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The news this week was scattered with various reactions to a ginormous iceberg, more than a quarter the size of Wales, breaking off from Antarctica. The final breakthrough happened between Monday and Wednesday, and was detected in data from NASA’s Aqua MODIS satellite instrument. The calving of the iceberg, which is likely to be named A68, reduces the size of the Larsen C Ice Shelf by around 12 per cent. Scientists who have studied this disaster have tried to emphasis the effect it will have on the landscape.

Climate change is something that is still widely debated in the news. Students that study Geography will undoubtedly need to think about the changing patterns of global weather and the effect this has on the landscape. What kind of patterns will we see emerge in the future? What consequences will an iceberg of this size breaking off have on the sea levels – and how much damage could this have? Furthermore, students should start to think about ways to reverse the damage that has been caused to the environment and what potential calamitous disasters could happen in the future.

Students that study Politics should look into the place of climate change in contemporary political debate. Why has it become such a divisive issue and how do politicians use these issues to manipulate voters and gain votes from groups they wouldn’t do traditionally. Many keen advocates of parties like the Green Party are frustrated by the lack of representation that environmental issues get in elections- why is this? Will human beings inability to think in anything but self-gain and short term be their ultimate downfall?

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