Map Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ
Home Oxbridge Preparation Days – Online

Entrance to Oxbridge is ultimately determined by the interview.

Demonstrating teachability, academic potential, and curiosity are crucial to performing well at interview. Our Interview Preparation Days help you to understand what the interviewer expects of you and how to perform best at this final hurdle.

For schools or consortiums seeking specialist support with applying to Oxbridge, the first step is to book one of our Oxbridge Preparation Days. This one-day programme of intensive preparation involves our team of Oxbridge-graduate tutors working with your students in small subject groups. They will cover the full span of the application process – from university choice to Oxbridge interview training, weighted to provide extra guidance in any areas of particular need. Furthermore, this programme can be delivered completely online, with students interacting with tutors remotely, using a platform of your choice

Booking an Oxbridge Preparation Day

If you would like to book your Oxford, Cambridge, medical and law students onto an Oxbridge Preparation Day, get in touch with our schools team. In order to make our events possible for schools, we organise the majority of our Oxbridge Preparation Days as Hub events in your local area. Hub events expose students to potential competitors in a positive environment, pushing them slightly further out of their comfort zone and creating an even more realistic interview experience. We can work with you to adapt our support to your requirements and resources.


Book a Preparation Day

Call +44 (0)207 499 2394 or EMAIL US

Oxbridge Preparation Day Programme

Below is a more detailed description of our programme, which we can adapt to your pupils’ needs, and to any special requirements of the venue. Our Oxbridge-educated consultant will guide students on our research into what the Admissions Tutors are really looking for, how to prepare for and excel at Admissions Tests, the types of questions and tasks they might come up against, and the importance of successful communication skills in demonstrating ability and motivation at interview. 

To view an example Oxbridge Preparation Day proposal, click here.

Students will be split into subject groups, in which our tutors pose questions to the group, challenging their academic ability and lateral-thinking skills. Taking it in turns to give answers to the group, their peers will then give feedback, highlighting good points and areas to improve upon.

A 20-minute interview based on our research into interviews at Oxbridge in each subject last year, with a trained Oxbridge graduate. Full interview feedback is provided for each student, focusing on how to make the most of their strengths and improve areas of difficulty. This ensures that the preparation is not just for that day, but carries on up until their interview.

Applicants will receive a seminar with a highly experienced former Oxbridge Admissions Tutor gives students insight on what Oxbridge tutors want to see in a potential student. Barry Webb, a former Admissions Tutor and Tutor in English at Oxford University, will share unparalleled insight into what qualities and attributes the universities seek in applicants.

As suited to your school’s needs, we recommend one of two practical workshops at different stages of the year, offering focused preparation on immediately upcoming challenges.

Students will get early exposure to a variety admissions tests including BMAT, ELAT, HAT, TSA, PAT, MAT, Languages, and Law Tests.

We can adapt this programme to your pupils’ needs and any special requirements of the school, so please do get in touch. Contact us on +44 (0) 207 499 2394 or email [email protected]

Peter Boursnell MBE (Founder & Director of ‘Futurehigher’)

There is absolutely no doubt that the students have gained a huge amount from the Oxbridge Preparation Day. In particular it has boosted their confidence before attending interview (a situation which otherwise could have been totally alien to them). The feedback from the students has always been hugely positive and you only have to talk to them on the day to see how much they have gained from it.

I know that Oxbridge Applications are keen to develop this model of working with clusters of state schools in other areas / local authorities. I can only recommend the event to anyone interested

Peter Boursnell MBE.

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Our Oxbridge-graduate consultants are available between 9.00 am – 5.00 pm from Monday to Friday, with additional evening availability when requested.

Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

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