to speak to a consultant. On booking you will be sent a confirmation and further details form so that we can make the best possible matches.



The package gives candidates four subject-specific mock interviews, designed to recreate the real interview environment, and help candidates gain confidence in the process of how to get into Oxford or Cambridge. Our expert, highly-trained tutors will conduct formal interviews, followed by feeding back development points to improve your interview technique.

Booking Info

Book online or call +(0) 207499 2394 to speak to a consultant. On booking you will be sent a confirmation and further details form so that we can make the best possible matches.



The package gives candidates two subject-specific mock interviews, designed to recreate the real interview environment, and help candidates gain confidence in the process of how to get into Oxford or Cambridge. Our expert, highly-trained tutors will conduct formal interviews, followed by feeding back development points to improve your interview technique.

Booking Info

Book online below or over the phone with a consultant. On booking you will be sent a confirmation and further details form so that we can make the best possible matches.


How Our Oxbridge Interview Preparation Packages Work

Once you have purchased one of our Oxbridge interview preparation packages  you will typically be set up with your mock interviewers within five working days.

Please contact us directly if you have any questions or specific requirements, and we will do our best to accommodate them.

You will receive the contact details of your mock interviewers, following which, you will be able to schedule the timing of your mock interviews directly. The interviews can be spread over several weeks or months, or taken within a more condensed time frame if required.

Meet our Senior Consultancy Team

Theo Boyce

BA Cantab, MA GSMD, MSc Birkbeck

Theo holds a 'starred triple first' from Queens' College, Cambridge in HSPS, specialising in anthropology, winning the prize for best performance in the year. He has more recently gained an MSc in Psychology from Birkbeck College with distinction, and has worked as an academic researcher for a Professor in the field of Higher Education. He is also a trained actor (Guildhall School of Music and Drama), and uses his academic background and dramatic training to help applicants for social science courses develop their interview skills, communication, and confidence.

Alison Bissell

BA Oxon, MBA Open

Alison has a degree from Oxford University in Mathematics and Philosophy and specialises in interviewing science applicants. Alison has interviewed upwards of 2000 students over the past ten years. Alison also uses her postgraduate degree and quantitative skills to work with Economics applicants.

Thomas Moon

BA Cantab

Tom read English at Downing College, Cambridge and sits down with many of our applicants and their parents for private consultation sessions, as well as working privately with students on the Premier Service. He has extensive experience guiding candidates and building up strategies to maximise potential as they apply to Oxford, Cambridge, and other top UK universities. He interviews across a range of humanities courses: including English Literature, History, Classics, History of Art, and related subjects.

Owen Walding

MPhil, BA Cantab

Owen read Modern and Medieval Languages at Girton College, Cambridge, studying French and German, before continuing on to an MPhil in Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic. As Head of Schools, Owen leads the delivery of tailored Oxbridge support to hundreds of students a year through public and schools events, and he also interviews for subjects throughout languages and linguistics.

We are home to one of the largest networks of vetted Oxbridge-educated tutors with over 2,000 tutors. We match tutors dependent on your subject and college choice and closely monitor and assess progress throughout.

What applicants receive with our Oxbridge Mock Interview Package

Simulate the Real Interview

We liaise with Oxbridge admissions interviewers, and use only Oxbridge-educated tutors, to ensure we recreate the real interview style and environment, which helps students have a taste of what the interview is really like.

Oxbridge Tutors

Experience different interview styles due to having interviews with multiple trained Oxbridge-educated mock interviewers who have all experienced the Oxbridge interviews themselves. We personally vet and monitor all our tutors to ensure the highest calibre of tuition.

Full-Length Interviews

Each mock interview is 30 minutes of talking time, slightly longer than real Oxbridge interviews on average. This is followed by 15 minutes of verbal & subsequently written feedback. The interview process is the key opportunity to show your passion for your chosen subject and, like any interview, being prepared is key to success.


Our interviewers have access to hundreds of questions asked in real Oxbridge interviews, gathered through our extensive annual research specific to your chosen subject.

Learn from our experts

Assessment criteria based on our research: academic potential, communication skills & knowledge. This experience helps students develop clarity and coherence in structuring their answers and alerts them to academic areas on which to build.

Maximum flexibility

Interviews can be hosted on a variety platforms, such as Skype™, Microsoft Teams™ or Zoom™ depending on your preference. We work according to your schedule and convenience.

If you would like to get in-person interview experience, we recommend booking a private Oxbridge application consultation, in which our expert tutors are conducting face-to-face meetings for Cambridge applicants.

Example Package 1


Angeline is applying for Medicine at Cambridge. She has two and a half weeks between now and her interview and spreads her sessions out across this time. Here’s an example of the kinds of interviewers we might set her up with.

Interview One: with James, currently studying in his sixth year of Medicine, having finished his pre-clinical work at Cambridge. He interviews her in the kind of content that he encountered in his first year studying pre-clinical Medicine at Cambridge.

Interview Two: with Mo, who studied Biomedical Sciences at Oxford and interviews Angeline using a combination of real interview questions asked in Oxford and Cambridge Medicine interviews, but also testing the application of her biological knowledge to these questions.

Interview Three: with Aanya, who graduated in Medicine at Cambridge and is now studying for a PHD in Neuroscience.  Aanya tests Angeline’s response to unseen material, seeing how she responds to information she has never before encountered.

Interview Four: with Caleb, who graduated in Philosophy from Cambridge and interviews Angeline on medical ethics, and the relevance and value of the NHS.


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Call +44 (0)207 499 2394 or EMAIL US

Example Package 2


Isaac is applying for Politics, Philosophy and Economics (PPE) at Oxford. He has five days before his interviews and so does all four at the weekend. Here’s an example of the kinds of interviewers we might set him up with.

Interview One: with Zain, who graduated in PPE from Oxford a year ago and now works at a major London strategy consultancy firm. Zain focuses on three difficult problems with Isaac, testing his understanding of Game Theory.

Interview Two: with Alison, who is a graduate in Maths and Philosophy from Oxford and tests Isaac’s mathematical ability. The Oxford PPE course is highly mathematical, and a high level in Maths ability is an important part of the interview process.

Interview Three: with Ben, who graduated in History and Politics at Oxford and is currently working for an MP. Ben interviews Isaac on his wider reading and understanding of advanced tests he’s come across in his pursuit of Politics beyond his IB syllabus.

Interview Four: with Nabil, who graduated in PPE at Oxford and tutors full-time. Nabil builds on past Oxbridge interview questions, testing Isaac’s ability to relate them to his studies, as well as discussing Isaac’s response to events in UK news.


Request a Callback

Call +44 (0)207 499 2394 or EMAIL US

Oxbridge Mock Interview Preparation and Support Frequently Asked Questions

Oxbridge Applications is the global leader in Oxbridge and UK university admissions consulting. Our Oxbridge mock interviews help candidates familiarise themselves with the journey and expectations for how to get into Oxford or Cambridge.

Our Oxbridge mock interview packages are the perfect opportunity for students to get expert advice, support, and guidance. Based on our 20 years of research, our tutors can help students get detailed answers to questions like these: 

  • What kinds of questions might be asked of me?
  • What areas of my performance could be improved?
  • How should I spend my time between now and the interview?

As well as opting for one of our Oxbridge mock interview packages, there are a few other ways that you can ensure you are fully prepared. 


  1. Make notes on why you are applying for Oxbridge. 
  2. Check the course syllabus and have an idea on what modules you will be covering in the first year.
  3. Have background knowledge about the course you would like to study and any up-to-date news on the subject.
  4. Read and make a copy of your personal statement to have to hand to refer to.
  5. Have a copy of any work you have submitted.

Oxbridge tutors look for a number of factors in an interview, these include: 


  • Excellent analytical skills = All subjects at Oxbridge are about clear, logical thinking and structured arguments, therefore they will be looking for this in the interview. 
  • How well you work in a tutorial scenario = This is similar to the actual learning experience, so the interviewers will attempt to replicate certain situations during the interview. 
  • Genuine enthusiasm for Oxbridge as a whole.

It is best to wear whatever you feel most comfortable and confident in, while maintaining a neat and polished appearance that will create a good first impression.

  • Have strong knowledge about your subject.
  • Express your opinions about certain books or articles you have read.
  • Spend a few moments considering the question you have been asked - it’s not a race, you are allowed to take your time. 
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions! 
  • Be yourself, relax, and try to see it as a discussion about something you’re interested in.

For more information regarding the Oxbridge interview process, please see our Oxbridges interview resources and guides.

Read our interview resource guides

Oxbridge Interview Resources

Many of Oxbridge courses require applicants to take an admissions test. Read our definitive guides to help you succeed.

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Preparing for the Interviews

There are several key activities students can engage in now in order to prepare for the Oxford and Cambridge Interviews.

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3 things you should avoid during your Oxbridge interview

This resource highlights three common interview behaviours to try and avoid during your Interview.

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Hear from a Successful OA Applicant

Mock Interview Testimonials

"I found receiving written feedback afterwards and the format of having spoken feedback during the call really helpful. It definitely reflected the style of my actual interviews so I felt a lot more comfortable with the format when doing them on the day."

OA Mock Interview Client

"The interviewers were great, really helpful, felt comfortable in the interview environment. Learned lots and I received good feedback which will definitely help me improve. Overall it just reminded me how much I love being in academic settings and discussions with people full of passion."

OA Mock Interview Client

“Very helpful, covered a range of topics and different types of interviews which helped me develop my interview skills."

OA Mock Interview Client

“Brilliant- my interviewers were Cambridge Engineer alumnae so their questions and style very closely followed the real interview."

OA Mock Interview Client

"I found it both enjoyable and informative, it definitely assisted me in the interview process."

OA Mock Interview Client

"[The mock interviews] went well and were very representative of the real interviews."

OA Mock Interview Client

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Our Oxbridge-graduate consultants are available between 9.00 am – 5.00 pm from Monday to Friday, with additional evening availability when requested.

Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

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