Map Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

What are my Chances of Success if I Reapply to Oxford or Cambridge?

          You opened up your response from the University of Oxford or Cambridge to find that it’s not the news that you’ve been hoping for… what next? There are a few different courses of action from this point onwards, one of which is pulling out of your existing offers and reapplying in next year's UCAS cycle. The big question is: how do you decide whether this is the right option for you?

          This is a very big decision, and one most certainly worth taking time to think through properly. It is not uncommon for applicants to gain an "Oxbridge or nothing" mentality whilst applying, which can cloud their judgement and prevent them from weighing up the other excellent university options available to them. Conversely, some applicants can become intimidated by the idea of forfeiting the other offers they have received and fail to fully assess the chances they might have in reapplication.

          Whilst excellent non-Oxbridge offers should not be thrown away lightly, applicants should likewise properly weigh up how important a second opportunity to study at Oxford or Cambridge is to them against their chances of success. There are a lot of factors at play in this decision, so allow our admissions experts to break it down a little.


Our Private Consultations provide in-depth evaluation, strategy and next steps to achieve results. Suitable for those aged 14 upwards.

Advantages of Reapplying

          One of the main benefits of reapplying is that you're almost certain to be a stronger candidate the second time around. This is because you'll have had a year longer than most applicants to research and read around your subject, refine your personal statement, and practice for the interviews. This isn't even to mention the fact that you've already gained experience in most, if not all, aspects of the application, meaning you are likely to be less nervous than first-time applicants.

          Additionally, if you are reapplying having completed your final year of school, then you will need to have gained the requisite grades already (otherwise, if we're being honest, there is no real point in making a reapplication). This means that you will be completely free to focus wholeheartedly on building your application and gaining useful skills, knowledge, and experience, rather than juggling your application with studying for your A-level or equivalent exams. 

          In our experience, we’ve found that reapplicants are generally more dedicated and better prepared than the average first-time applicant, giving them a solid leg-up when it comes to the application process. Don't just take our experience as evidence though: the statistics agree with us. Of course there is variation between courses, but in general reapplicants are more likely to receive an offer than first-time applicants; the average across courses at Cambridge, for example, is an uplift in offer rate (i.e. the chances of getting an offer) of about 10%. For Oxford reapplicants in 2021, for example, 18 out of 46 courses saw an offer rate above 30%, with the overall reapplication offer rate of 26.8% being vastly higher than the average offer rate across all applicants of 14.6%.

Disadvantages of Reapplying

          Whilst the statistics in favour of reapplication are very encouraging, they are ultimately only a snapshot of the average reapplicant's chances. That is to say that statistics can only do so much to tell us about our own specific situation and chances. So whilst the average reapplicant may have better chances than the average first-timer, there are several situations that can change this, potentially for the worse. Additionally, there are certain aspects of the reapplication that can be more difficult, stressful, or make less sense to some reapplicants, meaning they may wish to take another path instead. Let's investigate these in more depth.

          Although this can be an excellent opportunity for you to develop both yourself and your knowledge of the subject you’d like to study at university, on the other hand this can feel like a burden to some students, with the emptiness of the year stretching out in front of them in an intimidating way. Furthermore, even if your chosen subject is open to applicants taking gap years (which is not always a given - see below for more on this), a gap year reapplicant will ideally be motivated and excited to engage in activities, undertake work experience, or conduct personal research that contributes to their subject knowledge and personal academic development. Due to the rigorous nature of applications to Oxford and Cambridge, tutors can usually sniff out those who have made the most of their gap year and those who have not! If this doesn't sound like something that excites you, or you are simply raring to get to university as soon as possible, the perhaps reapplication is not for you.

          Equally, some subjects at university prefer applicants not to have done a gap year at all, so that their knowledge is fresh from their A-level or equivalent studies. This generally holds true for STEM subjects, in particular medicine and mathematics. For example, in 2021, whilst the overall offer rate for Oxford reapplicants was 26.8%, Mathematics and Medicine reapplicants only received an offer rate of 8.8% and 9.1% respectively (representing little to no uplift on the overall average success rates). We therefore recommend anyone considering reapplication heads to the university course webpage or guidance on their specific subject before making serious steps towards reapplication. 

          In short, reapplying can increase your chances of success through the experience you have gained the first time around, provided that you use the extra time you have gained to improve your knowledge, stay in touch with the world of academia, and build on your application from the year before. Reapplication is not for everyone, and most candidates who don’t receive an offer from Oxford or Cambridge would be very happy at another university. It is, however, a path hundreds of students choose every year, and one we have guided many on. Without an academic schedule being provided by schooling, it’s essential to be thinking about and developing your reapplication in the right way, to make sure being a year older and more experienced becomes an advantage to your candidacy.

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Want expert advice on your particular situation? Our Private Consultations, led by senior members of the Oxbridge Applications team, help to shape students’ approach to their (re)application. We provide in-depth evaluation, strategy and next steps to achieve results.

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Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

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