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Our Experts' Tips for a Productive Easter Holidays

As the Easter holidays approach, students find themselves at a crucial juncture in their academic journeys. Whether you're in the final stretch of your A-levels, gearing up for university applications, or navigating the waters of GCSEs, this break offers valuable time for reflection, consolidation, and preparation. Here are tailored tips to make the most of your Easter holidays, categorised by year group:


Our Oxbridge Private Consultations provide in-depth evaluation, strategy and next steps to achieve results for your university application. Suitable for those aged 14 upwards.

For Year 13 Students

Congratulations on reaching the final leg of your school journey! For many of you, university offers are already in hand, whilst for others, you may have alternative plans in mind (be it taking a gap year, entering an industry directly, or finding another university option through UCAS clearing).

The one common thread for all Year 13 students, however, is the importance of completing your current qualifications (be they A-Levels, IB Diploma, or other international equivalents) to the best of your abilities. Here's our recommendations on how to ensure a productive Easter break:


  • Focus on Exam Preparation: With university offers on the horizon, now's the time to buckle down and ensure you meet your conditional offers. Dedicate ample time to revising key topics, practising past papers, and refining exam techniques. If you’re finding it difficult to study effectively from home (we all know that working from home = increased distractions!), we recommend checking out our blog on creating a positive space for study as a starting point. 


  • Consolidate your post-exam plans ONLY if your revision is on track. We know that, particularly if your first round of university applications didn’t go to plan, it can be tempting to think about alternative options. Whilst we always encourage positive planning in advance, we recommend doing this over the holidays only once your exam revision is on track. Remember: having a plan is only useful if you then secure the exam grades you’re counting on!


  • Rest and Recharge: Remember to strike a balance between study and relaxation. We know this can be easier said than done, but taking breaks and getting sufficient rest is crucial for maintaining focus and mental well-being during this demanding period. Use this time to indulge in hobbies, spend time with loved ones, and recharge your batteries for the challenges ahead.

For Year 12 Students

You're at the threshold of your university journey, and the Easter holidays present a prime opportunity to lay a solid foundation for your future. Here's how to make the most of it:


  • Academic Review: As with all students, we recommend that you use the break to review and reinforce key concepts from your A-level or IB subjects. Schedule regular study sessions to prevent knowledge decay and ensure you're well-prepared for upcoming assessments or mock exams. 


  • University Research: Begin researching potential universities and courses that align with your interests and career aspirations. Look beyond rankings and consider factors such as course structure, facilities, and student support services. Use online resources, university open days, and alumni networks to gather insights and make informed decisions. Our blog on why it pays to begin your university applications early gives a more detailed overview of all the different ways you can begin bolstering your application at this early stage! Additionally, our blog on navigating university choices is a good tool for narrowing down university and course options.


  • Personal Statement Preparation: Start brainstorming ideas and gathering material for your personal statement. Reflect on how various extracurricular activities, work experiences, or more general subject research would relate to your chosen subject, your personal strengths, and your goals for the future. Begin planning materials you’d like to read, watch, or listen to, and consider beginning the administrative work for any potential activities (including work experience) you’d like to undertake over the summer. Our blog on building a strong personal statement gives a more detailed overview of the steps you can take at this stage to make yours stand out!

For Year 11 Students

As you approach the culmination of your GCSE journey, the Easter holidays offer a vital opportunity to consolidate your learning and prepare for the challenges ahead (if you’re not convinced on how important GCSEs might be to your academic future, check out our blog on the impact of GCSEs on university applications!). Here's how to use the holidays to your advantage ahead of your exams:


  • Effective Revision Techniques: Adopt proven revision techniques such as spaced repetition, active recall, and summarisation to optimise your study sessions. Create a structured revision timetable, allocate time for each subject, and vary your study methods to keep things engaging and effective. Our Oxbridge-graduate experts have each given their top revision tips on our blog; check it out to see if they can help you maximise your study time!


  • Exam Strategies: Familiarise yourself with exam formats, mark schemes, and timing constraints for each subject. Practise past papers under timed conditions to build confidence and improve your exam technique. Pay attention to feedback and areas for improvement to refine your approach.


  • Prioritise Self-Care: Amidst the academic pressure, don't neglect your well-being. Make sure to get adequate sleep, eat healthily, and engage in stress-relieving activities such as exercise or mindfulness. Remember, a rested mind and body are essential for peak performance during exams. 

Regardless of your year group or plans for the future, the Easter holidays present a valuable opportunity to reflect, recharge, and prepare for the academic challenges ahead. By implementing these tips and strategies, you can make the most of this break and set yourself up for success in your academic endeavours.

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Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

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