Map Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ


Physics Problems: A Workbook

These Physics Problems are suitable for any student looking to stretch beyond their school syllabus – whether that is the A Level Syllabus or equivalent. They would be helpful for any student preparing for university interviews in physics, engineering, natural sciences, materials science, or similar, where physics problems are likely to crop up.

There are four sections which each contain 11-14 questions of varying difficulty. Each section of questions is followed by their solutions. If you would like to sit these in timed conditions, we suggest 80 minutes or one hour for an additional challenge. Marks are indicated for each question for a guide on difficulty and time to allocate.

Remember to visibly develop each idea as you go! Even if the final answer is correct, full marks are rarely awarded if the working is lacking. Of course, the solutions here are given as guidance – alternate paths and proofs are always accepted if they are valid and explained in a coherent fashion. These problems are yours to use and think through, but if you are doing these in timed conditions, then some rubric: answers should be given to 2 significant figures unless indicated otherwise; use 𝑔 = 10 𝑚/𝑠 2 throughout, unless otherwise indicated in the question; no tables or formula sheets may be used; basic, suitable calculators may be used.

If you are practising for interviews, then we suggest speaking through your working as you go through. Good luck!

Download your copy here.







Oxford College snapshots buttonThis helpful guide sets out by course what the grade requirements are, how many applicants per place on average apply for the course and how many places there are overall.

Armed with this information, you will be able to guide your students choices, ensuring they have the data they need to be able to make an informed choice.


What grades do I need to study Medicine at medical school?

Grade requirements for Medicine are high, due to the fact that Medicine is a highly competitive course, with some universities receiving 10 applicants for every place. Most candidates will have a strong record of academic achievement, and usually a range of top grades. Therefore, excellent grades are required in order to make you a competitive candidate for a medical application.


All universities except Buckingham University require As and A*s at A-level, so you should expect to receive grades of three As in your A-levels at a minimum. Buckingham University is a private university which requires AAB at A-level, but this is an exception to the norm. Good A-level grades will not be enough to win a place by themselves, but they are an essential step in making you eligible to become a medical student.

The subjects you take at A-level will also be an important factor in determining your eligibility to study Medicine. While many applicants may consider Biology to be the most important subject to take in anticipation of a career as a doctor, it is actually Chemistry that is most often required as a compulsory subject at A-level.

Exam results

We recommend you choose A-levels that encompass a wide range of entry requirements, with a particular focus on taking both Chemistry and Biology to A-level.
A general rule would be to take three to four A-levels, weighted towards sciences and mathematics, but it is important to note that the medical school requirements for entry differ by university. For example, Cambridge requires Medicine applicants to have studied Chemistry and two of Biology, Physics and Mathematics to A-level, while King’s College London specifies both Biology and Chemistry be taken to A-level, but does not indicate other preferred subjects. As such, we recommend you choose A-levels that encompass a wide range of entry requirements, with a particular focus on taking both Chemistry and Biology to A-level.

IB (International Baccalaureate)

If you are studying the IB curriculum, you will require a result ranging from 36 to 40 points, depending on where you want to apply.


GCSE grade requirements vary greatly between institutions, with some universities placing less importance on these.

However, it is essential to remember that the majority of applicants applying for Medicine will have exceptional GCSE grades and outstanding A-level grade predictions. If your grades are lower than other applicants, it can put you at a disadvantage. However, medical admission tests and your personal statement weigh heavily in many universities’ decision on who to invite to interview, so it is crucial to excel in these to increase your chance of being successful in your medical application.

If you have extenuating circumstances that account for not attaining the expected grades, it is important to contact the university directly to check whether you will still be eligible to apply and be considered for a place.

Foundation courses for Medicine

Some universities now offer foundation courses for applicants who want to study Medicine but do not have the grades required or have not studied the correct A-levels. On these programmes, you study for an extra year before starting the Medicine degree. Universities offering this path include Nottingham and Manchester. You can contact individual institutions for more information on their particular programmes.

The Oxbridge selection process can seem mysterious and confusing to many students. What are Admissions Tutors actually looking for? How will they assess me and which elements of my application will they pay the most attention to? These are some of the questions you may have as an applicant. The answers can vary greatly depending on which subject you are applying for as well as the university, since different faculties are largely free to make their own rules. So, for example, the History faculty may have very different criteria for which applicants should be invited to interview than the Law faculty. In this resource, we’ll demystify the application and give you a clear guide to what you should be focusing on.

Admissions Tests 

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For many (though not all) subjects at both Oxford and Cambridge, you will have to take an admissions test as part of your application, and your score will contribute to your chances of success.

In general, Oxford interviews fewer people than Cambridge, so the admissions tests are more important in shortlisting candidates to invite to interview. On the other hand, Cambridge, maintaining its high interview rate, seems to put less emphasis on the admissions test scores prior to interview (however, the ENGAA (Engineering Admissions Assessment) and the TSAC (Thinking Skills Assessment Chemistry) seem to be exceptions to this ). This means that by and large, if you are applying to Oxford, it’s especially important that you aim for top marks in your admissions test. 


Below, we’ve illustrated how two different faculties use their admissions test to shortlist candidates:

History (Oxford)

The pre-interview shortlist score is a combination of the HAT (History Aptitude Test) score and your contextualised GCSE score, with the HAT weighted at 70%. The aim is that each college should interview three candidates for every place, so the pre-interview shortlisting process is intended to achieve this number. The History faculty advises colleges not to invite for interview candidates scoring below a designated cutoff score, which varies from year to year. However, colleges may “rescue” candidates from below the cutoff score if they have Access or Widening Participation flags, or for extenuating circumstances stated on their UCAS application. 

English (Oxford)

Applicants for English will take the ELAT (English Literature Aptitude Test), with each candidate receiving a score out of 60 and being sorted into four bands on the basis of this score. The score is used in pre-interview ranking and can also be used for deciding between candidates. 

Band one identifies those candidates who should definitely be called for interview unless other indicators strongly suggest otherwise, whereas band four identifies candidates who are unlikely to be invited, unless other factors outweigh the test result. In pre-interview ranking, the ELAT score is weighted at 40% of the overall deciding factors. 


Academic Grades

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Along with admissions test scores, GCSE grades are a major element of the pre-interview selection process, and the importance of GCSEs should not be underestimated. This is especially the case under the new A-level system whereby most applicants will not have taken AS exams, meaning that GCSEs are the only concrete qualifications that the average applicant will have when they apply. This also means that if you have slightly weaker GCSE grades but you already have achieved strong A-level results – for example if you are applying after a gap year – these may help compensate.

Some faculties, such as the Oxford History faculty, choose not to consider A-levels or predictions in their official pre-interview shortlist score, because they only use criteria that apply to all applicants. However, the faculty-wide shortlist score does not determine whether you are offered a place as the decision is made by the individual colleges which will take into account many aspects of your application, including A-levels. The purpose of the ranking is rather to give Admissions Tutors an idea of where the applicants to their college fall within the context of all the History applicants that year.  

An example of a faculty that does take predicted and achieved A-levels into account for pre-interview assessment is Chemistry at Oxford, which gives each candidate a mark from one to five based on A-levels or equivalent (achieved/predicted), AS (if applicable), GCSEs or equivalent, and the teacher reference. 

On average Cambridge makes higher offers than Oxford, requiring more A*s at A-level. As they are less selective than Oxford pre-interview, the high offers allow them to whittle down their numerous candidates post-interview. They also tend to make more personalised offers than Oxford, meaning that for some subjects you cannot be entirely sure until you receive your offer what grades will be required at A-level. This is something to bear in mind if your A-level grades or predicted grades are strong but not outstanding. 

Note: some schools do not predict A*s as a matter of policy. If this is the case with your school, make sure that it is mentioned in the teacher reference.

Written Work 

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For some subjects, especially if there is no admissions test, you will be required to submit written work as part of your application. Although written work is often overlooked by candidates, it is a vital piece of the application for many subjects. In the Oxford English faculty for example, the written work score makes up 40% of the pre-interview assessment, whilst GCSEs make up only 17.5%. 

Written work should take the form of school or college work written as part of your course, and should be marked by a teacher. Rules may vary between faculties but the Oxford university guidelines state that each piece should be around 2,000 words long, and should not be re-written or corrected after it has been marked. In Cambridge not all colleges require written work for a particular subject, so check the requirements for your first choice college. 

Written work may be officially assessed according to a number of criteria if it is used in pre-interview shortlisting. The assessment criteria for written work in the Oxford English faculty include:

  • literary sensibility

  • sensitivity to creative use of language

  • evidence of careful and critical reading

  • coherence of argument

  • originality

Since written work is a tutor’s opportunity to see how you structure arguments and what kind of work you might be submitting at university, it is important to submit pieces that show you at your best. As the submitted pieces must be taken from your school work, make sure you work hard on your A-level essays and aim to get high marks so you have a strong selection to choose from. 

Personal Statement

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As you put together your university application, the UCAS personal statement is one of the main things you will be focusing on. In terms of pre-interview selection, faculties which operate a pre-interview score and ranking system tend not to include the personal statement in this ranking. However, as we have already seen, such rankings do not make or break an application, and college Admissions Tutors are free to take all factors into account. 

The personal statement, as the name suggests, is the only truly personal element of your application; it is your opportunity to make an impression on Admissions Tutors as an individual and to convey your passion for the subject. Remember that tutors aren’t just looking for applicants with good grades, but applicants with a demonstrable interest in and aptitude for the subject who will make engaging students – the UCAS statement is your chance pre-interview to show that you are such an applicant. 

The good news is that whilst GCSE grades cannot be changed and admissions test scores depend on your performance in one exam, the personal statement can be tweaked and worked on as often as you like before you submit it, and you can ask for feedback from others. If your grades aren’t as high as they could be, make sure you put extra effort into your personal statement so you stand out and make admissions tutors want to interview you. 

For specialist advice on personal statements or any aspect of your application, get in touch with our expert consultants on + 44 (0) 20 7499 2394 or send us your query at [email protected]

What Exam Results do I Need to Apply to Oxbridge?
At the core of every Oxbridge offer is an outstanding academic record. To make it easier to understand what this may look like as Oxbridge sees it, we have compiled some of the key stats from both universities to demonstrate the average grades of a successful Oxbridge applicant.
The Average Successful Oxbridge Candidate Will:
Achieve at least 8 A*s in their GCSEs
In 2021, the average offer holder for an Oxbridge course achieved 8.4 A*s at GCSE level. Have a think about your GCSE grades and how they compare to this standard.
Will be predicted between 2 and 3 A*s in their A-levels
The average number of predicted A*s in A-levels for 2021 offer holders is 2.7, meaning that being predicted either 2 or 3 A*s gives you the best chance of a competitive application.
Do more than meet their offer
The average predicted A-level grades are over the grade requirement for the given course, meaning that successful applicants often have to do more than the grade requirement suggests in order to beat out the competition.
Sit an Admissions Test
In 2021, almost two thirds of Oxbridge courses required a pre-interview Admissions Test, with many of these being the most popular and oversubscribed courses.

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What is a Good Admissions Test Score? Oxford Edition

If your Oxford course requires an admissions test, you will want to prepare to make...
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What is a Good Admissions Test Score? Cambridge Edition

If your Cambridge course requires an admissions test, you will want to prepare to make...
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The Reforms At A Glance

The A Level system that has been in place  since 2000 will shortly be coming to an end. Following Michael Gove’s education reforms, more emphasis will be placed on rigorous and uniform assessment, namely by changing the A Level course structure from modular to linear. The AS Level will no longer contribute to the A Level, but will be a stand-alone, optional qualification. The implications of these changes are that both AS and A Level courses will become far more reliant on single sets of examinations as a measure of academic ability. Coursework is being phased out in the majority of courses, and several others are having their coursework component halved – including English and History for which coursework previously made up 40% of a student’s final grade. Naturally, wariness of these changes abounds, particularly regarding the new pressure at exam time when it finally comes around after two years. However, there are potential benefits to this structure as well. The new A Level is arguably a better design for preparing students for the self discipline of university study. Without the progress check of an AS Level, students will be responsible for ensuring they revise consistently throughout the year  in preparation for a final set of exams.

How The Universities Have Reacted

With such a monumental shift in how students will be assessed, university Admissions Tutors have the challenge of evaluating students under the new reforms. The Director of Admissions for Cambridge, Dr Mike Sewell, wrote an open letter to all schools and Sixth Forms addressing the importance of AS Levels for assessing students, urging teachers to encourage students to take AS Levels as a “robust indicator of student progress”, which will continue to assist Cambridge Admissions Tutors in their decisions. Though unable to condemn the reforms, it is clear that a clutch of AS results are a dependable source for Cambridge in judging the academic competitiveness of a candidate, a source they will be reluctant to lose. AS Levels will continue to assist Admissions Tutors in judging “whether an application to Cambridge is likely to be competitive”.Oxford have also spoken out against the reforms, though their concern is that they will damage student aspiration. Mike Nicholson, the Director of Undergraduate Admissions at Oxford, has argued that “the real danger is students will plough on believing that they may not be capable of applying to a highly selective course . . . losing AS Levels will have a really significant result on the likelihood of students from a disadvantaged background progressing to higher education.” With the reforms going ahead, more responsibility will sit on the shoulders of the teachers guiding school leavers to bolster their sense of their own potential, and ensure they are aiming for universities that reflect their capabilities.

King's College chapel, CambridgeWhat The Reforms Mean For University Applicants

For students for whom A Levels are a stepping stone to further education, we counsel awareness of the statements universities are making in regards to A Level reforms. While Oxford and Cambridge have made clear their belief that AS Levels are highly valued in a university application, this position may change in the upcoming years, and also is a position which varies across universities. The University of Liverpool released a statement arguing that they “do not believe it to be fair to use AS Level grades when not all applications based on A/AS Levels include this information”, and Birmingham and Sheffield have made statements similar in effect. In this time of change, be aware of how the AS Level is currently perceived by top universities as a beneficial marker of progress, but also how this perception may change in the years to come. As ever, research is your students’ best friend. However, they cannot afford to leave their investigations until the Sixth Form. The new A Level requires hard decisions to be made earlier, so where possible, teachers should discuss the implications of students’ Sixth Form choices before they have finished their GCSEs.

European Examinations: Grade Requirements

Country Examination Oxford Grade Requirements Cambridge Grade Requirements
Europe International Baccalaureate 38–40 points, including core points, with 7s and 6s in the higher level subjects. 40-42 points out of 45, with 776 in Higher Level subjects. For subject requirements, Standard Grades are broadly comparable to AS levels, and Higher Level subjects to A Levels.
Europe European Baccalaureate An average of 85% or above, with scores of between 8 and 9 in specified subjects. 85-90% overall, with 90% in the subjects most closely related to the subject applicants wish to study.
France French Baccalaureate French Baccalauréat or Option Internationale du Baccalauréat with an average score of at least 16. 16 or 17 (‘mention trés bien’) out of 20, with 16 or 17 usually required in specific subjects
Germany Abitur Abitur with a total mark between 1.0 and 1.5 with scores of between 14 and 15 in individual subjects. Typical offers vary from an overall score of 1.0 to 1.3 (1.0 being the top score). Scores of 14 to 15 (15 being the top mark) are usually requested in specific subjects.
Greece Apolytirion of Lykeio Apolytirion with an average of 19 / 20 points and normally 2 or more A-levels at grade A. Typical offers would be based on an overall average score of 19 and scores of 19 in individual subjects
Ireland Irish Leaving Certificate For courses with an A-level entrance requirement of AAA: H2H2H2H2H2H2 at Higher level.
For courses with an A-level entrance requirement of A*AA: H1H1H2H2H2H2 at Higher level.
For courses with an A-level entrance requirement of A*A*A: H1H1H1H1H2H2 at Higher level.
Leaving Certificate would be based on H1H1H1H2H2H2 for courses with an A*AA A Level entrance requirement and H1H1H1H1H2H2 for courses with an A*A*A A Level entrance requirement.
Scotland Highers and Advanced Highers AAAAB or AAAAA in Scottish Highers, supplemented by two or more Advanced Highers. Offers made to candidates on the basis of the Advanced Higher subjects are likely to be set at AA for two subjects, and AAB for three subjects.

AAA Usually required at Advanced Higher grade.

For subject requirements, Highers are broadly comparable to AS levels, and Advanced Highers to A Levels.

Wales Welsh Baccalaureate Advanced Diploma with A*A*A* to AAA at A-level. Offers are conditional on 3 A Levels studied within the qualification, rather than the overall Baccalaureate award. Students taking any modular A Levels are required to provide details of these and their UMS in their SAQ
Other countries and qualifications   Further information can be found here. Further information can be found here.


Rest of the world: grade requirements

Country Examination Oxford Grade Requirements Cambridge Grade Requirements
China Senior High School Diploma, University Entrance Examination (Gaokao) Senior High School Diploma, Chinese University Entrance Examination or ‘GaoKao’ would not be sufficient for candidates to make a competitive application. Senior High School Diploma is not sufficient, for ‘Gaokao’ offers are made on an individual basis but applicants generally need to achieve results within the top 1% – 2% of the gathered field. Contact individual colleges for advice.
India CBSE or ISC Class XII examinations Year XII qualification, studied with either the CBSE or ISC examination boards, with an achievement of 90% in each of the five subjects studied. Science subjects may also require that candidates take the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) entrance examinations as a pre-condition for entry. Applicants from India must normally either be potential affiliated students (i.e. applying to study for a second Bachelors degree) or studying for the International Baccalaureate or A Levels. Applications from students taking CBSE or ISC Class XII examinations will be considered but only for the following courses: Computer Science, Economics, Engineering, Mathematics, Natural Sciences. To be shortlisted for interview such applicants will need to have achieved a minimum CGPA of 9.8 and grade A1 in their Class X examinations in the relevant subjects. Any offers of admission made to such students will be conditional on performance in the IIT-JEE or, in the case of Economics or Mathematics, on performance in STEP Mathematics.
Hong Kong Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education HKDSE with grade 5s in three elective subjects. (The exception is for candidates taking Mathematics, who would need a 5* in the compulsory Mathematics course and then a 5 in the Mathematics extended paper). 5*, 5* and 5 in three specified elective subjects, related to their chosen course at Cambridge. Demanding conditions may set in core subjects of the Diploma, particularly Mathematics and English.
Hong Kong Associate degrees from Hong Kong 3.8 or better Not specified.
Hong Kong Hong Kong Advanced Level Certificate AAA Not specified.
Rest of the world Cambridge Pre-U Diploma Conditional offers are likely to vary between D2, D2, D3 and D3, D3, D3 depending on the subject. D2 is considered to be equivalent to an A* grade at A-level and D3 to an A grade. Conditional offers likely to require Distinction level grades (D2 and D3).
Other countries and qualifications   Further information can be found here. Further information can be found here.


Your complimentary “So you want to go to Oxbridge? Tell me about a banana…” 

If you’re looking for resources and advice before making your application to Oxford or Cambridge, then you’ve come to the right place! We have been industry-leading experts in applying to Oxbridge since 1999, amassing quite a catalogue of info, tips, and tricks to help you get into the best position possible to get that elusive Oxbridge offer you’ve been dreaming of.

We’ve condensed the stuff that most people want to know into our free E-book “So you Want to Go to Oxbridge? Tell me About a Banana…”. Packed full of over a decade’s research and up-to-date advice on how to prepare, Tell me about a banana draws on the experiences of thousands of successful Oxbridge graduates and how they would approach the application process if they had to do it all over again.

Download your copy here.





SurveyAcademic potential is always going to be the most important factor for an Oxbridge Admissions Tutor. Before you embark on the demanding and time intensive process of applying, you need to ask yourself honestly: are my grades good enough? 

Whilst both universities seek top-achieving students, they do actually treat grades in slightly different ways, so we’ve gathered together some of the most informative stats to give you an insight into what marks you’ll need.

Excellent grades are no more than a passport to your interview. They are not a passport to success. 




Bridge of Sighs, St Johns College, Cambridge

Cambridge, unlike Oxford, will ask you to submit your UMS scores for individual papers. You submit these scores on your Supplementary Application Questionnaire (SAQ) one week after the UCAS deadline. Using this information, the university is able to differentiate between candidates achieving low As and candidates achieving top As. Those who achieve the top As at AS-level/predicted grades tend to go on to achieve A*s at A-level. These are the candidates Cambridge is looking to identify and go on to offer places.


Fast Facts and Successful Candidate Profiles


  • All Cambridge courses will require you to have at least 1 A* and 2 As at A level.
  • Cambridge’s standard offer for science subjects to 2 A*s and 1 A.
  • Cambridge prioritise high UMS scores over and above other parts of your application, including your GCSE grades.
  • Realistically, to gain an offer, you need to be on course to achieve more than 1 A*.
  • In 2016,  31% of students holding Cambridge offers achieved A* A* A* at A level.
  • Although the standard Cambridge offer is A*AA, only 11% of offer holders in 2016 had these grades. The rest had 2 or more A*s.



Blank Papers on DeskOxford offers are generally slightly lower than Cambridge, and the grades that successful candidates go on to achieve reflect this. This would seem to suggest that Oxford is more inclined to depend upon students’ performance in the university’s own admissions processes, such as the Admissions Tests and interviews, for assessing candidates. This is supported too, by the fact that the setting of Admissions Tests is still more widespread in Oxford.   

However, you are still required to achieve an incredibly high standard of grades, and recent changes this year, such as the new conditional offer for Maths (see below) indicate how important excellent grades still are, for Oxford as well as Cambridge.


Fast Facts and Successful Candidate Profiles


  • The standard Oxford offer is AAA for Humanities and A*A*A or A*AA for Science subjects. Additionally, Oxford have introduced 2 A*s and 1 A offers for Maths subjects. Be sure to check the entry requirements for your subject here.
  • For 2016 entry, 43.6% of students holding Oxford offers achieved A* A* A* at A-level.
  • Although AAA is the minimum grade requirement, only 15.5% of successful Oxford applicants actually achieved this.
  • The majority of successful applicants (95.1%) achieved 1 or more A*s.
  • This is worth bearing in mind if you are a reapplicant. If you have just 3 AAAs at A level, you will need an incredibly strong GCSE profile and a stellar performance in any Admissions Test you may have to sit in order to stand a chance of securing an offer. 


Comparing Oxford and Cambridge

Great Tower of Magdalen College, OxfordThese statistics come directly from the universities, and are the most recent statistics available. When the 2013 application cycle is released, they will be updated. 

  • The majority of successful Oxbridge candidates have 7 or more A*s at GCSE.
  • On average, our applicants hold around 80% of GCSEs grades at A* and have 8.5 A* grades
  • Oxford place more importance on GCSE attainment, and this seems to be increasingly the case.
  • Oxford has been making more offers to students with higher GCSE profiles. In 2015, The average amount of A*s was 8.45, and this average has gradually increased year on year. In 2016, 76.9% of Oxford offer holders had 7 or more A*s.
  • If you’ve got a very strong GCSE profile, but have demonstrated a slightly weaker AS level performance, you might have a better shot at Oxford. If you are sitting an admissions test, your score in this will often be used alongside your GCSE grades to determine whether you are shortlisted for interview at Oxford.
  • If you have a dud grade or two (e.g. a C in Design Tech or a C in Maths GCSE when you are applying for English), the good news is it will likely not matter! Lots of students have a varying grade profile. The most important thing is you get the right grades in the right subjects. 


If you have fallen short of the 7A*s mark, please don’t despair. Every year, both universities make offers to students with 1, 2 or even 0A*s at GCSE. If your GCSE grades are not up to scratch, you may not be invited to interview. However, if you can demonstrate extenuating circumstances, this can help. Alternatively, you can try to maximise on the opportunities afforded to you by the Oxbridge admissions processes, which offer more opportunities than other universities to demonstrate your worth, whether it’s the personal statement, test or a written submission.


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