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Changes to Cambridge Entry Requirements

Big news from Cambridge University! The renowned institution has recently updated its admission policies for the 2025 entry cycle. Aiming to strengthen its reputation for academic excellence, Cambridge has revised its grade requirements and offers for prospective students. This adjustment reflects the university's ongoing commitment to upholding its rigorous academic standards and ensuring that admitted students are prepared to excel in their chosen fields. These changes are provisional and will be confirmed in April 2024, so be sure to check back then for final confirmation!

In addition to updating the grades and subjects, Cambridge has also changed its terminology: where previously they used the term 'entry requirements' they now refer to a 'minimum offer level'. This means that although these are the grades listed on the course webpage, offers might in fact as for higher grades. 



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General Changes

Let’s have a look at the general updates Cambridge have made to their entry requirements. Firstly, all courses at Cambridge now include the following paragraph under ‘Entry Requirements’:

  • The minimum offer level and subject requirements outline the minimum you'll usually need to achieve to get an offer from Cambridge.
  • In some cases, you'll get a higher or more challenging offer. Colleges set higher offer requirements for a range of reasons. If you'd like to find out more about why we do this, check the information about offers above the minimum requirement on the entry requirements page.

Some subjects will also state:

  • You might be asked to achieve an A* in specific subjects (for example one of your essay-based subjects [for Arts and Humanities Degrees]) as part of your offer.

Regarding the IB, the requirements used to be 40-42 but are now:

  • 41-42 points, with 776 at Higher Level

Course-by-course Changes

Let's delve into the details of these updates. Below, we list each Cambridge course, specify whether any changes have been made (either ‘no change’, ‘no universal change’ - meaning some colleges have changed but these have not been applied across the course - and ‘yes’). We also specify the grade and subject requirements of each course, as well as any further details on the changes we think applicants need to make note of.

Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic

Change for 2025 entry? Grade requirements Subject Requirements 
No change A*AA No specific requirements



Change for 2025 entry? Grade requirements Subject Requirements 
No change A*AA No specific requirements



Change for 2025 entry? Grade requirements Subject Requirements 
No universal change A*AA No specific requirements

†The following colleges have changed their requirements for Architecture applicants as follows:

  • If applying to Selwyn, applicants need Mathematics or Physics  
  • If applying to Sidney Sussex, applicants need Mathematics or Physics  
  • If applying to Churchill, applicants will be asked for A* in Mathematics and/or Physics


Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

Change for 2025 entry? Grade requirements Subject Requirements 
No universal change A*AA No specific requirements


†Applicants to Asian and Middle Eastern Studies must have an A Level in a chosen European language if applying for a combined degree with a European language. For applicants to Churchill, Lucy Cavendish, and Murray Edwards colleges, the college now require applicants to achieve an A* in their chosen European language. 


Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology

Change for 2025 entry? Grade requirements Subject Requirements 
Yes A*A*A The course used to require Mathematics and Chemistry. This has been updated to require a third science/mathematics subject for all colleges.†


†Colleges ‘usually’ require an A*/7 in Mathematics or Further Mathematics and Chemistry. Applicants to Churchill are required to obtain an A* in Chemistry or Physics (if taken).



Change for 2025 entry? Grade requirements Subject Requirements 
No universal change A*AA No specific requirements (for four year course).†

Requires Latin (for three year course).


† Applicants to Churchill and Lucy Cavendish colleges are now required to obtain an A*/7 in Latin (for three year course).


Computer Science

Change for 2025 entry? Grade requirements Subject Requirements 
Yes A*A*A The course requires Mathematics as well as now outright requiring ‘Further Mathematics to AS or A level if your school offers it’.


† Applicants to Christ’s college must take Further Mathematics. Applicants for Churchill, Downing, and Lucy Cavendish colleges must take a third science subject and achieve an A*/7. Churchill college requires an additional A*/7 in Chemistry, Computer Science, or Physics.



Change for 2025 entry? Grade requirements Subject Requirements 
No universal change A*AA This course requires Mathematics.


† Applicants to Churchill college may be required to obtain A* in physics ‘if you’ve taken this as one of your qualifications’.



Change for 2025 entry? Grade requirements Subject Requirements 
Yes A*A*A The course requires Mathematics; colleges now ‘usually’ require A*/7 in Mathematics or Further Mathematics.† 


† Trinity Hall college requires an A level in an essay-based subject; Christ’s and Magdalene colleges require Further Mathematics. 



Change for 2025 entry? Grade requirements Subject Requirements 
No change A*AA No specific requirements



Change for 2025 entry? Grade requirements Subject Requirements 
Yes A*A*A The course requires Mathematics and Physics; all colleges now ‘normally require’ an A*/7 in Mathematics or Further Mathematics and an A*/7 in Physics.†


Further Mathematics is now required by Christ’s, Churchill, Clare, Lucy Cavendish, and Sidney Sussex colleges. Applicants to Peterhouse may also be asked for Grade 2 in STEP II (admissions test).



Change for 2025 entry? Grade requirements Subject Requirements 
No universal change A*AA The course requires English Literature or English Literature & Language.*


Applicants to Churchill, King’s, and Lucy Cavendish colleges now must achieve an A*/7 in English Literature or English Literature & Language.

*Corpus Christi, Queens’, and Robinson colleges now only accept English Literature (not English Literature & Language).



Change for 2025 entry? Grade requirements Subject Requirements 
No universal change A*AA No specific requirements.†


Applicants to Christ’s and Murray Edwards colleges require Geography at A level; Churchill college requires an A*/7 in Geography at A level if studied.



Change for 2025 entry? Grade requirements Subject Requirements 
Yes A*AA All colleges now require history at A level (applicants can contact their target college for advice if not taking history).


Applicants to Churchill, King’s, and Lucy Cavendish colleges are required to obtain an A*/7 in A level History.


History and Modern Languages

Change for 2025 entry? Grade requirements Subject Requirements 
Yes A*AA This course requires a language (for languages to be studied post-A level). All colleges now require history at A level (applicants can contact their target college for advice if not taking history).


Churchill college requires an A*/7 in History and the language to be studied post-A level; Lucy Cavendish and Pembroke colleges require an A*/7 in the language to be studied post-A level.


History and Politics

Change for 2025 entry? Grade requirements Subject Requirements 
Yes A*AA All colleges now require history at A level (applicants can contact their target college for advice if not taking history).


Churchill college require an A*/7 in History and Politics (if taken); King’s college requires an A*/7 in History or Politics; Lucy Cavendish college requires an A*/7 in History.


History of Art

Change for 2025 entry? Grade requirements Subject Requirements 
No change A*AA No specific requirements. Colleges normally require an A*/7 in an essay-based subject.



Human, Social and Political Sciences

Change for 2025 entry? Grade requirements Subject Requirements 
Yes A*AA No specific requirements. All colleges now normally require an A*/7 in an essay-based subject.



Land Economy

Change for 2025 entry? Grade requirements Subject Requirements 
Yes A*AA No specific requirements. All colleges now normally require an A*/7 in an essay-based subject.




Change for 2025 entry? Grade requirements Subject Requirements 
No change A*AA No specific requirements. 




Change for 2025 entry? Grade requirements Subject Requirements 
Yes A*AA No specific requirements. All colleges now normally require an A*/7 in an essay-based subject.




Change for 2025 entry? Grade requirements Subject Requirements 
Yes A*A*A The course now specifies that colleges normally require Mathematics and Further Mathematics at A*/7.†


Downing college requires a third science or mathematics subject at A level.

Applicants for Mathematics with Physics must have taken the Mechanics section of Further Mathematics or have taken A level Physics (in addition to Mathematics and Further Mathematics).



Change for 2025 entry? Grade requirements Subject Requirements 
Yes A*A*A This course requires Chemistry. The course now ‘usually’ requires an A*/7 in Chemistry and another science or mathematics subject at A level. The course also now requires two other science or mathematics subjects from: Mathematics; Biology or Human Biology; Physics; and Further Mathematics.



Modern and Medieval Languages

Change for 2025 entry? Grade requirements Subject Requirements 
No universal change A*AA This course requires an A level in at least one of the languages the applicant will study.


Applicants to Churchill, King’s, and Lucy Cavendish colleges usually require an A*/7 in a language at A level.




Change for 2025 entry? Grade requirements Subject Requirements 
No universal change A*AA This course requires Music A level or ABRSM Grade 8 Theory at Merit or above.


Colleges may now specify A*/7 grade is required in A level Music.



Natural Sciences

Change for 2025 entry? Grade requirements Subject Requirements 
Yes A*A*A This course requires Mathematics and two other subjects from Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or Further Mathematics. Colleges now ‘may’ require an A*/7 in Chemistry and/or another science or mathematics subject. Some modules may desire or require certain A levels.†


Some individual colleges have the following specific requirements for:

  • Biological Sciences: Christ's college requires Chemistry.
    • Churchill college requires an A*/7 in Further Mathematics or Mathematics and an A*/7 in Biology and/or Chemistry.
    • Corpus Christi college requires an A* in Biology.
    • Emmanuel college requires Chemistry.
    • Jesus college requires an A* in Biology.
    • Lucy Cavendish college requires an A* in Mathematics and an A* in Chemistry.
    • Pembroke college requires Biology.
    • Robinson college requires Biology. 
  • Physical Sciences:
    • Christ's college requires two of Chemistry, Physics, or Further Mathematics.
    • Churchill college requires an A*/7 in Further Mathematics or Mathematics and an A*/7 in Chemistry and/or Physics.
    • Corpus Christi college requires an A*/7 in Mathematics and an A*/7 in Chemistry or Physics.
    • Fitzwilliam college requires Physics.
    • Jesus college requires an A*/7 in Chemistry or Physics.
    • King’s college requires Chemistry or Physics an an A*/7 in Mathematics.
    • Lucy Cavendish college requires an A* in Mathematics.
    • Robinson college requires two of Chemistry, Physics, or Further Mathematics.




Change for 2025 entry? Grade requirements Subject Requirements 
No change A*AA No specific requirements.




Psychological and Behavioural Sciences:

Change for 2025 entry? Grade requirements Subject Requirements 
Yes A*A*A This course now outright requires Mathematics or Biology at all colleges, and usually requires an A*/7 in Mathematics or Biology.



Theology, Religion and Philosophy of Religion

Change for 2025 entry? Grade requirements Subject Requirements 
Yes A*AA No specific requirements. The course now specifies that colleges ‘may’ require an A*/7 in an essay-based subject or language.





Veterinary Medicine

Change for 2025 entry? Grade requirements Subject Requirements 
No universal change A*AA This course requires Chemistry and at least one of Biology, Mathematics, or Physics.†


Churchill, Lucy Cavendish, and Selwyn colleges now require A*A*A; Churchill college specifically requires an A*/7 in Chemistry and one of Biology, Mathematics, or Physics.




If you’re unsure about these changes and how they might impact your application, or you’re just keen to get more information on the Oxbridge application process in general, our expert consultants are available to chat via email at [email protected], or via telephone on +44 (0) 20 7499 2394.


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