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Contrasting the standard UK working day of eight hours, this week many Swedish employers announced the introduction of a six-hour working day. The aim: to increase productivity and make people happier.

This is not an entirely new phenomena. Multinational corporation Toyota, begun implementing the 6 hour day in their Gothenburg centres 13 years ago. The company has since reported happier staff, a lower turnover rate, and an increase in profits in that time. In order to achieve a more intensive productivity in fewer hours, many companies have attempted to limit distractions, such as social media and keep meeting times to a minimum.

PPE students should consider the impact of implementing this strategy to the UK. How would you impact this strategy cross-culturally, to the USA for example? Think about the effects and time-frames that would need to be considered, and what would need to be changed in order for this to be a successful transition. Economics students should analyse the current impacts the strategy has had in Sweden, and the potential financial effects if the strategy was to be implemented in the UK.

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