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Computer Science Aptitudes Test Guide

Everything you should know before taking the Computer Science Aptitudes Test and how to be successful!

WHAT IS THE Computer Science Aptitudes Test?

The Computer Science Aptitudes Test is a pre-interview test that applicants are asked to sit prior to their Cambridge interview. Although Computer Science applicants to all colleges are required to sit the Test of Mathematics for University Admission (TMUA) around the same time as making their application, some Cambridge Colleges also ask applicants to sit this test if they are shortlisted for interview.

WHO NEEDS TO SIT THE Computer Science Aptitudes Test?

Shortlisted candidates at Peterhouse and Trinity College, Cambridge, are required to sit the Computer Science Aptitudes Test on the day of their interview.

HOW IS THE Computer Science Aptitudes Test STRUCTURED?

The Computer Science Aptitudes Test is a 100 minute paper made up of several sections of questions, from which students can answer the subsets of questions that they feel most comfortable answering. Section A features 8 questions and Section B features 12 questions, with Section B being more challenging and the questions worth more marks. A student’s best 5 questions in each section are considered and the points contribute to their final score.


Applicants may choose which of the questions they answer from each section, with their highest-scoring 5 questions from each section going towards their final score.

HOW IS MY SCORE IN THE Computer Science Aptitudes Test USED?

As the Computer Science Aptitudes Test is a pre-interview test taken by applicants who have already been shortlisted for interview, it has perhaps a less important role in the selection process than other admissions tests taken prior to interview selection. Applicants taking the Computer Science Aptitudes Test will have their test results and scripts considered by admissions tutors alongside their interview performance, meaning that an impressive performance in the test could help bolster a less impressive interview performance, and vice versa.

WHAT IS A GOOD Computer Science Aptitudes Test SCORE?

Since the Computer Science Aptitudes Test is used as an assessment tool among a wider context of factors, such as your academic grades and teacher reference, there is no fixed pass mark or automatic threshold.


The Computer Science Aptitudes Test is a test of logic and critical thinking skills - it does not require students to know anything about the specifics of computer science or programming beyond mathematical skills. 

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How to register for the Computer Science Aptitudes Test

WHEN IS THE Computer Science Aptitudes Test IN 2023?

The Computer Science Aptitudes Test will be sat by students who have been invited to interview by a Cambridge college. There is no specific date published for the test, and colleges will reach out to shortlisted applicants via email to inform them of the test date and arrangements when they are invited to interview. Cambridge Interviews mostly take place in the first three weeks of December.


If you are invited to take the Computer Science Aptitudes Test, all the information you require to attend and sit the test will be included in an email from the college you have applied to; there is no need to worry about finding information or making arrangements beforehand!

HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO TAKE THE Computer Science Aptitudes Test?

The Computer Science Aptitudes Test is free of charge for shortlisted applicants.

Tips from a Successful Cambridge Computer Science Student


  1. Practice Regularly: Consistent practice is the key to success. Work through sample questions and past papers to improve your quick-response skills, mathematical thinking, and numerical reasoning. 
  2. Enhance Your Mathematical Skills: The Computer Science Aptitudes Test is largely a test of mathematical skills, meaning that practising difficult maths questions and working under timed conditions to work out long problems is a good way to prepare for the test. 
  3. Time Management: During preparation, practice answering questions within the allocated time limits. Time management is crucial to completing all sections of the Computer Science Aptitudes Test effectively. The University website keeps past papers available so that applicants can test themselves in timed conditions. If you’ve worked your way through these, we at Oxbridge Applications keep a bespoke bank of true-to-reality mock tests which are made available to all students on our Computer Science Aptitudes Test admissions test course.
  4. Stay Informed: Keep yourself updated with the latest news and developments in your chosen field. This will not only enhance your exam performance but also prepare you for potential interview questions. On our blog we endeavour to keep potential applicants up to date on everything admissions-test, so be sure to check in there for more news!
  5. Ask expert advice: Request feedback on your practice papers from teachers, mentors, or peers. Constructive criticism will help you identify areas for improvement and refine your approach. Previous Cambridge Computer Science graduates, such as our mentors here at Oxbridge Applications, are also a great source of knowledge to draw on, as they can give you an accurate picture of what it means to perform like a successful Cambridge applicants!


In addition to official Computer Science Aptitudes Test past and specimen papers on the Cambridge Website, we at Oxbridge Applications have written a series of additional mock papers. Our students have 33% more questions to practise with. Our mock Computer Science Aptitudes Test papers are included with our admissions test tuition. All of our Computer Science Aptitudes Test tutors are highly-trained Cambridge graduates who can share their personal insights of having sat the test. You can contact our Oxbridge-graduate Consultants on +44 (0) 20 7499 2394 or email [email protected] to discuss which of our test training would suit you best. We also have an online testing portal for students who want to sit the exam in timed, test conditions.


At Oxbridge Applications, we pride ourselves in providing up-to-date advice and unrivalled expertise. As well as collating information from publicly available sources, we also conduct our own research into the application process; for example, by surveying the thousands of students we support each year. Speak to an Oxbridge Applications expert today for advice on your specific situation!

How to Pass the Computer Science Aptitudes Test?

The best advice we can offer to succeed in the Computer Science Aptitudes Test exam is to begin exam preparation early and practise often.

Most students who don’t make it through the interview stages and feel their Computer Science Aptitudes Test results let them down tell us that they didn’t spend enough time familiarising themselves with the type of questions that can arise. They typically say that they were caught off guard by a particular question and it put their timings off for the rest of the test.


Since no subject-specific knowledge is required for the Computer Science Aptitudes Test, challenge yourself to begin working through past papers and familiarising yourself with the questions as soon as possible.


Reflect on your personal strengths and weaknesses. No two students should have the same revision strategy for the Computer Science Aptitudes Test, since you all have varying abilities. Try to identify what kind of questions or problems trip you up most often, then tailor your strategy accordingly!


Don’t restrict your practice materials: Once you have tried all of the real past papers, and have moved on to additional materials like our bespoke Computer Science Aptitudes Test papers, you should then look wider at similar materials. Find Mathematics papers in other exam systems or exam boards, such as the IB, or try working on maths olympiad papers to get a wider set of practice materials.


Work with a friend or teacher to discuss questions and identify your own personal revision goals. Working with others can be a huge motivation and keep you on track in the weeks and months leading up to the test. We have specialist Computer Science Aptitudes Test tutors who can work with you one-to-one to refine your test technique.


Strategic Guidance

Unsure about your Oxbridge application? In our one-hour consultation, our experts strategise your application, assess your potential, and resolve queries to maximise your success. Contact us at [email protected] or +44 (0) 20 7499 2394.

Computer Science Aptitudes Test Admission Private Tuition x4

Available all year-round and includes 4 private admissions test tuition sessions and four test papers, which are marked by expert Oxbridge-graduate tutors.

Computer Science Aptitudes Test Admission Private Tuition x6

Available: Year-Round and includes 6 private admissions test tuition sessions and six test papers which are marked by expert Oxbridge-graduate tutors.

Past Computer Science Aptitudes Test test papers

Prepare for your admissions test with our mock papers.

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Our Oxbridge-graduate consultants are available between 9.00 am – 5.00 pm from Monday to Friday, with additional evening availability when requested.

Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

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