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Global warming has become an increasingly pressing issue in recent years with many countries investing in schemes and procedures in an attempt to reduce their carbon footprint. However, some of the effects of global warming are no longer preventable, according to a recent study. Cities, such as Miami and New Orleans, in low-lying areas could disappear from our landscape due to the rising sea-levels. If we continue with our rate of burning fossil fuels then we could see these damaging effects occur as early as the next century; even if we were to reach peak carbon emission by 2020, in the case of Miami and New Orleans, this may prove too late to stop the process.

To increase awareness of this problem, Climate Central has published maps showing the state of US cities if pollution continued unchecked; they are planning on extending this to a global scale which will show the comprehensive outlook of global warming.

Geography students should consider the various issues of global warming here and why some areas are at a higher risk. They should evaluate the recent study and discuss if some effects of global warming are indeed unavoidable and, if not, what short and long term preventatives should be put in place.

Measures to prevent global warming can often be difficult or expensive to implement; candidates wishing to study PPE should think about how much governments should be investing into such programmes. They should also contemplate the reasoning behind some politicians for denying the existence, and subsequent problems, of global warming. 

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