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Guide to Oxford Earth Sciences Interviews


The admissions process for Oxford for their Earth Sciences undergraduate course can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. Getting the coveted invitation to interview is a significant milestone in your academic journey, and it's essential to prepare thoroughly. This guide, tailored to applicants for top UK universities, aims to demystify the Oxford interview process, from receiving your invitation to handling the interviews themselves. We'll cover various aspects, including online and in-person interviews, personal statement questions, pre-interview admissions tests, analysing unseen materials, and dealing with challenging questions.

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Receiving Your Invitation to Interview

Receiving an invitation to interview at Oxford is a significant achievement. Typically, invitations are sent out in late November or early December, so it can be a little wait between applying and receiving your invitation. This means that it can be a good idea to start preparing for potential interviews before you’ve been invited, since there’s likely to be less than a month between receiving a formal invitation and attending the interview itself. Notification of your invitation (or not) will come in a letter or email from an Oxford college. This could be the college you applied to, or another college (either different from the one you applied to or any college if you submitted an open application). If you applied to a specific college and are invited to interview elsewhere, do not take this as any kind of sign reflecting your chances at acceptance - it is all part of the normal reallocation process that Oxford use to ensure that the best applicants across the university are accepted.

The date and time of your interview(s) (or at least those which the college has organised at present - but more on that later) will be specified in the correspondence you receive from the college along with your invitation, so no need to worry about organising that. Oxford will be holding interviews in the 2023-2024 cycle online again this year, with the details for how and where to join the online meeting communicated in the email you receive from the University. 


Turning Up to Your Interview (Online)

1. Technical Preparation

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, online interviews are still being used at Cambridge (with the exception of the applicants listed above). This makes the interview easier in certain manners (you won’t have to travel, you are able to remain in the comfort of your own home, etc.), but it also presents additional potential issues in that you are responsible for ensuring you have a reliable technical set up. In the lead up to the interview, ensure that you have access to a stable internet connection, a functioning camera (either built into a laptop or computer, or a separate webcam), and a quiet, well-lit environment. Be sure to check this all with plenty of time to spare (e.g. the week or some days before) so that, should an issue arise, you’ve got plenty of time to address it. 

If you are worried about not having access to the appropriate equipment or the right atmosphere in which to conduct a successful interview, we suggest asking your school if they have a classroom or quiet space and some equipment you could use.

2. Dress Appropriately
Even for online interviews, it is a good idea to dress smartly. Present yourself professionally, just as you would in person, but ensure that you are also comfortable (remember that if you’re interviewing over a webcam you can always keep on your favourite slippers!). We’re not saying that you need to wear a full suit and tie, but maybe don’t keep on your pyjamas or a stained hoodie; interviews are all about showing your intent, and dressing respectfully is the first step to showing that you mean business.

3. Practice Video Interviews
If you're not used to video interviews, practice with friends or mentors to get comfortable with the format. It can be easy to think of talking over video meetings to be just the same as in person, but the process can actually feel very different. Chances are most of us have learned to interact over online video chat over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, but it’s always good to get a little practice in order to refresh your memory. We also recommend practising video calls from your chosen location (either with someone else or just to yourself) to make sure that nothing inappropriate can be seen in the background!

How Many Interviews Will I Have?

The number of interviews you will be asked to attend varies by course and college. Some applicants may have two or more interviews, while others might have only one. It's crucial to check the specific requirements for your chosen course and college. It is also common to have two interviews scheduled from the beginning: one with your college and one with the Department of Earth Sciences. 

In addition to the interviews you have scheduled from the start, it is also possible that, during the interview window, you will have further interviews scheduled. This is usually because other colleges have decided to cast their net wider, and are considering you for a position at their college instead of the one who invited you to interview. These interviews will be conducted by new interviewers, so there is no separate preparation you will need to undertake. It’s also important to remember that being invited to other interviews in no way indicates that you have a higher or lower chance of being accepted: It’s just part of the university’s way of making sure they get the most talented geologists from across the applicant pool.

Answering Questions Based on Your Personal Statement

Be prepared to discuss your personal statement in detail during the interview. Examiners may ask questions related to what you've written, so make sure you understand every aspect of your statement. We recommend reading through your personal statement regularly in the lead up to interviews to ensure that you know its contents inside and out! It can also be useful, if you have time, to read, watch, or listen back on the key sources you reference in your statement, especially since it can be some time between initially consulting them and attending the interview itself. Remember that interviewers will be well-versed in key literature relating to your subject, and so may well be familiar with any resources you reference, meaning that you need to know them in detail (or at least the key arguments within that you find interesting) to be able to discuss them in an academic setting.

A useful exercise can be to think about the key ideas or resources in your personal statement critically just to yourself. Maybe write them down and produce a spider diagram of thoughts, opinions, or interesting linking ideas you have relating to them? Thinking in a creative and open-minded way about the content of your Personal Statement can be a good way to prepare yourself for the questions interviewers might ask. We also recommend sitting down with a parent, friend, or mentor to explain and discuss the big issues identified in your Personal Statement. Don’t worry if nobody close to you is familiar with the topic; sometimes explaining an idea to someone new can be the best way of solidifying it in your own mind!

Analysing Unseen Materials as Part of the Interview

Often in Oxbridge-style interviews, applicants are given a piece of unseen material and asked to discuss it as part of the interview. This could be a text extract, a piece of data, an image, or a problem to solve. In the case of Earth Sciences interviews, interviewers may provide you with a problem sheet to work on. They will most likely provide you with this just before the interview and ask you to discuss your answers in the interview itself. 

The key to such a task is to approach it as systematically as possible. Reading the problems carefully, making notes as you work it out, and thinking about possible discussion points as you go through it can all be crucial to your performance in the interview. Remember that subjects are broad and there is a good chance you will be unfamiliar with the content or specific context of the material in question; this is not a problem! The exercise is not intended to assess how much you know about the wider subject, but rather your application of principles you have learned in your studies so far to new materials. 

What Do I Do If I Don't Know the Answer to a Question?

It's okay not to have all the answers. If you encounter a question that stumps you, the key is not to panic. Take a deep breath, ask for clarification if needed, and attempt to work through the problem logically. Interviewers often want to see how you handle challenging situations and think on your feet. For more guidance on how to handle unknown questions in an interview situation, read our tips for answering an unexpected Oxbridge interview question.

Example Questions

Below are some past interview questions asked to applicants for Earth Sciences at Oxford were asked in their interviews. Use them to get a feel for what is asked during an interview and to prepare your strategy for responding.

  • How would you go about calculating the total amount of energy reaching the Earth’s surface?
  • How does the age of ice change as you walk up a glacier?
  • List a number of different possible methods for dating a rock specimen.

How to Prepare for an Oxbridge-Style Interview 

Given that the interview is designed to test, in large part, your creativity and thinking skills, it is unsurprisingly quite difficult to think of how to prepare. As we talked about before, the first step we recommend is to go through your personal statement and review any key sources so that you’re happy to discuss questions relating to them (since they are the questions you can most rely on cropping up). When it comes to preparing for unexpected or unknown questions, there are a whole host of ways that you can exercise your ability to deal with them. To delve into these recommendations in closer detail, read our dedicated interview preparation top tips blog, where our expert mentors have collated their 14 most useful tips for interview preparation.

Earth Sciences Mock Interview Package

If you have any more questions about your application or interview that you would like to discuss with a member of our team, please do get in touch. Call us on +44 (0) 20 7499 2394, or email

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