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Following decades of the ‘One Child Policy’, China has lifted this ban allowing families to now have two children. However some believe other elements of China’s family planning policies remain unchanged and restrictive. For example, single mothers do not receive educational or financial support for their child and are often fined for giving birth outside of marriage; for the city of Wuhan in 2013 this fine was $13,000. With the country’s crippling demographic problems, lifting the restrictions placed on single mothers could help the process of rejuvenation. This contrasts with Sweden who offer generous financial aid to their single parents.

Students considering Law should think about the reasoning for different family planning policies implemented in countries and the legal position of those who are negatively affected by such policies. 

Those wanting to study PPE should try to understand the position of the government to put in place family planning policies and the economic reasoning for doing so.

HSPS and Geography applicants should use this case study to look at the causes and effects of demographic problems. What other solutions could be put in place to help countries with demographic issues?

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