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Biomedical Sciences Admissions Test (BMSAT) Guide

Everything you should know before taking the BMSAT and how to be successful!


The BMSAT (Biomedical Sciences Admissions Test) is a pre-registered admissions test used by the University of Oxford for all applicants to its undergraduate Biomedical Sciences degree course.

The BMSAT is both a knowledge and a skills test: it measures the applicant’s scientific knowledge as well as its application to new scenarios. It is designed to separate applicants with similar school grades by giving admissions tutors an idea of how readily they will adapt to the fast-pased learning environment of Oxford University Biomedical Sciences.


Applicants to Oxford’s Biomedical Sciences (Biomed, for short) course must sit the BMSAT in support of their application.


The BMSAT is a 90-minute exam made up of 80 items. It will include 20 questions each on Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics. The test features multiple choice questions, for which answers will be marked automatically by the computer system.


Applicants will not be able to choose which questions they respond to as part of the test.


As with other admissions tests, the responses given in the BMSAT (and their scores) will be used to provide admissions tutors additional information about the applicant to help them make their final decision on shortlisting. Whilst it is very unlikely that an excellent score in the BMSAT will save an otherwise weak application, a very poor BMSAT score can damage an otherwise acceptable set of application materials.


The maximum marks an applicant can receive in the BMSAT is 80. Since this is a new test for the 2024 application cycle, we do not have very much information on which to measure an average score.

What we can say, however, is that Oxford rarely work with a pass/fail mark on their admissions tests. In other words, there is no specific number that, taken alone, will entirely make or break an application. Every element of the application is taken in context with the other elements.


The BMSAT combines the test of scientific knowledge with tests of its application to new scenarios. Therefore, applicants must both revise scientific content and be ready to use it in unfamiliar question styles or contexts.

Oxford University have specified that the Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics knowledge required for each section of the test will be based on material frequently covered in higher tier GCSE (or equivalent) science and maths syllabuses for UK secondary education. The University recommend visiting the UK Department of Education content specifications for GCSE single science and Mathematics for more specific information on what to revise.

Admissions Test Guidance

Unsure about your Oxbridge AHCAAT performance? Our expert Oxbridge-graduate tutors have helped thousands of applicants to maximise their potential in their admissions test. Contact us at [email protected] or +44 (0) 20 7499 2394.

How to register for the BMSAT


The test dates for the BMSAT in 2025 are Tuesday the 21st, Wednesday the 22nd, Thursday the 23rd, Friday the 24th, and Monday the 27th of October. All applicants must sit the test on one of these dates. This may be during half term, but with plenty of advanced notice this hopefully shouldn’t prevent your school or college from holding the test. Be aware that if you miss this date for whatever reason you will not be able to take the test on another day and your application will not be considered.


The BMSAT, like many Oxford Admissions Tests, requires applicants to register in advance of sitting the test. The dates for registration for 2025 will be published soon, so please return here later for more details.

Candidates can register for themselves via the online registration portal. We recommend reading the Oxford University BMSAT page for more details on how to register; the university will be releasing further information in due course. Once registered, applicants will then be able to book their place at a Pearson VUE test centre. We recommend booking as soon as possible so that you can secure a place at the most convenient test centre for you.

Once registered, make sure that you have received an email stating your test centre location, and the date, time, and duration of the test. Make sure that this is done well in advance of the deadline. If you have extenuating circumstances (i.e. a situation beyond your control) that prevented you from registering on time, get in touch with the Oxford college you applied to immediately and alert them of your situation.


Oxford University and Pearson VUE do not charge applicants a registration fee. However, independent test centres do sometimes charge an administration fee for candidates to cover costs such as room hire and invigilation. Get in touch with your chosen test centre to clarify if this cost will apply to you.


Tips from a Successful Oxford Biomed Student


Revise Science and Maths Content:The foundation of a good BMSAT performance is a comprehensive knowledge of the content on which the questions are based. We recommend (re)visiting GCSE textbooks for Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and Maths (for any exam board you have to hand) and working through to ensure you have a solid grasp of the content. Undertaking practise GCSE past papers, whilst it won’t prepare you for the BMSAT in terms of question style, might help you test your knowledge of this content in simple terms.

Get Creative in Applying the Content:Beyond mere content knowledge, what makes the BMSAT special is its requirement to apply scientific knowledge to new situations in a test of your academic flexibility and creative thinking. This is far more difficult to prepare for than simply revising content; you need to find ways to creatively use the knowledge that you have. One way to do this can be digging out A-level or equivalent questions that use GCSE content in new ways. Alternatively, you could look at the old BMAT (Biomedical Admissions Test) questions; even though this test is now defunct, some of the longer or more creative questions mimic the style of other admissions tests. Alternatively, see if your science or maths teachers have time to set some questions, or have past tests they have used for other applicants. Additionally, our expert tutors have helped thousands of past applicants prepare for more challenging Biomedical questions, so consider booking an admissions test course.

Practise Under Timed Conditions:Regularly practise answering BMSAT-style questions under timed conditions to improve your time management skills. For access to bespoke, true-to-life mock papers with which to practise your timing skills, head to our Admissions Test Resources hub and browse our exclusive collections; even though there are none for the BMSAT, some old BMAT or UCAT papers may be of use.

Seek Support:Consider seeking guidance from teachers or mentors experienced in BMSAT preparation to receive valuable feedback and insights. Previous Biomedical Sciences students who have sat similar admissions tests, such as our mentors here at Oxbridge Applications, are also a great source of knowledge to draw on, as they can give you an accurate picture of what it means to perform like a real top Biomed student.

Familiarise Yourself with the BMSAT Format:Once the University of Oxford release sample papers or practice materials (which the University state they will be doing soon), be sure to use these to familiarise yourself with the style of questions, format of the test itself, and the online portal which Pearson VUE will be using. Check back in with us here at Oxbridge Applications to be the first to find out once these materials have been released.


As with all admissions tests, we recommend fortifying both the scientific and mathematic content covered in the test, as the key skills it measures. We recommend spending a good amount of time on the UK GCSE Higher Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics syllabuses for knowledge of the basics, as well as practicing applying this knowledge to new content using past papers from other tests or bespoke written questions from our tutors or your teachers at school.

Since this is a new test, there are no past papers available for applicants to practise with. Check back in with us here or Oxford University to be the first to find out once these materials are available.


There is no one textbook or study guide that gives you all the information you need to ace the BMSAT. This is partly because it is a new test, but also because it combines questions from different school disciplines into different sections of one test. This is why we recommend both revising school GCSE content, as well as using this content in new scenarios.

At Oxbridge Applications, we pride ourselves in providing up-to-date advice and unrivalled expertise. As well as collating information from publicly available sources, we also conduct our own research into the application process; for example, by surveying the thousands of students we support each year. Speak to an Oxbridge Applications expert today for advice on your specific situation!


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How to Pass the BMSAT

The best advice we can offer to succeed the BMSAT exam is to begin exam preparation early and practise often.

Most students who don’t make it through the interview stages and feel their admissions test results let them down tell us that they didn’t spend enough time practising with unseen materials and working to the specific timings and requirements of the test paper.


Early preparation for the BMSAT will help you shine and impress admissions tutors. Additionally, the skills you practise here are useful for your interview, and beyond into your exams and future studies, so the impact of thorough preparation cannot be underestimated!


Rather than powering on blindly through mock questions, take the time throughout your preparation to reflect on your performance so far and specific areas in which you can improve. Perhaps leave a little time between producing an essay and re-reading it; forgetting the specifics of your initial argument can give you some objectivity in revisiting and evaluating your previous performance.

Additionally, if a teacher, parent, or other trusted individual (with a good knowledge of Science and Maths) has spare time to read through your answers and give you some comments, this can be a great way to gain objective advice on your performance. To get expert advice and structured guidance from your mock tests, as well as bespoke BMSAT tuition, check out our admissions test packages.

No two students should have the same revision strategy for the BMSAT, since you all have varying abilities, so try to think about your own strengths and weaknesses so that you’re maximising your preparation time and focusing on the most important aspects.


Don’t restrict your practice materials: This is especially useful advice for the BMSAT, since there are few official materials (yet!) for you to use. Beyond school science and maths questions, we recommend branching out into other past and present admissions tests such as the UCAT or the BMAT which might help you stretch your creative-thinking; just remember that if you struggle with these tests, that’s okay since they are covering slightly different content! If you run out of material, contact our admissions test tuition specialists for bespoke advice and practice materials.


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Unsure about your Oxbridge application? In our one-hour consultation, our experts strategise your application, assess your potential, and resolve queries to maximise your success. Contact us at [email protected] or +44 (0) 20 7499 2394.

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Available all year-round and includes 4 private admissions test tuition sessions conducted by our Oxbridge-graduate subject specialists.

BMSAT Admission Private Tuition x6

Available: Year-Round and includes 6 private admissions test tuition sessions conducted by our Oxbridge-graduate subject specialists.

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