Map Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

Whilst there are a wealth of online resources, including video and virtual tours, attending a university open day in person is the most effective way of getting a feel for the universities to which you are planning to apply. Many of our clients have said that only after attending an in-person open day did they truly know which universities were right for them.

Even for applicants who are settled on a particular university, an open day can still help motivate you by providing inspiration. Additionally, college-based universities such as Oxford or Cambridge are well worth a visit to help you decide between the various colleges on offer.

With so many excellent UK universities to choose from, and with each of them holding multiple open days across the year, it can become a headache to plan your visits, With this in mind, our experts have compiled and curate this live resource detailing all open days at top UK universities, complete with links to registration forms and further information.


Introduction to the Resource

Introduction to the Resource

Registration Open: This is a list of universities where you can now register for some or all of the planned 2025 open days.

Dates Released: These universities have released the dates for some or all of their planned 2025 open days, but they have not yet opened for registration. We have included links to the respective university websites where you can register for updates (or alternatively, check back with us here to find out when registration opens).

No Dates Yet Released: These are the top UK universities for which 2025 open days have not yet been confirmed. We include links, were possible, to the webpage where you can register for updates.

Registration Open

Dates Released

University of Cambridge

Summer Dates: Thursday 10th and Friday 11th of July

Autumn Dates: Friday 12th of September (smaller, college-focused open day)

Register for Updates Here

University of Oxford

Summer Dates: Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd of July

Autumn Dates: Friday 19th of September

Register for Updates Here


Spring Dates: Wednesday 9th of April

Summer Dates: July dates TBC

Register for Updates Here

University of Bath

Summer Dates: Friday 13th and Saturday 14th of June 

Autumn Dates: Saturday 11th of October 

Register Your Interest Here

University of Birmingham

Summer Dates: Friday 27th and Saturday 28th of June

Autumn Dates: Saturday 11th and 15th of October 

Register Your Interest Here

Cardiff University

Summer Dates: Friday 27th and Saturday 28th of June 

Autumn Dates: Saturdays 13th and 18th of September

Register for Updates Here

University of Edinburgh

Summer Dates: Friday 20th of June  

Autumn Dates: Saturdays 4th and 25th of October  

Register for Updates Here

University of Exeter

Penryn Campus, Cornwall: Wednesday 28th of May

Streatham and St Luke's Campuses, Devon: Friday 30th and Saturday 31st of May

Register for Updates Here

King's College London

Health & Life Sciences Undergraduate Open Day - Guy's Campus: Saturdays 14th of June and 12th of July   

Arts & Sciences Undergraduate Open Day - Strand Campus: Saturdays 28th of June and 6th of September 

Register your Interest Here

Loughborough University

Summer Dates: Friday 27th and Saturday 28th of June  

Autumn Dates: Friday 19th and Saturday 20th of September  

University of Manchester

Summer Dates: Saturdays 21st and 28th of June (booking opens at the end of April) 

Autumn Dates: Saturdays 4th and 11th of October (booking opens mid-August) 

University of Nottingham

University Park and Jubilee Campus 

Summer Dates: Friday 27th and Saturday 28th of June 

Autumn Dates: Saturday 13th of September and Saturday 11th of October  

Sutton Bonington - Veterinary Medicine 

Summer Dates: Friday 11th and Saturday 12th of July  

Autumn Dates: Friday 12th and Saturday 13th of September  

Sutton Bonington - Biosciences 

Summer Dates: Saturday 12th of July

Autumn Dates: Saturday 13th of September and Saturday 11th of October  

University of St Andrews

Spring Dates: Wednesday 16 April (Booking opens at 12pm on Wednesday 5 March)

If you wish to visit earlier, you can book a ‘Talk and Tour’ here

One of the most frequently asked questions we receive from Oxbridge applicants is “what are my chances of making a successful application to Oxford?”  

Our first response is always this: the answer varies depending on course choice, as well as your grades and personal strengths and weaknesses; there is no certain statistic that can tell you whether or not you will be accepted to a certain course or university.  

That said, understanding Oxford University acceptance rates—by examining admissions statistics, can be a helpful starting point. Examining admissions statistics offers insights into how competitive a course might be but should only form one part of your decision-making process.

In this article we have compiled the success rates for all undergraduate courses at Oxford University. We recommend looking through the metrics for the course(s) you are interested in and weighing them up alongside your personal reasons for/against each course.  

For more advice on how to use these statistics to your advantage, our expert consultants are available 9am-5pm every weekday to discuss your individual situation. Call them on +44 (0) 20 7499 2394 or email [email protected] 

Introduction to the Metrics

Introduction to the Metrics:

Applications is the number of applications made to the course.

Shortlisted is the number of people invited to interview.

Shortlisting Rate is the percentage of applicants who were shortlisted for interview.

Offers is the number of people given an offer for the course.

Offer Rate is the percentage of applicants who were given an offer.

Acceptances is the number of people who were accepted onto the course (i.e. who fulfilled the terms of their offer and formally accepted their place on the course).

Acceptance Rate is the percentage of applicants who fulfilled their offers and accepted their place.

Pre-Interview Admissions Test is an admissions test for which applicants must pre-register and sit prior to shortlisting for interview (other than STEP for Cambridge Mathematics, which is sat in the summer after application).

College Admissions Assessment is an admissions assessment sat by shortlisted applicants, usually just before or on the day of the interview, for which applicants do not need to pre-register.

Written Work refers to short- or medium-length samples of writing that applicants are required to submit as part of their application. Some courses require alternative forms of work to essays, such as musical notation or drawing portfolios.

A-Z of Courses

Course  Applications  Shortlisted  Shortlisting Rate  Offers  Offer Rate  Acceptances  Acceptance Rate  Pre-interview Admissions Test?  Written Work Typically Required? 
Archaeology and Anthropology   125  68  54%  25  20%  22  18%  No  Yes 
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (AMES)  109  97  89%  46  42%  35  32%  No  Yes 
Biochemistry  875  366  42%  115  13%  100  11%  No  No 
Biology  742  343  46%  128  17%  109  15%  No  No 
Biomedical Sciences  490  117  24%  46  9%  41  8%  BMSAT (Biomedical Sciences Admissions Test)  No 
Chemistry  1015  658  65%  207  20%  175  17%  No  No 
Classical Archaeology and Ancient History (CAAH)  152  142  93%  32  21%  25  16%  AHCAAT (Ancient History and Classical Archaeology Admissions Test)  Yes 
Classics  313  302  96%  118  38%  100  32%  CAT (Classics Admissions Test)  Yes 
Classics and English  60  53  88%  15  25%  13  22%  CAT (Classics Admissions Test)  Yes 
Classics and Modern Languages  23  22  96%  10  43%  10  43%  CAT (Classics Admissions Test); MLAT (Modern Languages Admissions Test)  Yes 
Computer Science  866  155  18%  59  7%  52  6%  MAT (Mathematics Admissions Test)  No 
Computer Science and Philosophy  129  47  36%  15  12%  12  9%  MAT (Mathematics Admissions Test)  No 
Earth Sciences (Geology)  163  144  88%  42  26%  34  21%  No  No 
Economics and Management  1542  271  18%  91  6%  83  5%  TSA (Thinking Skills Assessment) Section 1  No 
Engineering Science  1031  417  40%  196  19%  163  16%  PAT (Physics Admissions Test)  No 
English Language and Literature  975  631  65%  249  26%  212  22%  No  Yes 
English and Modern Languages  91  80  88%  37  41%  35  38%  MLAT (Modern Languages Admissions Test)  Yes 
European and Middle Eastern Languages  40  35  88%  15  38%  13  33%  MLAT (Modern Languages Admissions Test)  Yes 
Fine Art  255  52  20%  31  12%  28  11%  No  Yes (Portfolio) 
Geography  339  247  73%  90  27%  70  21%  No  No 
History  958  664  69%  254  27%  214  22%  HAT (History Admissions Test)  Yes 
History (Ancient and Modern)  98  69  70%  23  23%  20  20%  HAT (History Admissions Test)  Yes 
History and Economics  158  61  39%  19  12%  18  11%  HAT (History Admissions Test); TSA (Thinking Skills Assessment) Section 1  Yes 
History and English  104  52  50%  13  13%  12  12%  HAT (History Admissions Test)  Yes 
History and Modern Languages  72  56  78%  19  26%  18  25%  HAT (History Admissions Test); MLAT (Modern Languages Admissions Test)  Yes 
History and Politics  381  142  37%  54  14%  48  13%  HAT (History Admissions Test)  Yes 
History of Art  107  49  46%  16  15%  14  13%  No  Yes 
Human Sciences  193  92  48%  32  17%  26  13%  TSA (Thinking Skills Assessment) Section 1  No 
Law   1858  606  33%  219  12%  192  10%  LNAT (Law National Admissions Test)  No 
Materials Science  148  112  76%  48  32%  44  30%  PAT (Physics Admissions Test)  No 
Mathematics  1807  544  30%  193  11%  179  10%  MAT (Mathematics Admissions Test)  No 
Mathematics and Computer Science  593  150  25%  65  11%  51  9%  MAT (Mathematics Admissions Test)  No 
Mathematics and Philosophy  163  62  38%  20  12%  19  12%  MAT (Mathematics Admissions Test)  No 
Mathematics and Statistics  142  23  16%  5  4%  3  2%  MAT (Mathematics Admissions Test)  No 
Medicine  1712  428  25%  162  9%  149  9%  UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test)  No 
Modern Languages  309  290  94%  171  55%  145  47%  MLAT (Modern Languages Admissions Test)  Yes 
Modern Languages and Linguistics  91  85  93%  41  45%  39  43%  MLAT (Modern Languages Admissions Test)  Yes 
Music  169  153  91%  91  54%  81  48%  No (Students will be asked to submit a video-recorded performance)  Yes 
Philosophy and Modern Languages  56  52  93%  24  43%  21  38%  MLAT (Modern Languages Admissions Test)  Yes 
Philosophy and Theology  146  58  40%  28  19%  25  17%  PhilAT (Philosophy Admissions Test)  Yes 
Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE)  1864  718  39%  265  14%  229  12%  TSA (Thinking Skills Assessment)  No 
Physics  1494  470  31%  190  13%  174  12%  PAT (Physics Admissions Test)  No 
Physics and Philosophy  139  28  20%  15  11%  12  9%  PAT (Physics Admissions Test)  No 
Psychology (Experimental)  379  139  37%  56  15%  43  11%  TSA (Thinking Skills Assessment) Section 1  No 
Psychology, Philosophy, and Linguistics (PPL)  275  99  36%  48  17%  38  14%  TSA (Thinking Skills Assessment) Section 1  No 
Religion and Asian and Middle Eastern Studies  3  1  33%  1  33%  1  33%  No  Yes 
Theology and Religion  116  85  73%  54  47%  46  40%  No  Yes 
Total  23211  9621  41%  3721  16%  3219  14%     

Oxford in Recent Years


Year of Application  Applicants  Offers  Offer Rate  Acceptances  Acceptance Rate  Trends 
2019  23,026  3,895  16.92%  3,286  14.27%   
2020  23,414  3,932  16.79%  3,695  15.78%  Relatively stable statistics across the board, with a 1.5% increase in acceptance rate despite increased applicants. 
2021  24,338  3,555  14.61%  3,298  13.55%  An increase in applicants paired with decreased offers and acceptances; resulted in noticeable decrease in both offer and acceptance rate.  
2022  23,819  3,645  15.30%  3,271  13.73%  Slight decrease in applicants, but relatively stable offer and acceptance rates. 
2023  23,211  3,721  16.03%  3,219  13.87%  A drop in applications paired with a slight increase in offers/offer rate, but little change in acceptance rate.  


Oxford’s application statistics in 2023 do very little to depart from the precedent of previous years. Offer rates continue their slight but steady increase since 2021, but this rate of increase is not matched by acceptance rates, which decreased by 2% in 2021 and have remained at a similar level since.  

Most Competitive Oxford Courses

By Shortlisting Rate

Subject  Shortlisting Rate  
Mathematics and Statistics  16% 
Computer Science  18% 
Economics and Management  18% 
Fine Art  20% 
Physics and Philosophy  20% 
Biomedical Sciences  24% 
Mathematics and Computer Science  25% 
Medicine  25% 
Mathematics  30% 
Physics  31% 
Average   41% 

By Offer Rate

Subject  Offer Rate  
Mathematics and Statistics  4% 
Economics and Management  6% 
Computer Science  7% 
Biomedical Sciences  9% 
Medicine  9% 
Physics and Philosophy  11% 
Mathematics and Computer Science  11% 
Mathematics  11% 
Fine Art  12% 
Law   12% 
Average  16% 

By Acceptance Rate

Subject  Acceptance Rate  
Mathematics and Statistics  2% 
Economics and Management  5% 
Computer Science  6% 
Biomedical Sciences  8% 
Medicine  9% 
Physics and Philosophy  9% 
Mathematics and Computer Science  9% 
Computer Science and Philosophy  9% 
Mathematics  10% 
Law   10% 
Average  14% 


The three tables above list the top ten most competitive courses at Oxford in terms of getting through to interviews, receiving an offer, and being accepted onto the course (i.e. meeting the terms of the offer and beginning the degree course).  

Mathematics and Statistics is the most competitive course across the board, with Computer Science and Economics and Management variously taking second and third places.  

Particularly when it comes to Computer Science and Economics, this is a common theme across UK university application statistics in recent years. Computer science is also the most competitive course at Cambridge University.  

One theme to notice is that there is consistency across the different figures, with three subjects appearing in the top ten for all three metrics (shortlisting rate, offer rate, and Oxford University acceptance rate). This means that, generally speaking, the subjects for which shortlisting is more ruthless are also those which are more competitive when it comes to receiving an offer and being accepted onto the course.  

Another trend is that most of the top ten most competitive subjects are sciences. Of the twelve subjects featured across the tables, three are humanities, two are joint sciences with humanities, and the remaining seven are sciences.  

Least Competitive Oxford Courses

By Shortlisting Rate

Subject  Shortlisting Rate  
Classics  96% 
Classics and Modern Languages  96% 
Modern Languages  94% 
Classical Archaeology and Ancient History (CAAH)  93% 
Modern Languages and Linguistics  93% 
Philosophy and Modern Languages  93% 
Music  91% 
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (AMES)  89% 
Earth Sciences (Geology)  88% 
English and Modern Languages  88% 
Average   41% 


By Offer Rate

Subject  Offer Rate  
Modern Languages  55% 
Music  54% 
Theology and Religion  47% 
Modern Languages and Linguistics  45% 
Classics and Modern Languages  43% 
Philosophy and Modern Languages  43% 
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (AMES)  42% 
English and Modern Languages  41% 
Classics  38% 
European and Middle Eastern Languages  38% 
Average  16% 

By Acceptance Rate

Subject  Acceptance Rate  
Music  48% 
Modern Languages  47% 
Modern Languages and Linguistics  43% 
Classics and Modern Languages  43% 
Theology and Religion  40% 
Philosophy and Modern Languages  38% 
English and Modern Languages  38% 
European and Middle Eastern Languages  33% 
Religion and Asian and Middle Eastern Studies  33% 
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (AMES)  32% 
Average  14% 


Again, there is a lot of consistency in the lists for each metric here, with seven of the subjects appearing in all three of the lists. In an opposite trend to the more competitive courses, almost all of the least competitive courses are arts and humanities subjects; only one science subject (Earth Sciences) appears in the lists, and only in terms of shortlisting rate rather than offer or acceptance rates.  

This tells us that, in general terms, humanities subjects appear to be less competitive than sciences at Oxford.  

The far higher shortlisting rates for the less competitive courses (almost all of which are humanities) also suggests that admissions tutors in arts and humanities departments tend to interview a far higher proportion of applicants. This could be because essay-based humanities courses tend to be more interpretive than hard sciences, making interviews a more decisive or useful element in evaluating the applicant’s potential.  

In terms of specific subjects, Modern Languages (and various of its joint courses) appear most consistently towards the top of all three lists, with Music performing highly in terms of Offer and Acceptance rates in particular.  

This is reflected in the Cambridge 2023 statistics, where Modern and Medieval Languages also topped the list for least competitive courses. Music, Theology, Classis, and AMES also appeared in the Cambridge top ten.  

Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Versus Sciences

Subject Category  Applications  % of Total Applications  Shortlisted  % of Total Shortlisted  Shortlisting Rate  Offers  % of Total Offers  Offer Rate  Acceptances  % of Total Acceptances  Acceptance Rate 
Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences  10,789  46.5%  5,240  54.5%  65%  2,099  56.4%  28%  1,807  56.1%  25% 
Joint Humanities and Sciences Courses  461  2%  167  1.7%  35%  62  1.7%  13%  50  1.6%  10% 
Sciences  11,620  50.1%  4,128  43%  40%  1,532  41.2%  15%  1,336  41.5%  13% 

Whilst Sciences narrowly make up the majority of applications to Oxford, Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences take over when it comes to the number of Shortlisted, Offers, and Acceptances. Combination humanities/sciences degrees (encompassing only three courses: Human Sciences, Physics and Philosophy, and Computer Science and Philosophy) make up a very small percentage of all applicants, consistently measuring between 1.6 and 2 percent of the total for all metrics.  

The first big difference between the Humanities and the Sciences is the Shortlisting Rate – Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences shortlist on average 65% of applicants, whilst the Sciences and combined degrees shortlist 40% and 35% respectively.  

The higher shortlisting percentage amongst humanities could be due to their being more discursive or essay-based topics, making interviews a more fruitful exercise for admissions tutors. It also suggests that perhaps other aspects, such as the admissions test, might be more valuable in the eyes of Science admissions tutors, thereby whitling down shortlisted applicants.  

The Oxford University acceptance rates and offers for Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences are also consistently just under twice as high as those for Science courses. This is a considerable difference. We see then that Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences are across the board less competitive on average than Science courses.  

The three combination courses demonstrated in the table consist of only 461 applicants, so they should be taken with a grain of salt. However, we can see overwhelmingly that their statistics are at the low end of the spectrum, measuring below both Sciences and Humanities overall throughout.  

Do not, however, take this as a reflection necessarily on all joint honours courses, which we discuss in further detail below.  


Difference Between Oxford University Acceptance Rates and Offer Rate 


Why are offer rates and acceptance rates different? In short, offer rate refers to the percentage of applicants who receive an offer in the January, whilst acceptance rate refers to the percentage of applicants who are accepted onto the course in the summer (almost all of whom, barring exceptional circumstances, begin the course in October).   

What influences a student with an offer to not be eventually accepted? The prime reason for an applicant with an offer not to be accepted is that they have not fulfilled the terms of their offer. This usually means that they did not get sufficient grades in their A-level or equivalent exams.  

It also accounts for applicants who chose to pursue another course and withdrew their application between receiving their offer and attending university (although, this being the University of Oxford, this tends not to be very common).  

Let’s briefly explore the subjects with the largest differences between offer rate and acceptance rate (i.e. with the most applicants who received an offer but did not then begin the degree course). The ‘percentage of offers not accepted’ is the main metric we are using here; it indicates the percentage of applicants offered a place who were not then accepted onto the course. 

Subject  Offers  Acceptances  Percentage of offers not accepted 
Mathematics and Statistics  5  3  40.0% 
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (AMES)  46  35  23.9% 
Psychology (Experimental)  56  43  23.2% 
Geography  90  70  22.2% 
Classical Archaeology and Ancient History (CAAH)  32  25  21.9% 
Mathematics and Computer Science  65  51  21.5% 
Psychology, Philosophy, and Linguistics (PPL)  48  38  20.8% 
Computer Science and Philosophy  15  12  20.0% 
Physics and Philosophy  15  12  20.0% 
Earth Sciences (Geology) 








Overall Totals  3721  3219  13.5% 

The first thing to point out is that the course topping the list, Mathematics and Statistics, only handed out a very small number of offers, so it is a little dangerous to extrapolate or draw too firm a conclusion about the result. We caution against heeding this too much since it is almost double the percentage of all the other courses in the top ten.  

What’s interesting is that there is a mix of sciences and humanities, including combination humanities/sciences courses, in the top ten list. This means we cannot reach a conclusive answer as to either Sciences or Humanities being ‘harder’ to fulfil the terms of the offer.  

One interesting observation is that of the courses we have labelled as combining humanities and sciences (Computer Science and Philosophy, Physics and Philosophy, Human Sciences, and Mathematics and Philosophy), three appear in the top ten, and another (Human Sciences) appears eleventh on the list.  

Whilst these are all courses giving a small number of offers, so we shouldn’t read too much into any one of them independently, taken together this may suggest that students for whom it is advantageous to take a combination of sciences and humanity degrees may find it trickier to fulfil their offers.  

Ultimately, these figures rely on individual applicants being able to fulfil the terms of their offers. So while we think it is useful to have a look at this metric for the course in which you are interested, we recommend focusing more on the grade requirements on the course webpage here and determining whether you personally could fulfil such an offer.  


Subject Size

Subjects with the Largest Number of Offers 

Subject  Applicants  Shortlisted  Shortlisting Rate  Offers  Offer Rate  Acceptances  Acceptance Rate 
Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE)  1864  718  39%  265  14%  229  12% 
History  958  664  69%  254  27%  214  22% 
English Language and Literature  975  631  65%  249  26%  212  22% 
Law   1858  606  33%  219  12%  192  10% 
Chemistry  1015  658  65%  207  20%  175  17% 
Engineering Science  1031  417  40%  196  19%  163  16% 
Mathematics  1807  544  30%  193  11%  179  10% 
Physics  1494  470  31%  190  13%  174  12% 
Modern Languages  309  290  94%  171  55%  145  47% 
Medicine  1712  428  25%  162  9%  149  9% 
Average       49%    20.6%    17.7% 


Subjects with the Smallest Number of Offers

Subject  Applicants  Shortlisted  Shortlisting Rate  Offers  Offer Rate  Acceptances  Acceptance Rate 
Religion and Asian and Middle Eastern Studies  3  1  33%  1  33%  1  33% 
Mathematics and Statistics  142  23  16%  5  4%  3  2% 
Classics and Modern Languages  23  22  96%  10  43%  10  43% 
History and English  104  52  50%  13  13%  12  12% 
Classics and English  60  53  88%  15  25%  13  22% 
European and Middle Eastern Languages  40  35  88%  15  38%  13  33% 
Physics and Philosophy  139  28  20%  15  11%  12  9% 
Computer Science and Philosophy  129  47  36%  15  12%  12  9% 
History of Art  107  49  46%  16  15%  14  13% 
History and Economics  158  61  39%  19  12%  18  11% 
Average       51%    21%    19% 


Here we have used number of offers as the key metric to determine the largest and smallest course, since it’s largely indicative of how many places are available on the course (although slightly inflated to account for people missing their offers).  

Looking at the averages at the bottom of both tables, we see that the numbers work out very similar for the largest and the smallest courses available at Oxford. This leads us to conclude that your chances of being shortlisted, receiving an offer, or being accepted onto any course at Oxford is impacted by the overall course size.  

Joint Versus Single Honours

One question we are asked a lot is whether applying for single or joint honours is a better strategy for Oxbridge acceptance. In this section, we have compared the joint subjects with their equivalent single-honours subjects (and collated averages across the board) to see if there are any notable differences.  

Each table below compares the joint courses for a certain subject, collates their averages, and then compares them with the single honours version of the subject.  


Classics Joint Courses

Subject  Applicants  Shortlisted  Shortlisting Rate  Offers  Offer Rate  Acceptances  Acceptance Rate 
Classics and English  60  53  88%  15  25%  13  22% 
Classics and Modern Languages  23  22  96%  10  43%  10  43% 
Average across joint courses      92% 






Classics   313  302  96%  118  38%  100  32% 


For Classics joint courses, there is a mixed bag of results. Shortlisting rates are relatively similar across the board. However, when it comes to Offer and Acceptance rates, Classics and Modern Languages are quite significantly less competitive than Classics single honours, whilst Classics and English is more competitive than Classics single honours.  


English and Joint Courses

Subject  Applicants  Shortlisted  Shortlisting Rate  Offers  Offer Rate  Acceptances  Acceptance Rate 
Classics and English  60  53  88%  15  25%  13  22% 
English and Modern Languages  91  80  88%  37  41%  35  38% 
History and English  104  52  50%  13  13%  12  12% 
Average across joint courses      75%    26% 




English Language and Literature  975  631  65%  249  26%  212  22% 


English joint honours are similar, if not slightly less competitive, than English single honours, but the individual courses differ from one another. Joint degrees with Classics and Modern Languages have significantly higher shortlisting rates than History and English or the English single honours, but whilst the Offer and Acceptance rate for English and Modern Languages remains higher than the other courses, the Offer and Acceptance rate for Classics and English are similar to the single honours English course.  

History and English, despite being the most popular of the joint courses for applicants, gave out the fewest offers and therefore has a far lower offer and acceptance rate compared to all other English joint and single honours courses.  


History and Joint Courses

Subject  Applicants  Shortlisted  Shortlisting Rate  Offers  Offer Rate  Acceptances  Acceptance Rate 
History and Economics  158  61  39%  19  12%  18  11% 
History and English  104  52  50%  13  13%  12  12% 
History and Modern Languages  72  56  78%  19  26%  18  25% 
History and Politics  381  142  37%  54  14%  48  13% 
Average across joint courses      51% 






History  958  664  69%  254  27%  214  22% 


The average shortlisting, offer, and acceptance rates for the joint courses are lower than the history single honours courses, making them more competitive on average.  

This being said, one joint course actually has a higher shortlisting rate and acceptance rate compared with History single honours: History and Modern Languages. However, this higher shortlisting rate can be attributed to the admissions tutors’ need to assess language capacity, but the similar Offer and Acceptance rate compared to the single honours course means it isn’t any less competitive than History sole. However, it is still far and away the least competitive of the History joint honours courses.  

History and Economics and History and Politics are both significantly more competitive than History joint honours, so are worth considering seriously before selecting as the course for application.  


Maths Joint Courses

Subject  Applicants  Shortlisted  Shortlisting Rate  Offers  Offer Rate  Acceptances  Acceptance Rate 
Mathematics and Computer Science  593  150  25%  65  11%  51  9% 
Mathematics and Philosophy  163  62  38%  20  12%  19  12% 
Mathematics and Statistics  142  23  16%  5  4%  3  2% 
Average across joint courses      26% 






Mathematics  1807  544  30%  193  11%  179  10% 


There are two different stories when it comes to Maths joint courses. Although there are differences in shortlisting rates for interview, when it comes to offer and acceptance rates, Mathematics and Computer Science and Mathematics and Philosophy are roughly similar to the single honours Maths course.  

Mathematics and Statistics, however, is the most competitive course across all Oxford subjects last year, and therefore the offer and acceptance rates are far lower than the other single and joint honours courses.  

We can characterise Maths joint courses, then, as being generally no more or less competitive than Maths single honours, with Mathematics and Statistics as an anomaly and very highly competitive indeed.  


Modern Languages (European Languages) Joint Courses

Subject  Applicants  Shortlisted  Shortlisting Rate  Offers  Offer Rate  Acceptances  Acceptance Rate 
Classics and Modern Languages  23  22  96%  10  43%  10  43% 
English and Modern Languages  91  80  88%  37  41%  35  38% 
European and Middle Eastern Languages  40  35  88%  15  38%  13  33% 
History and Modern Languages  72  56  78%  19  26%  18  25% 
Modern Languages and Linguistics  91  85  93%  41  45%  39  43% 
Philosophy and Modern Languages  56  52  93%  24  43%  21  38% 
Average across joint courses      89% 






Modern Languages  309  290  94%  171  55%  145  47% 


Modern Languages and its joint courses demonstrate high figures across the board, making them very favourable options for applicants. The only general exception to this is History and Modern Languages, which sits below the rest of the joint and single honours courses. All joint courses, however, are more competitive than Modern Languages single honours (which is the least competitive course at Oxford in terms of offer rate).   

Overall, other than History and Modern Languages, combined language courses are more competitive across the board compared with Modern Languages single honours, but are all still very favourable compared to the overall average success rates.  


Philosophy Joint Courses

Subject  Applicants  Shortlisted  Shortlisting Rate  Offers  Offer Rate  Acceptances  Acceptance Rate 
Computer Science and Philosophy  129  47  36%  15  12%  12  9% 
Mathematics and Philosophy  163  62  38%  20  12%  19  12% 
Philosophy and Modern Languages  56  52  93%  24  43%  21  38% 
Philosophy and Theology  146  58  40%  28  19%  25  17% 
Physics and Philosophy  139  28  20%  15  11%  12  9% 
Average across all joint courses      45% 







Philosophy is an interesting case, since one cannot study Philosophy at Oxford as a single honours course (although it forms parts of both the PPE and PPL degree courses). Additionally, it is combined with both humanities and science subjects, meaning there is vast differences in the shortlisting, offer, and success rates.  

In general terms, Philosophy combination courses are more competitive when paired with competitive single-honours subjects (such as Computer Science or Physics), and less competitive when paired with less competitive single-honours subjects (such as Modern Languages).  

We recommend comparing your joint honours course with the specific single honours course in which you are interested to get a better picture.  


Theology/Religion Joint Courses

Subject  Applicants  Shortlisted  Shortlisting Rate  Offers  Offer Rate  Acceptances  Acceptance Rate 
Philosophy and Theology  146  58  40%  28  19%  25  17% 
Religion and Asian and Middle Eastern Studies  3  1  33%  1  33%  1  33% 
Average across joint courses      37% 






Theology and Religion  116  85  73%  54  47%  46  40% 


Theology joint honours courses are more competitive than the Theology and Religion degree, with significantly lower shortlisting rates across the board and big differences in offer and acceptance rates. Philosophy and Theology is the far more competitive subject here, although Religion and Asian and Middle Eastern Studies only received three applications, so it is difficult to draw conclusions from this set of results.  


Asian and Middle Eastern Languages Joint Courses  

Subject  Applicants  Shortlisted  Shortlisting Rate  Offers  Offer Rate  Acceptances  Acceptance Rate 
European and Middle Eastern Languages  40  35  88%  15  38%  13  33% 
Religion and Asian and Middle Eastern Studies  3  1  33%  1  33%  1  33% 
Average across joint courses      61% 






Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (AMES)  109  97  89%  46  42%  35  32% 


In general, combining another course with Asian or Middle Eastern Studies does not impact success rates significantly at all. Again, Religion and Asian and Middle Eastern Studies is a very small applicant pool, so we would caution against drawing too solid a conclusion from the results there.  


Overall Trends

In general terms, combination courses are smaller than the single honours, and can be more demanding in terms of their offer requirements. The results above demonstrate how we are unable to make a single rule about joint honours courses being more competitive than their single honours equivalent.  

In many cases, the joint course success rates are remarkably similar, if not slightly more favourable, than the single honours course, whereas for others, they are a lot more difficult to get into. We therefore recommend applicants check the specific courses before deciding whether to apply to joint honours, rather than avoiding it on principle.  

One theme we can point out is that combination courses where each element is a single honours course in its own right tend to have rates between the two single honours equivalents.  

We see this most strongly in Modern Languages joint honours courses, where each are more competitive than Modern Languages single honours, but similarly or less competitive than the single honours equivalent of the other side of the course. For example, where Modern Languages has an acceptance rate of 47% and Classics an acceptance rate of 32%, Classics and Modern Languages joint honours has an acceptance rate of 43%.  

Therefore, if you are coming from a Modern Languages background and considering adding Classics, then you are lowering your chances, but if you are a Classics applicant considering an additional Modern Language, then you are upping your chances by going for the joint honours course.  

In short, for applicants considering adding Modern Languages to their degree course, check the statistic as it might be a great option for increasing your chances of a successful application! 

Do Admissions Tests Have an Impact on the Figures?

Another question we are frequently asked is to what extent sitting an admissions test may or may not impact an applicant’s chances. In the tables below we have split the subjects into those with and without admissions tests to compare their average rates.  

Do note that for courses with a new test this year (CAAH and Biomedical Sciences), we have left them out since last year’s applicants did not sit any admissions test. 


Courses with Admissions Tests

Subject  Shortlisting Rate  Offer Rate  Acceptance Rate  Admissions Test 
Classics and English  88%  25%  22%  CAT (Classics Admissions Test) 
Classics  96%  38%  32%  CAT (Classics Admissions Test) 
Classics and Modern Languages  96%  43%  43%  CAT (Classics Admissions Test); MLAT (Modern Languages Admissions Test) 
History and English  50%  13%  12%  HAT (History Admissions Test) 
History and Politics  37%  14%  13%  HAT (History Admissions Test) 
History  69%  27%  22%  HAT (History Admissions Test) 
History (Ancient and Modern)  70%  23%  20%  HAT (History Admissions Test) 
History and Modern Languages  78%  26%  25%  HAT (History Admissions Test); MLAT (Modern Languages Admissions Test) 
History and Economics  39%  12%  11%  HAT (History Admissions Test); TSA (Thinking Skills Assessment) Section 1 
Law   33%  12%  10%  LNAT (Law National Admissions Test) 
Computer Science and Philosophy  36%  12%  9%  MAT (Mathematics Admissions Test) 
Mathematics and Computer Science  25%  11%  9%  MAT (Mathematics Admissions Test) 
Mathematics and Philosophy  38%  12%  12%  MAT (Mathematics Admissions Test) 
Mathematics and Statistics  16%  4%  2%  MAT (Mathematics Admissions Test) 
Computer Science  18%  7%  6%  MAT (Mathematics Admissions Test) 
Mathematics  30%  11%  10%  MAT (Mathematics Admissions Test) 
English and Modern Languages  88%  41%  38%  MLAT (Modern Languages Admissions Test) 
European and Middle Eastern Languages  88%  38%  33%  MLAT (Modern Languages Admissions Test) 
Modern Languages and Linguistics  93%  45%  43%  MLAT (Modern Languages Admissions Test) 
Philosophy and Modern Languages  93%  43%  38%  MLAT (Modern Languages Admissions Test) 
Modern Languages  94%  55%  47%  MLAT (Modern Languages Admissions Test) 
Physics and Philosophy  20%  11%  9%  PAT (Physics Admissions Test) 
Engineering Science  40%  19%  16%  PAT (Physics Admissions Test) 
Materials Science  76%  32%  30%  PAT (Physics Admissions Test) 
Physics  31%  13%  12%  PAT (Physics Admissions Test) 
Philosophy and Theology  40%  19%  17%  PhilAT (Philosophy Admissions Test) 
Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE)  39%  14%  12%  TSA (Thinking Skills Assessment) 
Economics and Management  18%  6%  5%  TSA (Thinking Skills Assessment) Section 1 
Human Sciences  48%  17%  13%  TSA (Thinking Skills Assessment) Section 1 
Psychology (Experimental)  37%  15%  11%  TSA (Thinking Skills Assessment) Section 1 
Psychology, Philosophy, and Linguistics (PPL)  36%  17%  14%  TSA (Thinking Skills Assessment) Section 1 
Medicine  25%  9%  9%  UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test) 
Average   53%  21%  19%   



Courses without Admissions Tests

Subject  Shortlisting Rate  Offer Rate  Acceptance Rate  Admissions Test 
Religion and Asian and Middle Eastern Studies  33%  33%  33%  No 
Archaeology and Anthropology   54%  20%  18%  No 
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (AMES)  89%  42%  32%  No 
Biochemistry  42%  13%  11%  No 
Biology  46%  17%  15%  No 
Chemistry  65%  20%  17%  No 
Earth Sciences (Geology)  88%  26%  21%  No 
English Language and Literature  65%  26%  22%  No 
Fine Art  20%  12%  11%  No 
Geography  73%  27%  21%  No 
History of Art  46%  15%  13%  No 
Theology and Religion  73%  47%  40%  No 
Music  91%  54%  48%  No (Students will be asked to submit a video-recorded performance) 
Averages  58%  25%  21%   


The tables above give us one key finding: Admissions Tests at Oxford do not impact the shortlisting, offer, or acceptance rate in any discernible way. This makes sense since at Oxford Admissions Tests are used across most of the courses, not just the most competitive ones, meaning there is no defining factor that means a course is either given or not given an admissions test.  

Additionally, most course groups at Oxford have the same admissions test, meaning chances are you won’t have the chance to choose between courses within your field of interest based on their having or not having an admissions test.  

One of the most frequently asked questions we receive from potential university applicants is “what are my chances of making a successful application to Cambridge?”  

Our first response is always this: the answer varies depending on course choice, as well as your grades and personal strengths and weaknesses; there is no certain statistic that can tell you whether or not you will be accepted to a certain course or university.  

That said, understanding Cambridge University acceptance rates—by examining admissions statistics, can be a helpful starting point. Examining admissions statistics offers insights into how competitive a course might be but should only form one part of your decision-making process.

In this article we have compiled the success rates for all undergraduate courses at Cambridge University. We recommend looking through the metrics for the course(s) you are interested in and weighing them up alongside your personal reasons for/against each course.  

For more advice on how to use these statistics to your advantage, our expert consultants are available 9am-5pm every weekday to discuss your individual situation. Call them on +44 (0) 20 7499 2394 or email [email protected] 

Introduction to the Metrics

Introduction to the Metrics:

Applications is the number of applications made to the course.

Offers is the number of people given an offer for the course.

Offer Rate is the percentage of applicants who were given an offer.

Acceptances is the number of people who were accepted onto the course (i.e. who fulfilled the terms of their offer and formally accepted their place on the course).

Acceptance Rate is the percentage of applicants who fulfilled their offers and accepted their place.

Pre-Interview Admissions Test is an admissions test for which applicants must pre-register and sit prior to shortlisting for interview (other than STEP for Cambridge Mathematics, which is sat in the summer after application).

College Admissions Assessment is an admissions assessment sat by shortlisted applicants, usually just before or on the day of the interview, for which applicants do not need to pre-register.

Written Work refers to short- or medium-length samples of writing that applicants are required to submit as part of their application. Some courses require alternative forms of work to essays, such as musical notation or drawing portfolios.

A-Z of Courses

Course  Applications  Offers  Offer Rate  Acceptances  Acceptance Rate  Pre-interview Admissions Test?  College Admissions Assessment (usually At-Interview)  Written Work Typically Required? 
Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic (ASNC) 62  36  58.1%  19  30.6%  No  No  Yes 
Archaeology  82  46  56.1%  32  39%  No  Yes (All Colleges)  Yes 
Architecture  522  96  18.4%  60  11.5%  No  Yes (All Colleges)  Yes (Portfolio submission) 
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (AMES)  124  51  41.1%  40  32.2%  No  Yes (King’s and St Edmund’s Colleges)  No 
Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology  373  88  23.6%  67  18%  ESAT (Engineering and Science Admissions Test)  No  No 
Classics  126  59  46.8%  50  39.7%  No  Yes (All Colleges)  Yes 
Computer Science  1583  147  9.3%  121  7.6%  TMUA (Test of Mathematics for University Admissions)  Yes (Peterhouse and Trinity Colleges: Computer Sciences Aptitude Test)  No 
Economics  1336  183  13.7%  162  12.1%  TMUA (Test of Mathematics for University Admissions)  No  No 
Education  190  50  26.3%  34  17.9%  No  No  Yes 
Engineering  2410  370  15.4%  333  13.8%  ESAT (Engineering and Science Admissions Test)  No  No 
English  756  222  29.4%  187  24.7%  No  Yes (All Colleges)  Yes 
Geography  524  138  26.3%  99  18.9%  No  Yes (Hughes Hall and St Edmund’s Colleges)  No 
History and Modern Languages  88  37  42%  31  35.2%  No  Yes (All Colleges)  Yes 
History and Politics  342  71  20.8%  67  19.6%  No  Yes (Hughes Hall, Newnham, Peterhouse and St Edmund’s Colleges)  Yes 
History of Art  87  37  42.5%  31  35.6%  No  No  No 
History  607  213  35.1%  164  27%  No  Yes (Hughes Hall, Newnham, Peterhouse and St Edmund’s Colleges)  Yes 
Human, Social, and Political Sciences  1436  219  15.3%  166  11.6%  No  Yes (Hughes Hall, King’s, Newnham and Peterhouse Colleges)  Yes 
Land Economy  629  92  14.6%  71  11.3%  No  No  Yes (Some Colleges) 
Law  1580  280  17.7%  230  14.6%  LNAT (National Admissions Test for Law)  No  Yes (Some Colleges) 
Linguistics  119  44  37%  26  21.8%  No  Yes (all Colleges except Christ’s College)  Yes (Some Colleges) 
Mathematics  1588  524  33%  258  16.2%  STEP (Sixth-Term Examination Paper)  Yes (Churchill, King’s and St Edmund’s)  No 
Medicine  1754  288  16.4%  273  15.6%  UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test)  No  No 
Modern and Medieval Languages (MML)  254  155  61%  128  50.4%  No  Yes (All Colleges)  Yes 
Music  140  78  55.7%  51  36.4%  No  Yes (Downing, Girton, Jesus, Magdalene, Newnham, Queens’, Robinson, Selwyn, St John’s and Trinity Hall Colleges)  Yes 
Natural Sciences  2444  626  25.6%  547  22.4%  ESAT (Engineering and Science Admissions Test)  No  No 
Philosophy  306  69  22.5%  50  16.3%  No  Yes (All Colleges)  No 
Psychological and Behavioural Sciences (PBS)  891  104  11.7%  81  9.1%  No  Yes (Gonville & Caius, Homerton, Newnham, Selwyn and St Edmund’s Colleges)  Yes (Some Colleges) 
Theology, Religion, and Philosophy of Religion  105  46  43.8%  37  35.2%  No  Yes (Pembroke and St Edmund’s Colleges)  Yes 
Veterinary Medicine  333  90  27%  73  21.9%  ESAT (Engineering and Science Admissions Test)  No  No 
Total  21445  4553  21.2%  3557  16.6%       

Cambridge in Recent Years

Numbers and Percentage Changes

Application Year  Applications  % Change in Applications  Offers  % Change in Offers  Acceptances  % Change in Acceptances 
2020  20,426    4,710    3,997   
2021  22,795  11.6%  4,260  -9.6%  3,660  -8.4% 
2022  22,470  -1.4%  4,238  -0.5%  3,544  -3.2% 
2023  21,445  -4.6%  4,553  7.4%  3,557  0.4% 



Application Year  Applications  Offers  Offer Rate  Acceptances  Acceptance Rate  Trends 
2020  20,426  4,710  23.1%  3,997  19.6%   
2021  22,795  4,260  18.7%  3,660  16.1%  Decrease by several percentage points in offer and acceptance rates alongside increase in applications and decrease in offers and acceptances. 
2022  22,470  4,238  18.9%  3,544  15.8%  Stable offer and acceptance rates due to consistent numbers in applications, offers, and acceptances. 
2023  21,445  4,553  21.2%  3,557  16.6%  Increase in offer rate and slight increase in acceptance rate due to a decrease in application numbers and stable offers and acceptances. 


Applications to Cambridge picked up in 2021 following the COVID pandemic, which began in 2020. In 2021, offer and acceptance rates both took a significant dip compared to the previous year.  

In 2023, we see offer rates creeping back up towards their 2020 level, with acceptance rates also increasing but at a slower rate.  

Overall application numbers were down in 2023 by almost 5% on the previous year, whilst offers increased by 7.5%, contributing to the noticeable increase in offer rates this year.  

In short, whilst 2023 was not out of the ordinary given previous years, both offer and acceptance rates are higher than they have been since 2020, which is hopefully good news for applicants in 2024. 

Most Competitive Cambridge Courses

By Offer Rate

Subject  Offer Rate 
Computer Science  9.3% 
Psychological & Behavioural Sciences  11.7% 
Economics  13.7% 
Land Economy  14.6% 
Human, Social, & Political Sciences  15.3% 
Engineering  15.4% 
Medicine  16.4% 
Law  17.7% 
Architecture  18.4% 
History and Politics  20.8% 

By Acceptance Rate

Subject  Acceptance Rate 
Computer Science  7.6% 
Psychological & Behavioural Sciences  9.1% 
Land Economy  11.3% 
Architecture  11.5% 
Human, Social & Political Sciences  11.6% 
Economics  12.1% 
Engineering  13.8% 
Law  14.6% 
Medicine  15.6% 
Mathematics  16.2% 


Looking at both of the above lists, we can see that Computer Science is consistently the most difficult course to get into at Cambridge University. This is the same as Oxford University; across the board, Computer Science is a very competitive course to get into at UK universities in general.  

As these lists also demonstrate, the hardest courses to get into at Cambridge consist relatively evenly of sciences (4 of the 10 lowest offer rates and 5 of the 10 lowest acceptance rates) and humanities/social sciences.   

Least Competitive Cambridge Courses

By Offer Rate

Subject  Offer Rate  
Modern and Medieval Languages  61% 
Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic  58.1% 
Archaeology  56.1% 
Music  55.7% 
Classics  46.8% 
Theology, Religion, and Philosophy of Religion  43.8% 
History of Art  42.5% 
History and Modern Languages  42% 
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies  41.1% 
Linguistics  37% 

By Acceptance Rate

Subject  Acceptance Rate 
Modern and Medieval Languages  50.4% 
Classics  39.7% 
Archaeology  39% 
Music  36.4% 
History of Art  35.6% 
Theology, Religion, and Philosophy of Religion  35.2% 
History and Modern Languages  35.2% 
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies  32.2% 
Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic  30.6% 
History  27% 


Once again, the top ten courses for offer rate and acceptance rate are relatively consistent;  Modern and Medieval Languages (MML) is by far and away the ‘easiest’ course to get into at the University of Cambridge, with a whopping 61% of applicants receiving an offer, and 50.4% eventually being accepted onto the course.  

Whilst the hardest courses to get into were a mixture of sciences and humanities/social sciences, the easiest courses to get into are exclusively humanities subjects. In fact, the first sciences to appear on either list are Mathematics with the 12th highest offer rate (33%) and Natural Sciences with the 12th highest success rate (22.4%). From this we can conclude that, generally speaking, essay-based humanities topics have the highest offer and acceptance rates.  

As these lists also demonstrate, the hardest courses to get into at Cambridge consist relatively evenly of sciences (4 of the 10 lowest offer rates and 5 of the 10 lowest acceptance rates) and humanities/social sciences.   

Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Versus Sciences

Subject Category  Applications  % of Total Applications  Offers  % of Total Offers  Offer Rate  Acceptances  % of Total Acceptances  Acceptance Rate 
Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences  9,251  44.4%  2,271  49.9%  23.9%  1,764  49.6%  18.5% 
Sciences  11,924  55.6%  2,282  50.1%  19.1%  1,793  50.4%  15.0% 

Whilst Sciences make up the majority of applications to Cambridge (10% more than Humanities and Social Sciences), the number of offers and acceptances are, in fact, far closer to 50% between the two. This is explained by the higher offer and acceptance rate onto Humanities and Social Sciences courses compared to Sciences.  

In simple terms, the chance of being accepted onto a humanities or social sciences course appears to be higher than onto sciences. Of course, one should consult the specific course to which they are applying to see if their course follows the trend.  

As our analysis of lowest and highest offer/acceptance rates above suggests, social sciences (such as Economy, HSPS, and Land Economy) tend to be far more competitive than arts and humanities (such as MML, classics, archaeology, or music). In fact, all the ten subjects with highest acceptance rates are arts and humanities rather than social sciences.  


Difference Between Offer Rate and Acceptance Rate


Why are offer rates and acceptance rates different? In short, offer rate refers to the percentage of applicants who receive an offer in the winter, whilst acceptance rate refers to the percentage of applicants who are accepted onto the course in the summer (almost all of whom, barring exceptional circumstances, begin the course in October).   

What influences a student with an offer to not be eventually accepted? The prime reason for an applicant with an offer not to be accepted is that they have not fulfilled the terms of their offer. This usually means that they did not get sufficient grades in their A-level or equivalent exams.  

Sometimes it is something other than their school qualifications, such as in Maths where the STEP admissions test (held in the summer alongside A-levels) is also part of the offer. It also accounts for applicants who chose to pursue another course and withdrew their application between receiving their offer and attending university (although, this being the University of Cambridge, this is presumably not very common).  

Let’s briefly explore the subjects with the largest differences between offer rate and acceptance rate (i.e. with the most applicants who received an offer but did not then begin the degree course). The ‘percentage of offers not accepted’ is the main metric we are using here; it indicates the percentage of applicants offered a place who were not then accepted onto the course. 

Subject  Offers  Acceptances  Percentage of offers not accepted 
Mathematics  524  258  50.8% 
Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic  36  19  47.2% 
Linguistics  44  26  40.9% 
Architecture  96  60  37.5% 
Music  78  51  34.6% 
Education  50  34  32.0% 
Archaeology  46  32  30.4% 
Geography  138  99  28.3% 
Philosophy  69  50  27.5% 
Human, Social, and Political Sciences  219  166  24.2% 

The first thing we notice is that Mathematics, despite being a large and very popular course, saw a huge number of offers not accepted in 2023. The most likely reason for this is that the STEP (Sixth-Term Examination Paper) admissions test, used by the Cambridge Maths Department, is taken in the summer alongside A-level exams, rather than before shortlisting or interview like the assessments for other subjects.  

This means that Maths applicants at Cambridge have an additional hurdle to get over to fulfil the terms of their offer.  

Aside from Mathematics, every other subject in the top ten here is an Arts, Humanities, or Social Science subject. Whilst this isn’t an incredibly significant result (since there are simply more Humanities subjects than Sciences on offer), it does indicate that humanities are slightly less predictable when it comes to whether applicants are going to make the grades in their offer.  

We know that essay-based subjects such as English, History, Languages, Art, or Music (which applicants to humanities degrees are more likely to be taking at A-Level) can be more subjective in their marking, so perhaps this plays a role.  

We would advise against reading into your particular subject on this metric alone, since it is very susceptible to unique occurrences in a given year (especially for smaller subject, such as ASNC, Linguistics, Education, or Archaeology).  


Subject Size

Subjects with the Largest Number of Offers 

Subject  Applicants  Offers  Offer Rate  Acceptances  Acceptance Rate 
Natural Sciences  2444  626  25.6%  547  22.4% 
Mathematics  1588  524  33%  258  16.2% 
Engineering  2410  370  15.4%  333  13.8% 
Medicine  1754  288  16.4%  273  15.6% 
Law  1580  280  17.7%  230  14.6% 
English  756  222  29.4%  187  24.7% 
Human, Social, and Political Sciences  1436  219  15.3%  166  11.6% 
History  607  213  35.1%  164  27% 
Average        23.5%     18.2% 


Subjects with the Smallest Number of Offers

Subject  Applicants  Offers  Offer Rate  Acceptances  Acceptance Rate 
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (AMES)  124  51  41.10%  40  32.20% 
Education  190  50  26.30%  34  17.90% 
Theology, Religion, and Philosophy of Religion  105  46  43.80%  37  35.20% 
Archaeology  82  46  56.10%  32  39% 
Linguistics  119  44  37%  26  21.80% 
History and Modern Languages  88  37  42%  31  35.20% 
History of Art  87  37  42.50%  31  35.60% 
Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic  62  36  58.10%  19  30.60% 
Average        43.4%     30.9% 


Here we have used number of offers as the key metric to determine the largest and smallest course, since it’s largely indicative of how many places are available on the course (although slightly inflated to account for people missing their offers).  

As we see from the averages above, there is a significant difference in offer and acceptance rates when comparing the subjects with the largest and the smallest number of offers. Despite the smaller and more niche subjects in the second table having far smaller quotas for admissions (i.e. they offer far fewer places than the larger subjects), the much greater competition for the larger courses overrules this, making them more competitive overall.   

It is worth pointing out, however, that the subject with the highest offer and acceptance rate, Modern and Medieval Languages, is a relatively major, mainstream course (it is tenth in the list of most offers given out). 

In short, make sure to look at the statistics for the particular course to which you are applying to see if it follows this trend.   

Joint Versus Single Honours

One question we are asked a lot is whether applying for single or joint honours is a better strategy for Oxbridge acceptance. Whilst Cambridge do not offer a large number of joint honour subjects (due to their Tripos system, which we cover in our blog here), we have compared the joint subjects (largely consisting of languages and history) to see if there are any notable trends.  

Subject  Applicants  Offers  Offer Rate  Acceptances  Acceptance Rate 
Modern and Medieval Languages (MML)  254  155  61%  128  50.40% 
History and Modern Languages  88  37  42%  31  35.20% 
History  607  213  35.10%  164  27% 
History and Politics  342  71  20.80%  67  19.60% 
Humanities and Social Sciences (Average)  9251  2271  23.90%  1764  18.50% 

Looking at the above table, we see a mixed bag of results. History and Modern Languages, the more popular of the joint courses, sees results slap bang in the middle of its constituent single honours degrees, MML and History. Therefore, an applicant most interested in languages considering adding History to their application might be dissuaded from applying to the joint course.  

However, a historian with an interest in pursuing languages on the side might be encouraged to apply for the joint degree and up their chances of success. 

History and Politics is a different story, however, with a far lower offer and acceptance rate compared to History alone; the offer rate for History and Politics is even lower than the average across Humanities and Social Sciences, making it a pretty competitive course.  

What we see overall, however, is that there is no hard and fast rule when it comes to strategizing over joint honours at Cambridge. We recommend that applicants look at the specific course figures, and consider their own abilities when it comes to potentially juggling more A-Level requirements and admissions tests as part of their application.  

Do Admissions Tests Have an Impact on the Figures?

Another question we are frequently asked is to what extent sitting an admissions test may or may not impact an applicant’s chances. In the tables below we have split the subjects into three categories: courses with a pre-registered admissions test, courses with a college at-interview admissions assessment only (where the test is used by four or more colleges), and courses with no admissions assessment (or courses where three or fewer colleges use an at-interview admissions assessment).  


Courses with Pre-Registered Admissions Tests (ESAT, LNAT, STEP, TMUA, or UCAT)

Subject  Applicants  Offers  Offer Rate  Acceptances  Acceptance Rate  Pre-Registered Admissions Test  College Admissions Assessment 
Natural Sciences  2444  626  25.60%  547  22.40%  ESAT (Engineering and Science Admissions Test)  No 
Veterinary Medicine  333  90  27%  73  21.90%  ESAT (Engineering and Science Admissions Test)  No 
Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology  373  88  23.60%  67  18%  ESAT (Engineering and Science Admissions Test)  No 
Engineering  2410  370  15.40%  333  13.80%  ESAT (Engineering and Science Admissions Test)  No 
Law  1580  280  17.70%  230  14.60%  LNAT (National Admissions Test for Law)  No 
Mathematics  1588  524  33%  258  16.20%  STEP (Sixth-Term Examination Paper)  Yes (Churchill, King’s and St Edmund’s) 
Economics  1336  183  13.70%  162  12.10%  TMUA (Test of Mathematics for University Admissions)  No 
Computer Science  1583  147  9.30%  121  7.60%  TMUA (Test of Mathematics for University Admissions)  Yes (Peterhouse and Trinity Colleges: Computer Sciences Aptitude Test) 
Medicine  1754  288  16.40%  273  15.60%  UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test)  No 
Averages      20.19% 







Courses with College At-Interview Admissions Assessments Only (Where Admissions Assessments are Used By Four or More Colleges)

Subject  Applicants  Offers  Offer Rate  Acceptances  Acceptance Rate  Pre-Registered Admissions Test  College Admissions Assessment 
Linguistics  119  44  37%  26  21.80%  No  Yes (all Colleges except Christ’s College) 
Modern and Medieval Languages (MML)  254  155  61%  128  50.40%  No  Yes (All Colleges) 
Classics  126  59  46.80%  50  39.70%  No  Yes (All Colleges) 
Archaeology  82  46  56.10%  32  39%  No  Yes (All Colleges) 
History and Modern Languages  88  37  42%  31  35.20%  No  Yes (All Colleges) 
English  756  222  29.40%  187  24.70%  No  Yes (All Colleges) 
Philosophy  306  69  22.50%  50  16.30%  No  Yes (All Colleges) 
Architecture  522  96  18.40%  60  11.50%  No  Yes (All Colleges) 
Music  140  78  55.70%  51  36.40%  No  Yes (Downing, Girton, Jesus, Magdalene, Newnham, Queens’, Robinson, Selwyn, St John’s and Trinity Hall Colleges) 
Psychological and Behavioural Sciences  891  104  11.70%  81  9.10%  No  Yes (Gonville & Caius, Homerton, Newnham, Selwyn and St Edmund’s Colleges) 
Human, Social, and Political Sciences  1436  219  15.30%  166  11.60%  No  Yes (Hughes Hall, King’s, Newnham and Peterhouse Colleges) 
History  607  213  35.10%  164  27%  No  Yes (Hughes Hall, Newnham, Peterhouse and St Edmund’s Colleges) 
History and Politics  342  71  20.80%  67  19.60%  No  Yes (Hughes Hall, Newnham, Peterhouse and St Edmund’s Colleges) 
 Averages      34.75%    26.33%     



Courses Without Admissions Tests (excluding College Admissions Assessments at three or fewer colleges)

Subject  Applicants  Offers  Offer Rate  Acceptances  Acceptance Rate  Pre-Registered Admissions Test  College Admissions Assessment 
History of Art  87  37  42.50%  31  35.60%  No  No 
Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic  62  36  58.10%  19  30.60%  No  No 
Education  190  50  26.30%  34  17.90%  No  No 
Land Economy  629  92  14.60%  71  11.30%  No  No 
Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (AMES)  124  51  41.10%  40  32.20%  No  Yes (King’s and St Edmund’s Colleges) 
Theology, Religion, and Philosophy of Religion  105  46  43.80%  37  35.20%  No  Yes (Pembroke and St Edmund’s Colleges) 
Geography  524  138  26.30%  99  18.90%  No  Yes (Hughes Hall and St Edmund’s Colleges) 
Average      36.10%    25.96%     



Admissions Test Category  Average Offer Rate  Average Acceptance Rate 
Pre-Registered Test  20.19%  15.8% 
College Admissions Assessment (for Shortlisted Applicants)  34.75%  26.33% 
No Admissions Assessment  36.1%  25.96% 


In 2023, it is clear that Cambridge courses with Pre-Registered Admissions Tests (the ESAT, LNAT, TMUA, STEP, or UCAT) were by far more competitive on average than either courses with College At-Interview Admissions Assessments or no assessment at all.  

Additionally, there appears to be little meaningful difference in the average numbers between courses with College At-Interview Assessments and those without.  

Do these results mean we can say that admissions tests make your chances of success lower? Not exactly.  

Rather than admissions tests making an application more difficult (although undoubtedly, in many cases it does), we instead interpret these results as indicating the tendency of Cambridge University to use admissions tests for the courses that are more competitive in the first place.  

The main purpose of a pre-registered admissions test is to help admissions tutors decide between lots of impressive applicants on the more competitive courses. In fact, there is only one course which received over 1,000 applicants which does not use a pre-registered admissions assessment (HSPS): every other course with over 1,000 applicants uses one. This means the admissions tests generally are a result of the high competition on certain courses, not the other way round. 

One of the most frequently asked questions we receive from Oxbridge applicants is “what are my chances of making a successful application to Oxford or Cambridge?” Our first response is always this: the answer varies depending on course choice, as well as your grades and personal strengths and weaknesses; there is no certain statistic that can tell you whether or not you will be accepted to a certain course or university. This being said, looking at the cold hard facts (i.e. admissions statistics) can be helpful when used as just one part of the decision-making process.

In this article we have compiled the success rates for all undergraduate courses at Oxford and Cambridge Universities in 2023. We recommend looking through the metrics for the course(s) you are interested in and weighing them up alongside your personal reasons for/against each course. We have also included whether a given course uses an admissions test and/or written work, since these may also impact your decision when it comes to picking a course. 

Introduction to the Metrics:

For more advice on how to use these statistics to your advantage, our expert consultants are available 9am-5pm every weekday to discuss your individual situation. Call them on +44 (0) 20 7499 2394 or email [email protected].

Oxford 2023 Success Rates




Shortlisting Rate


Offer Rate


Acceptance Rate

Pre-interview Admissions Test?

Written Work Typically Required?

Archaeology and Anthropology










Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (AMES)






























Biomedical Sciences








BMSAT (Biomedical Sciences Admissions Test)












Classical Archaeology and Ancient History (CAAH)








AHCAAT (Ancient History and Classical Archaeology Admissions Test)










CAT (Classics Admissions Test)


Classics and English








CAT (Classics Admissions Test)


Classics and Modern Languages








CAT (Classics Admissions Test); MLAT (Modern Languages Admissions Test)


Computer Science








MAT (Mathematics Admissions Test)


Computer Science and Philosophy








MAT (Mathematics Admissions Test)


Earth Sciences (Geology)










Economics and Management








TSA (Thinking Skills Assessment) Section 1


Engineering Science








PAT (Physics Admissions Test)


English Language and Literature










English and Modern Languages








MLAT (Modern Languages Admissions Test)


European and Middle Eastern Languages








MLAT (Modern Languages Admissions Test)


Fine Art









Yes (Portfolio)



















HAT (History Admissions Test)


History (Ancient and Modern)








HAT (History Admissions Test)


History and Economics








HAT (History Admissions Test); TSA (Thinking Skills Assessment) Section 1


History and English








HAT (History Admissions Test)


History and Modern Languages








HAT (History Admissions Test); MLAT (Modern Languages Admissions Test)


History and Politics








HAT (History Admissions Test)


History of Art










Human Sciences








TSA (Thinking Skills Assessment) Section 1










LNAT (Law National Admissions Test)


Materials Science








PAT (Physics Admissions Test)










MAT (Mathematics Admissions Test)


Mathematics and Computer Science








MAT (Mathematics Admissions Test)


Mathematics and Philosophy








MAT (Mathematics Admissions Test)


Mathematics and Statistics








MAT (Mathematics Admissions Test)










UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test)


Modern Languages








MLAT (Modern Languages Admissions Test)


Modern Languages and Linguistics








MLAT (Modern Languages Admissions Test)










No (Students will be asked to submit a video-recorded performance)


Philosophy and Modern Languages








MLAT (Modern Languages Admissions Test)


Philosophy and Theology








PhilAT (Philosophy Admissions Test)


Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE)








TSA (Thinking Skills Assessment)










PAT (Physics Admissions Test)


Physics and Philosophy








PAT (Physics Admissions Test)


Psychology (Experimental)








TSA (Thinking Skills Assessment) Section 1


Psychology, Philosophy, and Linguistics (PPL)








TSA (Thinking Skills Assessment) Section 1


Religion and Asian and Middle Eastern Studies










Theology and Religion





















Cambridge 2023 Success Rates

A note on Design at Cambridge University: The Cambridge Design degree is a new course for 2024 entry; as such, there is no information on admissions statistics yet available, Once 2024 applications statistics have been released by the University, our tables will be updated accordingly to include Design. 




Offer Rate


Acceptance Rate

Pre-interview Admissions Test?

College Admissions Assessment (usually At-Interview)

Written Work Typically Required?

Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic
















Yes (All Colleges)









Yes (All Colleges)

Yes (Portfolio submission)

Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (AMES)







Yes (King’s and St Edmund’s Colleges)


Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology






ESAT (Engineering and Science Admissions Test)










Yes (All Colleges)


Computer Science






TMUA (Test of Mathematics for University Admissions)

Yes (Peterhouse and Trinity Colleges: Computer Sciences Aptitude Test)








TMUA (Test of Mathematics for University Admissions)


















ESAT (Engineering and Science Admissions Test)










Yes (All Colleges)









Yes (Hughes Hall and St Edmund’s Colleges)


History and Modern Languages







Yes (All Colleges)


History and Politics







Yes (Hughes Hall, Newnham, Peterhouse and St Edmund’s Colleges)


History of Art
















Yes (Hughes Hall, Newnham, Peterhouse and St Edmund’s Colleges)


Human, Social, and Political Sciences







Yes (Hughes Hall, King’s, Newnham and Peterhouse Colleges)


Land Economy








Yes (Some Colleges)







LNAT (National Admissions Test for Law)


Yes (Some Colleges)








Yes (all Colleges except Christ’s College)

Yes (Some Colleges)







STEP (Sixth-Term Examination Paper)

Yes (Churchill, King’s and St Edmund’s)








UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test)



Modern and Medieval Languages (MML)







Yes (All Colleges)









Yes (Downing, Girton, Jesus, Magdalene, Newnham, Queens’, Robinson, Selwyn, St John’s and Trinity Hall Colleges)


Natural Sciences






ESAT (Engineering and Science Admissions Test)










Yes (All Colleges)


Psychological and Behavioural Sciences







Yes (Gonville & Caius, Homerton, Newnham, Selwyn and St Edmund’s Colleges)

Yes (Some Colleges)

Theology, Religion, and Philosophy of Religion







Yes (Pembroke and St Edmund’s Colleges)


Veterinary Medicine






ESAT (Engineering and Science Admissions Test)














For some applicants, deciding whether to apply to Oxford or Cambridge might be a very simple one – if you want to study Architecture, you know you have to apply to Cambridge. Similarly, if you have a passion for Philosophy and Theology, you know Oxford offers you the greatest scope to combine these interests.

For many, however, the decision may not be as easy. There is significant overlap between the courses available at Oxford and Cambridge, and the differences between them might not be immediately apparent. For this reason, we have compiled the definitive course guide for subjects available at both Oxford and Cambridge. Use this guide to look at the differences between the courses available at Oxford and Cambridge to help you determine which might best suit you.



Biology at Oxford

The Biology course at Oxford is taught jointly by the Departments of Plant Sciences and Zoology. It incorporates an optional fourth-year, giving students the option of graduating after three years with a BA or after four years with an MBiol. The course begins with students taking compulsory modules in the first year surrounding three overarching and interwoven themes: Diversity of Life, How to Build a Phenotype, and Ecology and Evolution. There is also a compulsory skills training course designed to enable students to develop the research skills relevant to modern biology. Second year offers students greater specialisation, allowing them to choose three of four themes. Third year allows even more choice, with students able to choose freely from eight options, in line with their preferred specialism. Additionally, practical work is an integral part of the course throughout. If you opt to stay for the fourth year, you will have the opportunity to pursue an in-depth research project.

Natural Sciences (Biology) at Cambridge

If you want to study Biology at Cambridge, you will take the biological route of Natural Sciences. This allows you to combine Biological modules with options from Physical and Chemical Sciences. In first year, students choose three experimental sciences out of a choice of seven, along with one mathematically-focused subject. Second year broadens subject choice further with students choosing three subjects from 19 options available, enabling them to continue taking biology-related subjects in combination with other non-biological modules if they wish to. Usually in third year students will focus on a single advanced subject and specific areas of the discipline, including a research project or dissertation. Upon successfully completing third year, students graduate with a BA or have the option of continuing onto a fourth year and completing the MSci degree.





Classics at Oxford

Classics (Literae Humaniores) at Oxford is a four-year course and follows two routes depending on whether the student took either Latin and/or Greek at A-level, and can be combined with an extensive choice of subjects from the Faculty of Philosophy. Studying the Iliad and/or the Aeneid is compulsory in first year, and options for the final years cover topics including Roman/Greek history, literature and archaeology, philology and linguistics, philosophy, and a second classical language.

Classics at Cambridge

Classics at Cambridge is either three or four years, depending on whether you have taken A-Levels in Latin, with the first year (preliminary year) of the four-year course focused on language acquisition through extensive language study and the reading of texts from the Roman world. From the start, both Roman and Greek literature are studied alongside papers in translation, ancient history, archaeology, art, philosophy, philology and linguistics. This is said to help students build the broadest possible understanding of the ancient world and our relationship to it. The final year (either third or fourth year) offers students a chance to specialise in particular areas of these disciplines (e.g. in archaeology), or instead opt to construct a wide-ranging course particular to one’s individual strengths and interests.



Computer Science

Computer Science at Oxford

The Computer Science course at Oxford aims to create links between theory and practice. During the first year, the course focuses on the basics of Computer Science, including modules covering basic programming and advanced mathematics. In the second year, half the course consists of compulsory, core subject modules while the other half includes a range of optional modules which are studied. In their third year, students can choose more advanced and specialised options and also undertake project work. Upon successful completion, students have the option of graduating with a BA or alternatively may stay on for a fourth year, gaining an MCompSci. This fourth year involves a mix of written papers and project work.

Computer Science at Cambridge

At Cambridge, the Computer Science course begins with the foundations of computer science, studied alongside one mathematics paper. During the second year, students are introduced to topics surrounding computer science including computation theory, systems such as computer networking, programming including advanced algorithms, and applications and professionalism such as artificial intelligence. Third year allows students to specialise on an area of interest such as computer architecture, applications or theory. Upon successful completion, students graduate with a BA or may stay on for a fourth year, studying the optional integrated master’s degree, MEng. This fourth year is designed to enable students to explore issues at the forefront of computer science and is predominantly research-based.

Computer Science




Economics and Management at Oxford

The Economics and Management course at Oxford consists of the two disciplines being studied alongside each other during the three years. In their first year, students take three compulsory courses, covering topics on introductory economics, general management, and financial management. In both second and third year, students take at least two modules in Economics (of which one is Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Quantitative Economics or Development of the World Economy since 1800) and at least two Management modules, and can select these modules from over 20 option papers. Further, students also have the opportunity of writing a thesis in either Economics or Management in place of one of the option papers.

Economics at Cambridge

The Economics course at Cambridge begins with a broad introduction to the subject, developing a common core of knowledge to be extended after first year; compulsory modules include Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Quantitative Methods in Economics, Political and Social Aspects of Economics, and British Economic History. During their second year, students are required to study compulsory modules on topics covering macroeconomics, microeconomics and the theory and practice of economics, along with taking an optional paper which students may choose from a diverse range of economics papers. Studying topics related to macroeconomics and microeconomics continues into the third year of the course, with students choosing an additional two optional papers as well as writing a compulsory dissertation on a topic of their choice.




Engineering Science at Oxford

The Engineering Science course at Oxford lasts four years, with students graduating with an MEng. It begins with two years of studying five key modules surrounding engineering: Mathematics, Electrical and information engineering, Structures and mechanics, Energy and the environment, and Engineering practical work. This broader academic introduction is designed to help students gain a diverse understanding of engineering before specialising during the latter half of their degree. The third year consists of five optional engineering courses to choose, along with practical work, group design projects, and modules in Engineering in society and Engineering computation. During their fourth year, students predominantly undertake research and are given scope to specialise in one of six branches concerned with engineering such as biochemical, chemical, civil, electrical, information or mechanical engineering. Additionally, practical engineering work and projects form a substantial part of the course throughout the course.

Engineering at Cambridge

At Cambridge, the Engineering course tends to last four years, with most students graduating with an MEng degree upon successful completion (although a handful of students do sometimes opt to graduate after three years with a BA). The first two years of the course provide a broad education in engineering fundamentals and principles covering a variety of topics such as mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, materials, mathematical methods and even business economics. The third and fourth years are designed to provide students with the opportunity to specialise into one of ten engineering disciplines including options such as Bioengineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Energy, Sustainability and the Environment. Students are also required to complete a major individual project in their fourth year, which necessitates conducting a significant amount of research. Throughout their degree, students undertake practical work and projects alongside lectures and seminars.




English Language and Literature at Oxford

The English Language and Literature course at Oxford prides itself on giving students a broad understanding of English literature, as well as the opportunity to study written works from other parts of the world, allowing you to reflect on English literature in multilingual and global contexts across time. The course begins with four compulsory papers taken in the first year, which cover topics spanning from the Medieval era to the present day. During the second year, students can choose between one of two routes: either ‘Course I’, which progresses chronologically from the 1300s to the 1830s, or opting for ‘Course II’, which focuses more on earlier literature (650s to 1800s) and the history of the English language. During the third year, Course I includes a Shakespeare paper and Course II allows for an option between Shakespeare or the material text. Regardless of which route students choose (Course I or Course II), students are required to undertake both a special options paper and a dissertation in their third year.

English at Cambridge

Although the Cambridge course also follows a chronological approach to English Literature during the first two years, the backbone of the course is ‘Practical Criticism and Critical Practice’, with an emphasis being placed on curating the ability to think critically and deliberate effectively. This is designed to develop students’ skills in approaching literature, giving them the opportunity to study many primary and secondary works which may not be included in other papers. In their third year, there are only two compulsory papers – Practical Criticism and Critical Practice, along with Tragedy. Both modules span the ages from Ancient Greece to the present day, offering great flexibility in areas of study. Additionally, students write a compulsory dissertation and may either submit a second dissertation and take one optional paper, or choose two optional papers, with these optional papers chosen from a diverse range of topics.




Geography at Oxford

The Geography course at Oxford focuses on the interrelationships between society and the physical and human environment. In the first year, students take four compulsory courses which cover a range of fundamental areas: Earth systems processes, Human geography, Geographical controversies, and Geographical techniques. Additionally, students are required to go on an induction physical geography field trip lasting four days, as well as participate in a one-day human geography field trip exercise. In the second and third years, students take foundational, core courses alongside choosing three modules from a diverse range of optional modules such as African societies, Geographies of finance and even Island life. Further, students attend an overseas field trip in their second year and are required to write a dissertation in their final year.

Geography at Cambridge

Students begin the Geography course at Cambridge, studying both human and physical geography. Additionally, they are also required to take the paper Geographical Skills and Methods. In their second year, students take a core Geographical Ideas and Themes paper, alongside which they may begin to specialise by selecting three papers from a choice of six covering topics on human geography and physical and environmental geography. Second year also includes a residential field trip which forms the basis of the third-year dissertation. Alongside this compulsory dissertation in third year, students can either specialise even further or maintain a balance across the subject as a whole. All papers are optional in third year, with students required to select four from 12.




History at Oxford

The History course at Oxford offers a broad range of modules covering various periods in time, spanning from the fifth century to modern-day history. Students have the option of studying the history of a range of different geographical areas, from the Middle East to Ireland. These papers are available throughout the course alongside the study of historical methods and disciplines. Specifically, in their first year, students take four papers on topics covering British history, European and world history, historical methods, and a fourth module from a choice of 20. In their second and third years, six papers are taken, including a compulsory thesis to be completed in the third year, which allows students the opportunity to engage in a piece of independent research.

History at Cambridge

At Cambridge, the History course offers a range of options in terms of papers, spanning three millennia and covering areas across the globe. During the first two years, the course focuses on giving students a broad historical understanding, with students taking one paper on a period of British political history, and one on a period of British economic and social history. Three other option papers are taken, as well as a compulsory Themes and Sources paper which provides an introduction for approaching and handling primary sources. In their third year, students have the opportunity to specialise in their areas of interest, and are required to take five papers, three of which are compulsory. The dissertation paper may be chosen as an optional paper or alternatively, students can opt for another optional paper from a list of Specified Subjects and Political Thought papers.




Law (Jurisprudence) at Oxford

For the Law course at Oxford, there are two pathways which students can choose to follow: either ‘Course I’, a three-year course, or ‘Course II’, a four-year course which follows the same syllabus as the former, but includes a year spent abroad studying law at a European university. Both of these  pathways focus on topics chosen for their intellectual rather than practical interest, although the degree does qualify students to proceed immediately to the LPC (Legal Practice Course). Throughout the entire course, most papers are compulsory in Law, although students do have the opportunity to select two options from a wide range of papers in their final year.

Law at Cambridge

The Cambridge Law course also places higher focus on the academic over the practical. Although all students begin with the same course, there is the option to apply for the Erasmus programme and study abroad during the third year. Whilst the course is primarily concerned with English law, students do have the opportunity to study other legal systems such as EU law, and may also study theoretical and sociological aspects of law including jurisprudence or parts of criminology. In the first year, all papers are compulsory. On the other hand, during the second and third years, students may choose papers from a varied range of options, including an optional dissertation in their third year. Some papers are deemed compulsory should students wish to proceed directly onto the LPC.




Mathematics at Oxford

At Oxford, there are two Mathematics degrees: the three-year BA and the four-year MMath. During the first year, the course consists of core papers in pure and applied mathematics (including statistics). From the second year onwards, students have the opportunity to choose papers from a large variety of options, including options from outside mathematics. The course begins with compulsory modules covering a range of mathematical papers, before allowing students more options in their second year, alongside several compulsory core papers: Algebra, Complex analysis, Metric spaces and Differential equations. The third and fourth year allows students even further options to specialise in, ranging from topics on mathematical biology to mathematical philosophy, thus ensuring they can tailor the course to their particular interests in various mathematical options. Additionally, students have the option to apply for a transfer to a fourth year studying entirely mathematical and theoretical physics, thus completing their degree with an MMathPhys.

Mathematics at Cambridge

In the first year of the Mathematics course at Cambridge, there are two options which students may choose between, depending on how they wish to gear their degree during the subsequent years of their degree: Pure and Applied Mathematics, or Mathematics with Physics. The first year introduces students to the fundamentals of higher mathematics with eight papers taken. During the second year, students can choose papers from around 16 different options which cover a broad range of topics. In the third year, you have the opportunity to explore your mathematical interests in detail. There is a range of options including papers concerned with cryptography, mathematical biology and even cosmology. Furthermore, there is an optional fourth year for students who wish to complete an integrated Masters, thus graduating with an MMath.





Medicine at Oxford

The Medicine course at Oxford retains a distinct three-year pre-clinical stage, which includes studying towards a BA in Medical Sciences, followed by a three-year clinical stage, thus graduating with both a Bachelor’s in Medicine and Bachelor’s in Surgery (BM BCh) at the end of the entire course. For the pre-clinical part of their degree, students study the fundamental aspects of the structure and function of the human body, and the mechanisms behind disease. This is followed by more advanced options in the latter half of the degree, which are studied alongside a research project and an extended essay. The final three years are also practice-based and involve rotations in Oxford and District general hospitals.

Medicine at Cambridge

The Medicine course at Cambridge is also split into a pre-clinical stage and a clinical stage. During the first two years, the course aims to provide students with a scientific basis, enabling them to fully develop their future medical career. During their third year, students can specialise in a range of varying subjects, including less obviously related subjects such as Anthropology or Philosophy. During the latter half of the degree, the emphasis is on learning in clinical settings; students are therefore based both at the Cambridge Biomedical Campus and Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (Addenbrooke’s and the Rosie Hospitals), beginning to specialise in medical practice.



Modern Languages

Modern Languages at Oxford

The Modern Languages course at Oxford is a four-year course including a year abroad. It provides both practical training in written and spoken language, along with an extensive introduction to literature and thought written in European languages. Additionally, students learn to write and speak their chosen language(s) fluently, along with studying a wide range of literature, or opting instead to focus their studies on a specific period of time spanning from the Middle Ages to the present day. In the first year, the course is closely structured – you learn about the grammatical structure of your language(s), translation, comprehension and literature. From their second year, students have more freedom to choose areas in which they’d like to specialise, including topics such as linguistics or medieval literature. The year abroad takes place in the third year, unless Russian is taken ab initio, and there is no compulsory dissertation or project required in the final year.

Modern and Medieval Languages at Cambridge

For the Modern and Medieval Languages (MML) course at Cambridge, you are required to study two languages, one of which can be learnt from scratch (the exceptions being French and Latin). Languages offered vary immensely, from Portuguese to Persian. It is also possible to combine one of the modern European modern languages with History. Further, in their second and fourth years, students may opt to study an additional language ab initio. During the first year, the main emphasis is placed on developing students’ language skills. In their second year, students take five papers: alongside continuing intensive language study in both of your selected languages, you are required to choose papers covering a range of topics such as film, history, and literature. In the latter two years of the course, students are given more freedom to specialise and choose from various options. Additionally, a project or a dissertation is completed during the year abroad (third year), and an oral examination takes place on return, separate from the other final year exams. In their final year, students can replace one of the written papers with a further dissertation.

Modern Languages



Music at Oxford

The Music course at Oxford is broadly based but allows increasing specialisation and choice for students over the year. In their first year, students take six subjects, two of which are chosen from a list of options. Compulsory modules include papers such as Psychology of everyday musical experience, or Global hip hop, along with Musical analysis and critical listening, and Techniques of composition and keyboard skills. Options to choose from include, amongst others, Foundations in ethnomusicology, Composition, and Performance. During their second and third years, students take eight modules, six of which are chosen from a list of options, thus ensuring more freedom of choice and specialisation. Compulsory papers focus on topics concerned with the history of music during different eras and in different geographical locations. Options include papers covering a range of topics as well as opportunities to submit a dissertation or a composition portfolio.

Music at Cambridge

The Music course at Cambridge has a strong academic component, focusing on history, analysis, composition and performance, whilst also offering a range of other topics of study related to music. The first and second years are made up of three major components centred on historical and critical studies, tonal skills and music analysis. Additionally, during the second year, students choose three option papers on topics ranging from jazz and popular music, to music and science. Students may also complete a dissertation in their second year. During the final year, in which students take six papers, there are no compulsory modules and therefore you are given even more choice to specialise and tailor the course to suit your interests. A variety of topics are covered by these papers – options available range from Parisian Polyphony to Exploring Music Psychology. Students may also opt to produce a dissertation or a composition instead of taking one of their written papers in their final year.




Physics at Oxford

The Physics course at Oxford places a strong emphasis on fundamental concepts such as optics and relativity. In the first year, your time is equally divided between mathematics and physics with papers including Classical mechanics and special relativity, Electromagnetism, Circuit theory and optics, Mathematical methods I, and Differential equations and waves. In their second and third years, students pair compulsory courses covering a wide range of physics-related disciplines, with options that allow them to advance their knowledge in particular areas of interest ranging from topics on climate physics to quantum mechanics. Further, students are expected to complete laboratory work, presentations and projects throughout their studies. After the third year, students can graduate with a BA or may opt instead to pursue a further year, graduating with an MPhys upon successful completion. This fourth year allows for deeper subject specialism, with students conducting a research project, alongside taking two papers from a broad variety of papers ranging from Astrophysics to Atmospheres and oceans.

Natural Sciences (Physical)

Students studying Physics at Cambridge take the physical route of the Natural Sciences Tripos, which allows students to combine their physics modules with topics from Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Material Sciences and Computer Science. In the first year, you study three experimental sciences from a choice of seven, along with one mathematics paper from a choice of two. During their second year, students choose three modules from a wide range of options, allowing for specialisation into either Physics or Chemistry, or they may opt instead to remain broad. In their third year, most students choose to specialise into one subject such as Physics or Astrophysics. After three years, students graduate with a BA or can opt to continue onto a fourth year if they wish, and gain an MSci degree. Students also undertake a substantial project within a research group.




Theology and Religion at Oxford

The Theology and Religion course at Oxford begins with four papers taken in the first year, including: Religion and religions, Introduction to the study of the Bible, The figure of Jesus through the centuries, along with studying a scriptural language such as New Testament Greek, Biblical Hebrew, Qur’anic Arabic, Church Latin, Pali or Sanskrit. In their second and third years, students have a choice of seven papers across four subject areas covering topics on biblical studies, systematic theology and ethics, history of religions (such as Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism), and religion and religions (including Contemporary Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and Hinduism). Additionally, all students are required to prepare a dissertation on a topic of their choice in their final year. 

Theology, Religion, and Philosophy of Religion at Cambridge

Encompassing the history, practice and thought of the major world religions of Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism, Cambridge’s Theology, Religion and Philosophy of Religion is designed to develop students’ understanding of the significance of religion and its cultural contexts. During the first year, you are required to take five papers designed to give you a broad introduction to the concept, knowledge and skills required in the main areas of study. There are two compulsory subjects: one scriptural language and one paper in biblical studies, and students select three other papers from a choice of six. During their second year, students are given complete freedom, choosing four papers out of 17, including papers ranging from Ethics and Faith to Theology and Literature. In the final year, students choose four papers from a wide range of ‘Special Subjects’ and interdisciplinary papers and may choose to write an optional dissertation instead of taking one of these papers.



Oxford College snapshots buttonThis helpful guide sets out by course what the grade requirements are, how many applicants per place on average apply for the course and how many places there are overall.

Armed with this information, you will be able to guide your students choices, ensuring they have the data they need to be able to make an informed choice.


Open days are an exciting opportunity to get to know a university first-hand, by visiting colleges that interest you as well as your chosen department. As colleges are where you will live, eat, socialise, and have tutorials, it’s important to look round the colleges you’re considering applying to. A visit to the department will allow you to learn more about the structure of your course, and to speak to tutors. If you’ve never been to Oxford or Cambridge before, open days are a great way to get a feel for the city.  



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The next Cambridge open days will be held in early July.

Many of the colleges and departments will be open for drop-in visitors but some may require additional booking. Booking for the open day as a whole is mandatory, so don’t miss the deadline!

Once you have booked you will receive an Eventbrite ticket via email. You can book either for a college-only ticket or a university and college ticket, which will give you access to more events.

Students with a disability can indicate this on the booking form, and will be contacted by the university in case special arrangements need to be made.




The Oxford open days are held in June and September. 

Oxford suggests that you start with a visit to your subject department in the morning and then visit a shortlist of colleges in the afternoon.

Unlike Cambridge, it is not mandatory to book so you can just turn up to a college or department; however, some specific events may require advance booking, so make sure to check the details for the individual departments and colleges you want to visit.

Some Oxford colleges can provide travel funding for UK applicants who need financial support.


Before you go 


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  • First and foremost, check to see if you need to book any events, especially if you want to attend the Cambridge open day.

  • Make sure you check which colleges offer your course. For Oxford, simply visit their page and click on your subject. For Cambridge, search the page for your chosen course where there should be information about which colleges don’t offer your subject, if any.

  • Once you’ve done these two crucial things make sure to do plenty of research before the open day, as you don’t want to waste time asking questions you could easily have found the answers to online. Most of the relevant information will be listed somewhere on the college website, and you can always contact the admissions offices with any further questions. Both Oxford and Cambridge also have an Alternative Prospectus, which offers advice and insights by students to prospective applicants. 

  • If there’s any information you haven’t been able to find, prepare some questions to ask. Open days are an opportunity to talk to current students and tutors, so make sure you take full advantage of this.

  • Last but not least, plan how you will get there. Both Oxford and Cambridge advise against bringing a car, as parking will be very difficult with so many people in the city. If you’re visiting Oxford, read their helpful travel advice.


What should I look for in a college?


meadows smallerOnce you’ve eliminated colleges that don’t offer your course, you’re free to choose which one you’d like to visit and ultimately apply to. Don’t try to visit every single college and don’t leave your favourites until the end of the day, as you may end up missing out.

When evaluating colleges, focus on what’s important to you; you may want to consider factors such as size, age, appearance, accommodation, location, food options, facilities, and tutors. You can use resources such as the Norrington Table (Oxford) and the Tompkins Table (Cambridge) to compare the academic achievements of different colleges.

Most of the more factual information will be available on the college website, allowing you to shortlist colleges before you get there, whereas things such as atmosphere, quality of food, and college pets may be good questions to ask current students about on the open day. 


For specialist advice on college choice or any aspect of your application, get in touch with our expert consultants on + 44 (0) 20 7499 2394 or send us your query at [email protected]

Clare College, Cambridge, UK.Oxford and Cambridge are two of the best universities in the world, so competition will always be fierce. This said, the statistics show that there are particular courses where the acceptance rate is consistently lower due to the sheer number of applicants relative to the places available. 

We always advise candidates who are passionate about a specific subject to apply for it. However, it is also important that you are aware of what you are applying for with regard to the acceptance rate of applicants.

The tables below show acceptance rates for the courses it is most difficult to gain admission onto. Note that Oxford offers some courses with very small intakes and the data here only concern ‘Large Courses’, which Oxford defines as those with more than 20 places available.  If you are considering applying for a course with fewer than 20 places and would like further information regarding acceptance rates, feel free to contact us. 



Economics & Management 7%
Computer Science 13%
Medicine 9%
Law 15%
History & Politics 13%
Fine Art 11%
Human Sciences 16%
PPE 14%
Psychology, Philosophy & Linguistics 16%


Architecture 12%
Economics 14%
Engineering 14%
Computer Science 14%
Psychological & Behavioural Science 15%
Medicine 21%
Maths (inc. with Physics) 20%
Veterinary Medicine 26%
Philosophy 24%
Natural Sciences 21%


Alternatives To Consistently Oversubscribed Courses

At both Oxford and Cambridge, three courses consistently attract very high numbers of applications: Medicine, Economics and Law. If you are interested in applying for these three then you may benefit from looking into alternative courses for which, statistically speaking, your application is more likely to be successful. These are relatively vocational areas of study, so research to ensure that the alternatives suggested here are compatibile with your post-university plans is of great importance. 


The rigorous standards that Medicine applicants are measured against, as well as the sheer volume of applicants, makes Medicine a difficult course to apply successfully to. Students interested in the science of Medicine, rather than the practical treatment of patients, could look into Biomedical Sciences at Oxford and Biological Natural Sciences at Cambridge. 


No matter which variation of Economics a candidate applies for, be it straight Economics, PPE or Economics and Management, it is a difficult subject in which to win a place. For students interested in PPE, but perhaps not so interested in the Politics aspect, Mathematics and Philosophy at Oxford allows students to explore the mathematical basis of Economics while retaining the Philosophy of PPE.


Much like Medicine and Economics, Law is oversubscribed, not only because it is a well-known course, but because of its deserved reputation as a pragmatic next step to a career. Students interested in both Law and Economics might consider Land Economy at Cambridge, which combines both of these subjects through analysis of business, finance, and the environment.


Want to find out what your chances are of getting into Oxford or Cambridge? Every year we survey hundreds of people who applied the previous year, giving you crucial statistical insight into the probability of gaining a place. 

We have gathered information on all elements of the Oxford and Cambridge application processes, from which schools students came from, to whether they were asked about their personal statements at interview, and what further help they would like if they were to apply again. 

The most interesting information is found in this report…


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2014 Annual Survey


Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

Historians may expect to have to take History, and English student may expect to have taken English – but Maths?

Surprisingly, this may be the case. Over half of successful Arts, Humanities, and Social Science applicants studied Maths at A-Level. While this doesn’t mean that maths is a course requirement, studying it at A-Level does demonstrate to admissions tutors a student’s ability to study an academically rigorous subject at a high level.


Vials of medications.To study Medicine at Cambridge, students have to have studied Chemistry and at least two subjects from the following choices: Maths, Physics, and Biology.

Our data shows, however, that 100% of successful applicants studied Biology – so while it appears to be an option to not take Biology according to the admissions criteria, the reality is that Biology is as good as a required course for Medicine applicants.

Of interest is also the benefit of taking Maths over Physics out of these two remaining options – 92% of successful applicants studied Maths, while only 51% studied Physics.


Law is an essay-based subject and as such, essay based courses at A-Level are a good choice for making a successful application. 72% of successful applicants had studied English Literature, while 60% had studied History.

Economics, Economics and Management, and PPE

Fellows-studyWith yet another case of unstated course requirements, all three of these subjects show massively skewed success depending on which courses were chosen at A-Level.

All successful Cambridge Economists who worked with us last year took Further Maths at A-Level, and while the Oxford website does not state Maths as a required subject, all PPE applicants we surveyed had studied Maths at A-Level.

With PPE in particular, we can see that studying the subject you’re taking at degree level should not be an indication to take this subject at A-Level. Prior knowledge of Philosophy or Politics is not always necessary, with only 10% of successful applicants studying Politics and 24% studying Philosophy or Religious Studies.

Other subjects

Oxford and Cambridge already have literature on which courses to take at A-Level. This is a vital starting point for any student who is wondering which A levels to choose, or which course to choose based on the A levels he or she has.

However, for the highly competitive subjects like the ones above, it is valuable to undergo more advanced research to ensure that a bad course or subject choice doesn’t harm a good application.

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Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

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