Map Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

Completing your My Cambridge Application Guide

If you’ve applied for Cambridge University as one of your UCAS university choices, then you’re going to need to submit an application to My Cambridge, an online portal run by the university itself. My Cambridge is completely separate from the UCAS form and is a unique element of the Cambridge application process designed to help the university gather information that isn’t included on the UCAS forms, such as the topics you’ve studied in your A-level courses.


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When do I have to submit the My Cambridge application?

Once you’ve submitted your UCAS application (by the 15th of October to meet the Oxbridge deadline) you will receive an email with details of the My Cambridge application; how to create your account, how to login, etc. You will then have until the deadline of the 22nd of October 2022 to complete the My Cambridge application and submit it. Only after submitting the application will you be considered by the university for interview and receive notice of your invitation.

What information does the My Cambridge application ask for?

The My Cambridge application will ask for various kinds of information pertaining to yourself and your application to the university. This information includes:

  • Your UCAS personal ID
  • The temporary My Cambridge Application password we send you by email
  • A passport-style digital photograph of yourself
  • Details of the units you have taken/are taking, including UMS results achieved so far if you have taken/are taking modular AS/A Levels
  • Details of the band scores you have achieved, if you have taken Scottish Highers/Advanced Highers
  • A copy of your High School Transcript, where required. For guidance as to whether or not you are required to submit a High School Transcript, please go to:
  • A copy of your University Transcript (if applicable). Further information can be found at applying/transcripts
  • Fee payment (where applicable)

Do I have to write another personal statement?

In short, no you will not have to write an additional personal statement for your My Cambridge application. However, there is a section of the application form which allows you to write an optional additional personal statement, in which you may wish to include any information specific to Cambridge university. Remember that Cambridge have already seen your UCAS personal statement, so it’s best to only include things here that build on or are separate to what you’ve already mentioned. Cambridge are particularly interested in hearing what about the specific course you’re applying for attracted you to the university, and why it may stand out from other similar courses. The university also stress that not including an additional personal statement will in no way disadvantage your application, so only write a statement if you’ve got relevant things to say, not just for the sake of it!

Is there anything else on the form I should be aware of?

Most other questions included on the My Cambridge application are relatively straightforward, and won’t require too much work to answer. One important part of the application that is worth thinking a little harder about, however is the Extenuating Circumstances Form. As part of the My Cambridge application you can indicate whether you intend to use an ECF as part of your application (if you have not done so yet and would like to, then get in touch with the college you applied to or the university admissions office, for open applications, for more details). This form allows students to highlight disruption or disadvantage encountered during their education, such as health issues or disabilities. Again, filling in one of these forms and drawing attention to a long-term health issue is by no means a disadvantage, and the university recommends highlighting such issues as soon as possible so that any reasonable adjustments that are needed can be put in place.

Where can I get more information on the My Cambridge application?

Cambridge publish a guide to their My Cambridge application every year or so (since it often changes format slightly), and this year’s guide can be found in a PDF format on the University website. This guide is extremely helpful and runs you through every single section/question on the application so that you can prepare your answers in advance.

Good luck with your application!

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Oxbridge Applications, 58 Buckingham Gate, London, SW1E 6AJ

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