Map Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ
Home Oxbridge Application Support and Mentoring The Premier Service

Applying to Join the Premier Service

The Premier Service is our comprehensive long-term offering, providing bespoke year-round support to students in all aspects of their university application and academic journey.

We pair each student with a study director whose role it is to organise bespoke courses, pair the student with mentors and tutors, and tailor the course according to the student’s developing needs. This support is delivered flexibly, outside of school and other commitments, and is designed to help students reach their full academic potential.

Study directors are full-time Oxbridge-graduate consultants based in our central London offices who build a one-to-one relationship with students to deliver an entirely bespoke programme of study.

This highly tailored approach vastly increases the likelihood of success, as well as helping to build a range of important academic and personal qualities according to the student’s needs.

The Premier Service Programme

One-to-one academic mentoring

Students are mentored in their chosen subject by an Oxbridge-educated subject specialist throughout the application process. This helps develop subject knowledge, communication, and academic strength. Mentors teach not just subject knowledge but also how to work and thrive in an Oxbridge-style academic setting.

Personal Statement Support

Your mentor is joined by former admissions tutors to work closely with the student on developing and drafting a strong personal statement in the Oxbridge style. Our in-house consulting team review unlimited drafts to make sure that your final submission is perfect.

University, course and college selection

Drawing on over 20 years of experience and research, we develop a shortlist of colleges that may best suit the applicant. Consultants are also available year-round to discuss University and course selection, providing statistics and taster sessions where necessary, to help pick the most suitable path.

Communication Skills

Each Premier Service student undertakes one-on-one sessions with former Oxbridge academic and admissions tutors to get an honest and authoritative view of their current level. These sessions focus primarily on confidence and communication abilities, ensuring students are demonstrating the skills that real-life admissions tutors want to see.

Admissions Test Preparation

If the student’s chosen course requires an admissions test, they receive one-to-one tutorials with our test experts and receive full access to our in-house mock tests. These tests are bespoke, and in many cases, offer more specimen questions than the universities themselves.

Interview Practice

Premier Service students receive further mock interview practice through our Interview Preparation Days and Oxbridge Interview Weekend. Here, one-to-one mock interviews are conducted with a range of subject-specialists to give students confidence and make them comfortable with a range of different question types.

Premier Service Events

In addition to this range of support, our Premier Clients also attend two key courses at strategic points during the year:

Premier Day (September): Premier Day, held in the critical post-summer period which most students find to be crunch-time for their application, is designed to initiate the intensive preparation that will be required in the following months. After participating in small-group tutorials, preliminary mock interviews, and a one-to-one consultation, students are provided with an assessment of their progress and recommendations of key areas requiring work in the following months. Students also have the chance to ask application questions to our panel of Oxbridge academics and former admissions tutors.

Interview Preparation Weekend (October/November): The Interview Preparation Weekend is our flagship Oxbridge residential course, designed to develop the key abilities admissions tutors will be looking for in successful applicants. Students undergo one-to-one time with former Oxbridge Admissions Tutors, subject-focused tutorials, and a full day of rigorous mock interviews, allowing them to work intensively on fine-tuning their application.

Contact us for Further Information

Our offices are situated close to St James's Park and Buckingham Palace in Central London.
We invite potential applicants to our offices for a Private Consultation, taking a personalised approach to your Oxbridge university application. We are also available for virtual Consultations with clients for whom this is more convenient.
Register online and one of our Oxbridge-graduate Consultants will be in touch to arrange your next steps.

Premier Service Case Study

Abs came into his initial consultation set on studying History at Oxford. However, through discussion with his consultant, Abs came to realise that his academic interests were more suited to deep dives into more focused topics. His consultant encouraged him to explore two options offered by Cambridge: Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (AMES) and Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic (ASNAC).

After his welcome call, Abs’ Study Director Theo set up taster sessions with tutors in History, AMES and ASNAC, so that he could learn a bit more about each subject. While Abs found the History and ASNAC courses interesting, he fell in love with AMES in his taster session and resolved to do a little more research into the languages and cultures offered by the course.

On the recommendation of his AMES tutor Lucille, Abs read books including Frankopan’s ‘The Silk Roads: A New History of the World’, which gave him a taste of the rich history and culture of Asia and the Middle East, deepening his desire to study it. When catching up with Theo over February half term, Abs confirmed his decision to pursue AMES, specifically the Arabic and Persian track.

Abs was re-introduced to Lucille as his long-term ASNAC mentor. Together, they decided on a regular schedule for sessions, and through these Abs learned more about Arabian and Persian history and culture, memorised the alphabet and began to study major texts.

Over the first half of August, Abs took a break from his mentoring sessions to go on a family holiday. Upon his return, he felt rested and began working on his personal statement, so he spent his next mentoring session brainstorming content to include with Lucille. Together, they identified some of the most impactful supercurriculars that Abs had undertaken, and he began his drafting process.

Once Abs had written a few drafts and worked with Lucille to refine them, he sent his personal statement to Theo, who reviewed it and also shared it with a former admissions tutor to provide final feedback. As his other university course choices were Middle Eastern Studies with Arabic, he did not include much mention of his developing skills in Persian in his statement, so Abs was able to showcase this in his My Cambridge Application form, submitted the week after his UCAS application.

On the Oxbridge Residential Course, Abs had a crash course in interview technique, taking five interviews with different tutors and receiving tips from a former Cambridge admissions tutor. After this course, he was set up to receive more interviews online, with Oxbridge-graduate tutors and former admissions tutors.

Abs went into his Cambridge interviews with his nerves mostly under control. The interviews themselves reminded him with his sessions with Lucille, and he found the conversations equally enjoyable, as the chance to have a discussion with an extremely knowledgeable academic.


In mid-January, Abs received his Cambridge offer, delighted that he would get to study the subject that he loved!

Why Trust our Premier Service to Improve your Chances?


Expert Oxbridge-Educated Consultants

We are home to the largest network of Oxbridge-educated, fully vetted tutors in the world; with over 2,000 tutors, we can pair each student with the perfect tutor to suit them. Combined with our expert team of Oxbridge-educated study directors, we are able to give each applicant perfectly-targeted expert advice.


Unrivalled Experience

We are the longest-running Oxbridge admissions consultancy, with 25 years of experience and data-driven research into how students can best prepare for the Oxbridge application process. This knowledge, alongside up-to-the-minute information on the admissions process, informs the Premier Service programme.


Client Success

Students on our Premier Service are twice as likely to be awarded an Oxbridge offer compared to students at their school. Our Premier Service students are 50% more likely to be invited to interview at Oxford compared to the average, whilst 90% of our Premier Service applicants are invited to interview at Cambridge.

Premier Service Testimonials

"Ella's just heard she's got a place! Stephanie tutored Ella so excellently. She was incredibly solid and sound in her approach. She gave Ella clear guidance and goals, and pushed Ella to the upper limits of what she could achieve, setting demanding challenges and encouraging her in a positive way. Ella went into the PAT and interviews feeling confident and calm with an understanding of Physics elevated way beyond the syllabus. You had a very large part to play in helping Ella show her colours."


"We wanted to write as well, in order to express our gratitude to everyone at Oxbridge Applications for all your help, guidance and support. We feel that the Programme you run is well-conceived, far-reaching and very professional. Everything that Andrew has learned along the way as a result of being part of the Programme, will only serve him extremely well in the future."


"The skills she learned through you will be of lifelong benefit. In particular the growth in confidence, which has enabled her to project herself properly, will undoubtedly make going forward into her future challenges much more enjoyable and rewarding."


"My expectations have definitely been surpassed, and I believe I have benefited greatly from the range of advice and guidance that I had received as an applicant- from the tiniest details on respective college admissions processes to interview feedback."


"I also wanted to thank you and all those involved in helping and supporting my son during this very difficult process. Everybody was great. In particular, he had a brilliant working relationship with his mentor... He was a great support for my son through the whole process. I would highly recommend you as a company and all the tutors involved."


"I wanted to say thank you for your support in the preparation for the assessment and interview at Cambridge. I believe that the programme really helped with his confidence and performance. Clearly we are in the hands of the university now. Thank you for your good work and professionalism - it's been a real learning experience, and here's hoping to a positive outcome."


"My son learnt such a lot from his mentor during this whole process. They quickly established a great working relationship and his mentor was particularly good at adapting the sessions to focus on the areas where my son felt he needed more support. The tutoring was flexible enough to work really well in a boarding school environment, through Skype everything was possible, also during holidays. More than anything else his mentor gave him the confidence to go forward on this new chosen career path with great enthusiasm."


"We would like to thank you for all the help and support you provided her: she would not have made it without the hours of tutoring and interview preparation that your program offers. We’re glad she embarked on this journey with you and we will not hesitate to get in touch again for further assistance if needed. We will wholeheartedly recommend your program to other students."


"Just wanted to say thank you very much for your advice and support - even though we are at the beginning of the journey, I’ve already had the most professional help. You have already become a trusted advisor! Initially, he was not even considering Engineering and it was your suggestion to try it. You were right, he is completely set on it now, no doubts."


"I just wanted to say thank you for everything you have done to help her in Cambridge application journey. The service has been outstanding, every single aspect of it. We are also particularly grateful to her tutor, who has surpassed any expectations one may have had of a tutor, supporting superbly both academically and emotionally at every single step. As we told him in a recent email, he has been a real role model, a source of admiration and aspiration. His hard work, his sheer knowledge and teaching ability, his patience and determination are only admirable. He has shown what a great geographer looks like, and the meaning of hard work. He has taught lessons that will be valuable and long lasting, whatever the outcome of the Cambridge application, and he has ignited an even greater passion for geography than she had to begin with."


"We can’t thank you all enough for all the help and guidance you have given Caitlin. We so admired your professionalism and constant support. We were particularly impressed by Robin’s invaluable sessions. He truly inspired Caitlin– challenging her and stretching her – and she really missed them when she stopped after her interview. He engendered in Caitlin even more passion for ASNaC and we were so utterly thrilled that she is now able to pursue her passion."


"Amazing! I could not have hoped for better support and help throughout the entire process."


"We definitely thought Adam had a decent chance of getting in before he started working with you all, but as the process went along we could see him becoming a stronger and more focused candidate. Your help was invaluable in helping him be the best he could possibly be. He went to interview very comfortable and confident and felt he couldn’t have done better. He learnt so much from all the different people who worked with him – they were uniformly excellent."


"Excellent! My sessions were focused, personal, fun and effective."

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Our Oxbridge-graduate consultants are available between 9.00 am – 5.00 pm from Monday to Friday, with additional evening availability when requested.

Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

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