Map Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

It can be so very thrilling to get your invitation to interview at your first choice Oxbridge College, but also very daunting. In our current education system, students are trained to become masters at the written examination, but, with perhaps the exception of oral examinations for Modern Languages, interview-style examinations are non-existent. For many students, their entrance interviews at Oxbridge may be the first time they have been examined orally, on the spot, on their chosen subject – and so it is no surprise that many students are woefully unprepared for the interviews. This is an entirely addressable issue, however, as being good at interviews isn’t an innate skill or talent; just like written examinations, through practice and training, any student can become proficient at the interview process. One obvious difference marks this year’s interviews, the fact that they are online, but that should be no means for concern. Instead, this change can be harnessed for the better.

Even as we enter into November, there are several key activities students can engage in now in order to prepare:

Practice or mock interviews are the key to success: the more you can do the better. It is only through practice that we can begin to improve the eloquence of our responses, develop strategies for answering questions where we do not immediately know the answer, and begin to identify shortcomings in how we deliver our responses. If you haven’t done any mock interviews yet, I recommend that you first start by asking your school. Many teachers will be happy to conduct practice interviews with you and their feedback can be highly valuable. However, the most realistic and helpful experience is to do a mock interview with someone you don’t know, as this will most closely reflect the reality of your actual interview.

It can be nerve-wracking talking to a stranger about the complexities of Le Chatelier’s Principle and overcoming that anxiety is best done in a practice setting, not the real interview! To better mimic the new situation, you could always ask for a Zoom or Teams call to practise your interview skills. That way, you not only develop your articulation and clarity of speech, but get to do so in the context of an online call, an environment which sometimes obscures the enthusiasm more obviously expressed in an in-person interview. Bear this in mind when you come to practise, and be sure to think about how you present yourself on screen, just don’t overdo it! Sitting in your own room, or at school, can actually relieve some of the pressure that would otherwise be felt sitting in a daunting College office, surrounded by Tutors. Allow yourself to relax and enjoy the benefits and control the online system provides. Oxbridge Applications offers a range of services and programmes for mock interview practice running up to mid-December. These are now being conducted via Zoom to make sure you are definitely prepared for the online interview.

  • Finish or refresh your subject reading:

At this late time in the year, many students still haven’t quite got round to those books mentioned on their personal statements. This can be fatal if you are questioned on them during the interview and are caught out on not having actually read the book, or even worse, not remembering any details. As such, make time to finish your reading list, even if that means cherry-picking a few chapters if the whole book is too much of a time commitment. In addition, go online, pick up New Scientist, or grab a newspaper and get up to speed on the most current science and technology stories. You do not want to go into an interview not knowing about this year’s Nobel Prize winners or the most recent headline-grabbing scientific discovery!

  • Use your family and friends:

While your parents may not have the background education to properly conduct a mock interview, use them as a sounding board to test your ability to clearly and concisely explain concepts that may come up in the interview process. One common interview question for physics students would be “explain what imaginary numbers are to a layperson” or for medical students, “what are the pros and cons of active versus passive euthanasia”. If anything, discussing these questions over the dinner table will be good practice for you and may be the starting point for some interesting family debates!

In short, even though there may only be a few weeks till your interviews begin; there is still plenty of time to practice the interview process. The more rehearsals you do now, the easier and more relaxed you will be on the day itself!

Our online Mock Interview Package helps you to prepare for the online Oxbridge interviews by giving students the chance to experience four one-hour, subject-specific, formal mock interviews with four different Oxbridge-graduate interviewers. Contact our Oxbridge Consultancy Team. It can be quite difficult to work out exactly what you should be doing to give yourself the best chance of success, but we are always happy to help. Telephone +44(0)20 7499 2394, email at [email protected], or request a callback to discuss your situation.

Mock Interview Package x4

The interviews for Oxford and Cambridge are, arguably, the most important part of your application. The package gives candidates four subject-specific mock interviews, designed to recreate the real interview environment, and help candidates gain confidence in the process of how to get into Oxford or Cambridge.

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Our Oxbridge-graduate consultants are available between 9.00 am – 5.00 pm from Monday to Friday, with additional evening availability when requested.

Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

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