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Oxbridge Personal Statement Package

A strong personal statement is a crucial ingredient to a competitive application.

Regardless of whether you are applying for Oxbridge or not, personal statements can make or break your applications to UK universities.

With that being said, a lot of people struggle to write personal statements and strike the right balance between confidence and humility. Therefore, if you are having trouble with writing your Oxbridge personal statement, don’t worry, it’s not just you! Oxbridge Applications can help through our Oxbridge personal statement support package.

Our expert team can provide assistance throughout all stages of your application journey, starting with consulting and finishing off with a perfect personal statement example. Our services are ideal for those applying to Oxford or Cambridge.

Our Four-Review Oxbridge Personal Statement Support Package

This four-review Oxbridge personal statement support package taken by our Senior Consultancy team is uniquely placed to help individuals make sure they are representing themselves in the most compelling way for their chosen courses and universities.

Review 1
The first review lasts for 45 minutes via a video link. The student is required to send a draft personal statement prior to the session, however, if they don’t have a draft ready at this stage, they can instead bring ideas and notes to go through during the review.

Review 2
The second review lasts for 45 minutes via video link. The student is required to send a further draft prior to the session. The aim of this review is to suggest any further major amendments or additions.

Review 3
The third review is conducted offline and instead is tracked via edits and comments on the draft document. This review focuses on content, style, and structure.

Review 4
The final review is conducted offline and instead is tracked via edits and comments on the draft document. This review finishes the final draft and ensures it is the best version to use.

Students giving a pencil around

Our Oxbridge Application Personal Statements Packages


Available: Year round

Includes: Oxbridge personal statement support package, with four reviews, taken by our Senior Consultancy team

Booking Info

Book Online or over the phone with a consultant.


Personal Statement Guidebook: Examples and Advice for Top University Entry

Packed with expert tips and real examples, this guide will help you craft a standout personal statement. Whether you're aiming for Sciences, Humanities, or the Arts, our step-by-step instructions and proven strategies will make your application shine. Register to download your free copy now and take the first step towards your academic dreams.

Download Guidebook

Call +44 (0)207 499 2394 or email us

Our Consultative Team

alicia luba

Alicia Luba
Director of Dukes Consultancy, Oxbridge Applications, MA Oxon

Theo Boyce
Head of Oxbridge Applications, MA Cantab

Alison Bissell

Alison Bissell
International Business Development Director , MA Oxon

Owen Walding
Head of Schools, BA Cantab

Sofia Radaelli
Programmes Manager, MA Oxon

Thomas Moon
Consultancy Manager, BA Cantab

Ella Peake
Consultant, BA Oxon

Jane Benett

Jane Bennett-Rees
Former Admissions Researcher, University of Cambridge

Oxbridge Personal Statement FAQs

We understand that putting together a personal statement can be stressful, however, we are here to ease that stress. Here are our tips on how to write a great Oxbridge personal statement: 


  • Start early - It takes an extra level of preparation to apply to Oxbridge, therefore you should ideally have your first draft done by the end of the summer holidays before Year 13. 
  • Focus on academic interests - Admission decisions are based on academic ability, therefore you should focus on showcasing your understanding and passion about your chosen subject.  
  • Give yourself pointers for the interview stage - All successful Oxbridge candidates are invited for an interview and interviewers will often use your personal statement as a prompt. Therefore, you should leave some ‘hooks’ for them to direct topics towards.
  • Don’t mention the university by name - Your personal statement needs to be relevant to all universities you are applying to.
  • Try to be original but don’t overdo it for the sake of it.
  • Proofread and proofread some more. 

If you would like more tips, we have put together a guide on how to write a brilliant personal statement.

Just because it’s called a personal statement doesn’t mean Admissions Tutors want a timeline of your life. They want to see the best side of your academic self and your interest for the subject you are applying for. It’s beneficial to include: 


  • Any subject-related work experience you have completed. 
  • Any courses or lectures you have been to to advance your knowledge. 
  • Demonstrations of your interest in the subject beyond the classroom.

Your personal statement is submitted alongside your UCAS form, so you don’t need to rehash any details which are included on the form in your statement. Remember your personal statement shows off why you are going to be a good choice for the university, so you should avoid explaining any potential disagreements that influenced your grades or reasons behind extended periods of leave.

We are home to the world's largest network of vetted Oxbridge-educated tutors, allowing us to pair each applicant with the perfect advisor for their personal statement. We are not just experts in the UCAS statement itself, but also armed with specific subject knowledge and personal experience of the Oxbridge application process, allowing us to help you with the research process as well as writing and editing the statement itself.

Our statistics speak for themselves: 100% of Oxbridge Applications students received an offer from at least two Russell Group Universities, whilst 73% receive offers from Oxford or Cambridge. You can rest assured that Oxbridge Applications is the best chance to make sure the Personal Statement you submit is the absolute best it can be!

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Our Oxbridge-graduate consultants are available between 9.00 am – 5.00 pm from Monday to Friday, with additional evening availability when requested.

Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

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